why is everyone so obsessed with haplogroups
that shit is meaningless
why is everyone so obsessed with haplogroups
that shit is meaningless
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>that shit is meaningless
t. mutt
Autist desire to categorize
Rightist desire to pseudoscience, especially in relation to evolutionary biology
Anyone who says race is not real is an amerimutt. Everyone there is a different shade of shit.
What really grinds my gears is
>They are X or Y haplogroup of the Y chromosome.
>Therefore they looked like this.
Do they even understand how genetics works?
everyone's a different shade in this shithole and they are all racist as fuk
>every other group of animal can be categorized
>humans cannot
The absolute state of meatbags
how are pseuds gonna pretend to argue as intellectuals?
>Rightist desire to pseudoscience
How's those 20 trillion genders coming along?
>it's hard and I dun get it that makes it meaningless
when was the last time you saw someone trying to autistically categorize every bottlenose dolphin into groups that are usually disregarded anyways when finding a mate and actually socializing based on whether they share a common ancestor from the same species from thousands of years ago
There is literally an entire career field just for that.
When's the last time dolphins had a population of 8 billion with hundreds of thousands of years of historical movement and mixing informing their current social structure you daft cunt
its the only thing that they can cling too. they may have failed in life and have no friends or money, but at least they are """""white"""""
>it's hard
Person from country P looks at a haploshit map and sees his country is mostly haplogroup A. He then proceeds to declare all other haplogroups subhuman. Where is the hard part?
>go directly from talking about haplogroups to "dude fuck white people lmao"
This is something that applies to every human on the planet, not just white people. I know that may be a hard thing for you to wrap your small fragile mind around.
Why does cataloging human biodiversity have to imply superiority or inferiority? Why does your mind go there? Projecting much?
oh because your modern eugenics pseudo-data isn't being used by morons on Veeky Forums to determine superiority at all!
Veeky Forums is running a eugenics project?
What the fuck are you talking about? Show me.
ignorant AND racist! A1 combo there, champ!
Are we even speaking the same language?
Am I being trolled?
language has zero correlation with genetics you hook-nosed cuck
Why is that relevant? Nobody cares what channers think.
You sound somewhat hysterical. Maybe take 5 and chill rather than lash out at users?
I think you broke your brain dude.
Get off Veeky Forums for awhile. Unplug your modem. Get outside.
It’s useful for population genetics, but on an individual level it’s about as useful as astrology.
That's true of a lot of things. When dealing with large groups individual representation goes out the window.
Only pseudo-intellectual channers are interested in Haplogroups.
Just ignore them, like I do. This website is full of retards and it hurts my brain. Please don't let them do the same to you.
I'm sorry that reality hurts your feelings.
Don't besmirch Demotion Ranch with your morally righteous bullshitery ranting though. He's too good for that.
I like to bait people.
I copied the pole pastas, turk pastas, BLACK pastas, inca pastas, socalledjewish, muslim anime, germanic R1a and R1b haplogroup pastas, and some stuff about dravinians and indoeuropean autism with a photo of some indian guy.
Got an IQ of 139.
I don't see the problem though. I go back from studying intensively and jogging, and I let my pastas do the thing. Just enjoy seeing people enrage, search information for hours just to get BTFO by the already settled data contradicting them.
I alwayd giggle like a kid "hihihi" when someone dares to reply me.
You should let people do whatever they want here, this place is made for trolls basically.
Then why come here?
the same reason we all do
he likes to be angry
It's among the most reliable way to biologically quantify ethnic heritages between people.
But don't think that because your DNA registers a certain haplogroup, you're necessary part- or whatever (that shit's hard to do with the homo genus). It only means your biological makeup is consistent with similar groups who also register under it.
I need some help, I'm an Assyrian and want to find out just how mixed we are, or just how different we are from the ancient Assyrians. I don't know shit about haplogroups, but I found this. Also what's with the R1 haplogroup? Did we mix with Galatian Celts when they migrated to Anatolia? I don't get it. No, I'm not brown if that helps.
They’re often linked to physical differences like phenotypes, but it’s more scientificaly relevent. Like when hutus murdered tutsis because they have different noses. The guys talking about haplogroups aren’t necessarily racist, nor are the racists always informed enough to talk about haplogroups.
The Midwest was a mistake.
>im assyrian
proove it faggot also which one of the assyrians?
>No, I'm not brown if that helps
Is that the latest "tradcon" Youtube-channel?
Haplogroups are for mutts, though.
>hurr durr based r1b MAGAniggers from lake chad are whiter than native europeans LMAO
It's only meaningless if you're mad about not belonging to the European ones
Because you're in Veeky Forums. But honestly most people who obsessed with haplogroups and muh Race are gender-fluid whi*eloid supremacists, who happen to be a big part of this cancerous Mongolian imageboard.
>intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor
And Iowa is one of the smarter white states. Imagine how bad Alabama is.
It's like half white but the whites there are just as bad as the nogs.
It's perfect to know to which race you belong.
Yes it does
I2 = Basque
R1(a/b) = Indo-European
E1b1b = Afroasiatic
C = Turko-Mongol
N = Finno-Ugric
Most Basques are R1b, virtually identical to Spaniards despite speaking a caveman meme language.
Basque is an Iberian language, thus an I2 language. As for Basques, they are Celtic rapebabies.
if majority of speakers have nothing to do with the original speakers genetically then it's pretty idiotic to associate languages with haploshit.
On one hand, it's useful to trace the genetic lineage of humanity. We can track the differences between us really easily and trace environmental effects and evolution of humans over time. I mean it's like real time watching paint dry but its still pretty
On the other hand, it's used to justify some basement neckbeards lack of personal achievement because "I have X halogroup which means I'm white."
>it's pretty idiotic to associate languages with haploshit.
Languages are above all man-made means of communication, haplogroups are useful to find their inventors.
It does have use in tracing lineages and descent of humanity.
It's only stupid when idiots justify other groups as being x/y just because "muh haploshit" when groupings of peoples have always been based on factors beyond race, such as religion, family, political allegiance, civic groups, dynastic loyalties, etc.
Lurk /pol/ and see for yourself
Ah the ole /pol/ is one person meme
When people post haplogroup maps with pie charts, I don't understand how I'm supposed to get any substance from that.
The old racial classifications and maps tell me more than these pie charts.
Broad generalizations are sometimes necessary to describe large trends, kind of like with ethnic groups. I've been on /pol/ for almost a decade, you aren't fooling me with your dodging btw
Old writers and historians often lie about different nations and cultures, they were propaganda during those ages.
But, genes dont lie.
I agree.
> I've been on /pol/ for almost a decade
Get out you fucking vermin. Pic related.
Looks like you fell for the there's only two people posting in this thread meme.
So does everyone hate themselves on Veeky Forums?
No. I love being me.
It's pretty fun baiting all of you low iq retards, who have to spend years just to gather some useful information.
Let it be skull anatomy, skin color, limb-body proportion, averages, social class, money, nationality, surname, ancestry, current accumulated knowledge,... no matter what you have, I refute any kind of argument thanks to my 147 verbal IQ and no-one has managed to refute my planned and invulnerable arguments.
God, why isn't this board filled with high IQ people like me?
Yes user and I've been posting on Veeky Forums since 1987.
/pol/ has been around for less than 7 years just so you know you LARPing newfag.
For modern people it is largely meaningless, it's not meaningless if you want to study the past.
No it isn't, it's one chromosome out of 46 you spastic, you could be l1 and browner than a paper bag.
You stupid niggers you have no idea what the context of this is. It's literally some special needs club for the "mentally challenged" at the University of Iowa. Lurk more next time.
>a literal retard can get admitted to an American university
To the University of Iowa? Sure, it's not exactly the standard for American education. We have so many universities that we really get the whole spectrum. Best in the world are here and so are the worst.
Useful to track back migrations.
Useful to see how the population changed.
Pointless crap that will always show that present population is "close" (but never the same) to their ancient forefathers, even if is of a different racial type.
See a difference?
Yes it is
If you are E and you go back far enough you will find that your ancestors were Black.
>says the hive mind screeching out in defense
It's definitely autistic. Even in Europe people are pretty mixed among their ethnicities. Where do you draw the line?
Why are there so many people on Veeky Forums that completely talk out of their ass?
Stick to topics you actually have knowledge about so you don't make yourself look stupid.
Define the white race.
White race = All dem guilty motherfuckas that need to pay repatriations
That study is comparing neanderthal cromagnoid similarities and modern-human cromagnoid similarities. It's irrelevant to the post you are replying to.
no it's not meaningless, you're just a brainlet so you can't grasp their significance
lol this
some sub-clades of Y-DNA are highly predictive, what are you on about?
I know there's some R1b variant that only 10-15% of men in central Scotland carry, for example. You can basically predict phenotype from something that specific, even taking outliers into account.
They are groups that mutated off and modern Europeans, Slavs, and North Asians are comprised of whatever that was.
fully progressive, depigmented, and lactase persistent Europid caucasoids
That's true in a broad sense. Actually cromagnoids were a branch of early modern humans, their ancestors mutated and gave place to the modern humans. So indoeuropeans and neolithic farmers shared the same ancestor basically as cromagnoids. They were "your ancestors" because they mixed with neolithic farmers and later indoeuropeans.
>ageans Druid ageans
Except we decided to categorise the 10 sub species of giraffe into 8 species based on mitochondrial DNA rather than fertility of offspring
No kangz
What autistic memery is this map? Explain OP