When did you realize it's worth buying fake clothes, shoes, etc?

When did you realize it's worth buying fake clothes, shoes, etc?

DAILY REMINDER that 99% of society in North America will 1) Never suspect you're wearing fake shit and 2) Never even be able to tell the difference.

Pic related, tell the difference. Protip: No one will ever look at your watch that closely IRL nor inspect it side by side to a real one.

Reminder that you could buy 5 fake watches for a small fraction of the cost of a real watch.

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I support this 5000000000000000%

Not falling for authentic jew NEVER ever again.

Also, I would (unironically) kill (slaughter, to be more precise) snobs who shame people who buy fake. Muh hypebeasts, one day I'll kill all of you hehe - yes I will.

I wear a fake gold watch and I've never gave a fuck. I don't have any male friends to make me feel like shit about it and 9.99/10 females on that i come across wouldnt even know if it's real or fake.

How about you buy a Seiko, Citizen, Orient, Tissot or any other low price high quality watch brand retard. Enjoy your shitty quartz mineral glass piece of shit watch.

is the right one fake?

>I wear a fake gold watch
>I don't have any male friends

Probably because they all think that you are a faggot.

Because normies don't give a fuck about that.

They see a fake Rolex that looks good on the outside and they get excited. No one gives a shit about your autistic Japanese weaboo Seiko 5 or your Orient Weeb watch.

>wearing watches
enjoy your radiation



He's right, unless you got the time to scrounge for high quality passable fakes, and at least fake the lifestyle, then you're better off with authentic affordable brands. And if you absolutely must, then buy fakes only in networking situations with VIP's. Reevaluate your life if you're flexing for normies desu.

Where's the best place to get fake shit?

Both are okay. Who doesn't like to flex for normies sometimes?

What did he mean by this?

How about a fake lambo sir? Its like a original one sir?

I wear fake Yeezys. Bought a pair of fake Turtledoves for 70 bucks. Authentic pair costs well over 2000 dollars. Went on the internet to find the differences, they look identical to the real thing

Yea. Keep denying your homosexuality and suppressing your urge for sucking cock. You will eventually become just another typical /pol/ poster.

Faggot. Fake CAR is one thing, fake fucking vanity fashion accessory is another thing.

You fucking idiot. If some gook makes a nigger shoe in a factory and they sell it for $400 under brand name, and I can get that same shit, FROM THAT SAME GOOK, from a russian site that sells authentic reps, for $100

LMFAO for faggots going for MUH AUTHENTIC hahahahahahahahahahah



haha, yes. just like the real thing

Create a membership at repgeek

Lol @ fake two-tone rolex. The nicest watches you can buy aren't for pleasing the eye of the middle class.. or really any naked eye. Take a microscope to the movement of a Philippe Dufour or Romain Gauthier watch and you will see why they take C.diff-infected projectile shits on what people like you think is a luxury watch.

I thought the whole point of faking expensive shit was to sell it as if it were authentic.

So for instance:

>Real Rolex - $7,500
>Fake Rolex - $500
>Normal watch - $50

So why not just buy normal shit?

What is that exactly? Thanks for the info

top kek

I have to agree. The ONLY reason to buy an expensive watch is to impress normies in the first place so I see no reason to not take the shortcut and just fool them.

This is fair, but it assumes you're wearing stuff mostly just to impress others with the logo. If that's true, great, buy fake stuff. Realize you'll basically be screaming prole to anyone with actual class. I see these "cool mang" slick Rick guys who will have a Rolex and fancy shades and sneakers and shit and work at the fucking verizon store. Whether or not your shit is real or fake you're still trash.

Yeah you could buy 5 fake rolexes for less than a rolex. Or you could just buy a real Timex for $30 that'll keep better time than either the real or the fake rolex.

The best luxury stuff is really truly luxurious. It's not some stupid polo with a fucking gigantic pony slapped on that would literally be the same as any other polo without it. It's going to be an ultra-high quality cashmere sweater that's incredible soft to the touch, no visible logo. Or a pair of rabbit-fur lined gloves. Or a camel hair coat. Yes, you could get a no-name version of those, but you can't really be sure of the quality and whether it will hold up.

And, ultimately, if the no-name is actually built to the standards and with the materials of the original, you might save something but it's not going to be something ridiculously cheap without cutting corners. So you're not going to find an actual camel hair coat for $50. You'll have the $1700 Brook's Brothers and maybe you can get a no-name for $800 or $900. But whether it has the actual same feel and fit and everything is still going to be questionable.

Nah that's Jewish and illegal. Fake rolex isn't $500 btw.

Really though Rolexes appearance is easy to counterfeit, you're paying for the inside than the look of it.

china quality is shit tho
even their fucking glass

wtb fake lambo

My phone keeps better time than any watch lmao.

Impressing normies is the name of the game here


until someone just asks you if it's a real or fake rolex and you're forced to either lie or admit you're a fucking loser.

just wear a quality item tjhat you can actually afford rather than a fake
>being such a faggot that you want a shitty item with a brand name on it
if you truly don't give a shit then stop pretending fags

Nah bro, hide your power levels. Normies are awful. I don't want to deal with normies, I pay people to deal with normies for me.

I hate to sound like a cynical fuck, but you're right, sadly in this world all that matters is maintenance of the illusion.

If you're vane enough to be on Instagram though, exercise caution - so many rappers have been outted for their fake baller shit. There are Instagram feeds dedicated to spotting out the fakes.

B/C "Fake it till you make it" is legit advice if you're a social chameleon.

That's not why you buy fake shit though, you buy fake shit to look the part.
Not because of the tactile feel of high fashion, the fabric on your skin, the quality of the stitching, the aesthetics of it.

it's actually not even narcissistic, it's Machiavellian... I don't know if that makes it worse.

Real or fake?

What kind of faggot actually cares how "soft" your clothes are. Your brain filters out stimuli until something changes. You don't even notice your clothes for 99.999% of the day because your brain adapts to the sensations whether it's a 1 dollar shirt or 500 and starts scanning for other things in the environment. And spending that much more for durability is bullshit too because they're not going to last you as long as buying multiple ones of the cheaper alternative. It's all about impressing normies. That's the only excuse to buy luxary anything, so you might as well buy the fake one.

Real or fake?

Real or fake?

>Implying there's some sort of drawback to lying.

I'd agree with this for a lot of things but there are some exceptions.

I have to wear a suit everyday and although you can get some great looking and durable suits for less than the designer brands, this is not true for shoes. I have 5 pair of dress shoes and they're all 300-500 pairs because they will last 10+ years. I bought some cheapo hundred dollar pairs a few times and they always wear out within 1-2 years max.

tldr: if you must wear dress shoes daily, buy good ones

Left is obviously fake, if you're this obsessed with status when you can't afford it you might as well just lease a bmw and kill yourself shortly after.

i would feel the same about cars.

you never take it up to 100mph witnout police pulling you over and gawking.

just buy a knockoff lambo.

spend everything else on knock off coke and hookers. communism is better.

for real though id buy those specialty items that takes a craftsman to make. like those 300k watches that have like little birds in them amd shits all mechanical.

Who cares. Try faking a mokume gane engraved Kees Engelbarts

Are you joking?

Do you HONESTLY believe that any fucking normie would ever suspect a fake Rolex? Look at op pic you fag.

What the fuck are they going to do? Take out a microscope and start checking my watch?

>Not because of the tactile feel of high fashion, the fabric on your skin, the quality of the stitching, the aesthetics of it.

Exactly. Jerking off will give you 1000x the pleasure and tactile sensation of "ulta-high quality cashmere". It's a bad ROI.

real or fake?

>> reddit.com/r/reptime
>> reddit,com/r/fashionreps

There you go anons, $500 rolexes that are 1:1

I'm...not sure. Damn. Was gonna go out on a limb and say real but something just doesn't look right. Fake.

Get out of the garage you fuckin nutbag, there are cameras everywhere you'll get in trouble if someone sees you acting suspicious around that car you dolt

This works even better if you have a lot of money.

People will know you have a lot of money and thus always presume everything you own is legit.

I wear this giant fake gold ring I got from my grandmother years ago and people still complement me on that cheap piece of shit and think it's real because I drive a nice car and have a good job.

I sometimes feel bad for poor people. It's fucking expensive to be poor.

>Jerking off will give you 1000x the pleasure and tactile sensation of "ulta-high quality cashmere"
What kind of turbo orgasms are you having?

You misunderstood me, I said that buying FAKE stuff is to manipulate others.
Buying REAL luxury is for yourself.

Check this clock out.. mechanical mastery and beauty that required an insane amount of work


Idk what the FUCKING nancyboys ITT are saying about people finding out you wear fake shit.

left is fake, second and minute hands are slightly off the marker, real Rolex puts a lot of effort into making that perfect. Other thing is that the gold looks fake on the left. Further, the 6, showing the date, is off center.

Most people wouldn't notice that, though. I like to collect watches so I know how to spot a fake.

Fun fact, the submariner is the most commonly faked Rolex. The blue color, specifically, attracts people who want a flashy watch, which is mostly out of character with "old money". It is a nice, watch, though. IMO, the size of the watch face is perfect. I hate GIANT watches.

The people who would suspect/know it's fake are the people you should be trying most to impress

Who gives a shit about impressing your equally retarded friends by flashing a fake luxury watch? People who wear fake shit are literally plebian-tier human garbage.

>No one gives a shit about your autistic Japanese weaboo Seiko 5 or your Orient Weeb watch.




Lol reminds me how easy it is to fool normies.



Pls r8

Literally only able to tell because you have an interest in watches, are looking at a picture up close, know one is fake and see it side by side to a real.

IRL no normie would ever dare imply it's fake or be able to point it out.

this looks like a $5 watch from aliexpress

Kinda funny you say this.

Whenever I'm on holiday in China/Turkey I'll always see stalls with rows and rows filled with fake submariner Rolex's. Always wondered why those specifically are so popular.

The panerai is just ugly as shit to begin with so I wouldn't know where to start. The Rolex obviously has an anodized gold coating. The numbers on the watch face look like garbage. They should be individually fixed to the watch face, that looks like the numbers were pressed into the watchface. On top of that, it looks like the anodizing around the numbers is slightly off.

Honestly, people probably wouldn't notice that the Rolex is fake unless they were really looking at it.

Don't EVER wear that panerai, though. WTF were you thinking?

Kek. Its real friendo. Wanna see the papers

Fake yeezys left and right, repfam

The one on the left also has absolutely horseshit machining on the edge around the face

Because you're probably not white

Honor and your word are important things

The one the right is real

If you can't afford a Rolex and you're buying a fake you're lying to yourself be everyone to be something you're not

I have a gold Rolex that I love because I earned it

good fakes arent bad.


How old is it? I also don't have a lot of hands on experience with that model of yacht-master and most of what I see could be due to age. I did notice that the hands were spot on, but there was other stuff about it that just made me feel like it wasn't quite Rolex quality. And don't show your papers online, people like to copy the info from the papers and make counterfit paperwork with their copywatches.

Yacht-masters are little too flashy for my taste. Other thing is that counterfit watches are so common that if I get the slightest inclination of a fake I don't touch it. If someone tried to sell me your yacht-master I wouldn't buy it.

How to look better than 99.9% Veeky Forumsnessmen for Decent Fake Rolex: $200
>Brooks Brothers lookalike suit & tailoring: $300
>Fake Prada Dress Shoes: $200
>$300 to spend on decent Eyeglasses, tie, belt, accessories

People think all fakes are bad because only the bad ones are spotted.

OP can't afford a Rolex. Thanks for letting is know poorfag.

>tfw wearing a plat yachtmaster

Its a new yacht-master. Got it 2nd hand from one of the best jewelers in Orange county. The gold is a bit tacky but I got it for my anniversary.

Good post

I real brooks brothers suit is WELL worth the money. You can get a good looking suit at any price, what you're buying with brooks brothers is the comfort of the materials. They use fabrics far superior to that of other clothes and you FEEL that when you wear it.

If you ever get the chance, treat yourself to a real brooks brothers suit. You will instantly feel the difference.


Really good guys. Alot of the rich folks in OC sell their 2nd hand barely used watches to these guys.

Managed to cop the Panerai from them for 6k box+ papers

Are the numbers part of the watch face or are attached to it? IIRC, the yacht-master is suppose to have seperate numbers on the watch face. Also, don't wear it so much, that watch looks like it could be 10 years old.

I will have to check them out next time I'm in LA, I'm on the east coast. And you paid 6K for that Panerai? I wouldn't buy that even if it could suck my dick. But, hey, if you like it and can pull it off more power to you.

>any suit for

When I was first starting out ~15 years ago I use to buy nice second hand suits for ~$100 and take them to a good tailor. Tailoring would cost as much as the suit sometimes, lol. There really is something to be said for having a nice suit, though. You're better off getting a used, brand name suit than a fake. I tried the fake suits, the fabrics they use just aren't comfortable. You can do this pretty easily on craigslist now, but back when I did it I had to use ebay and the pennysaver

Dial is mother of pearl so might explain if looking tacky.

Numbers are on the outer bezel.

I like the panerai more for everday use at the hospital.

The store is great. Owned by twins, but their watches are top notch and they can work with you on payments if you would like. Really good people

>no normie will know I'm wearing a fake piece of shit.

But you will know user, you will know you are wearing a fake piece of shit.

Just like suggested, if you can't afford the real thing, buy a quality cheaper watch.

When I realised everything is priced in



Fake clothes, shoes, watches, etc do not impress anyone. Even though normal people may not be able to tell the difference between the two watches themselves, they can definitely tell the difference between the two people who would be wearing fake or real watches.

Anyone who wears fake shit is inherently trying to put up a facade. It's not just the flashy Rolex, it doesn't stop there. It's the obviously expensive shoes, the ridiculous coat, the large brand names everywhere. The fact is, no one really cares or wonders "Hmm, are those real Yeezys?". They just conclude "Ugh, cool Yeezys. What a clown." You're either one of two things, and both fucking suck horse dick:
A. Everything is real and you're an ostentatious douchebag with poor money skills (cause unless I see you get out of a Bentley I'm not just going to assume you're actually very wealthy)
B. It's all fake, and you're a poser. A fraud.

News flash, loser, both fucking suck.

What are the best places to buy fake Rolexs?

Philippines black market. Greenhills

My dad owns that exact Rolex, gonna go tell him he's a faggot.

Left, look at the dial symbols. I could not stand looking at it every day.

I'm currently in China because I was bored in Scandinavia so wanted to study over here for the lulz.
I can get some good fake Rolex for $30

Wow! I just bought 1.2k dollar shoes for a 10th of the price! Who knew that shoes didn't actually cost over a grand to make!?

I've seen fake Rolex comparisons on YouTube

It's honestly easy as fuck to tell unless you get a super basic watch

Casio F-91W.

All the ladies want me and the fellas want to be me.

god damn the only person in here with some fucking sense. i don't claim to be wealthy by any means. but whether it's the interior of a brand new s-class, a quality camel 3/4 jacket, or a 150ft 2017 yacht (things i don't own, just have come into contact with) there is certainly a level of material quality, fit and finish that makes your knock off yeezys, and 2013 toyota camery on rims stand out for what they are - total dogshit.

something I really love about those is that they don't try to be anything they're not. It's a cheap, durable watch that tells time.

Too many people forget to 'dress down'

You can dress down without looking like shit. There are plenty of cheap watches that look decent or even nice. That watch doesn't belong on anyone's wrist.

Who the hell are you trying to impress? Some golddigger whore?


wearing fake shit makes you more of a pathetic poser than the 'legit' hypebeasts and assorted retards

When I go hiking, camping or backpacking, I don't wear a $5k watch. You can get those for $20 at a gas station. Those casio's are actually really great for backpacking because of the alarm clock.