How do I get rid of love handles?

How do I get rid of love handles?

spot reduction via russian twists

Lower body fat %

Keep losing fat. No such thing as spot fat removal. Try fasting, Cutting Calories, Low Carb, More Cardio ---- Pick any these will all work

spot reduction doesn't exist

I dont want to lose weight. Im trying to bulk but also look lean.

You won't get rid of your love handles by bulking. You need to cut

Spot reduction doesn't exist. You have to lose fat. There is no other solution that doesn't involve surgery.

lose the fat first then bulk. Other than that I don't know what else would work

Im only 140lbs at 5'9 but for some reason I have love handles and dont want to cut back to being a fucking skelly

lipo. 3-5k. that's like 1 paycheck you plebes.

Try HIIT cardio

You are skinny fat. Assuming you are a novice lifter or below, you can lose fat while gaining muscle. Eat at maintenance, lift, do cardio.

Report back in 6 months.

this desu. It is a common meme that you have to either be bulking or cutting completely. You can eat at a slight calorie deficit and still make respectable gains as long as you have dedication...

tldr; lean gains are possible as long as you are a novice and you dont have a lot of muscle definition already

READ THE FUCKING STICKY. I used to think these threads were trolls, but it's every fucking day with you newfags.

you are skinny fat. most important thing is that you lift. assuming you're a beginner you can get away with eating at maintenance for a while or even a slight deficit

>started lifting 2 years ago together with a friend
>I'm 6'1 he is 5'11
>tfw my beginner gains are over after only 4 month while he got more swole everyday for another 3 or 4 month
>other friends even accused him of taking roids while complimenting me on "being clean"

And this was the day where I learned that genetics is the biggest cunt in the world.
He literally completely stopped lifting half a year ago, and I just start to come close to him again...


You're a fucking skeleton. Im 5'9" 165 pounds and Im starting to look pretty fucking lean.

>do cardio
>get BF to proper levels
>do clean bulk while monitoring calories


stop loving

>tfw dyel
>tfw can't tell if gomad is a meme or not
thats a lot of fucking milk

I have love handles at 5'10 200lbs (no big pot belly btw faggots). You must have literally no muscle.

Are these love handles or fat? Can I lift at maintenance and be fine?

how much weight have you lost OP? it looks like you got some esstra skin


It's pretty gross, but it really doesn't feel like lifting's gonna flatten it out any.

What was your weight and what is it now? Did you just Auschwitz yourself without lifting? Were you going very fast too?
Good progress as far as fat loss, now start lifting


You probably sit too much.

140 now, was 280. Took about 7 years, 90% done without lifting, yes. I've been lifting, my arms are starting to look less bony, my chest more solid, but my stomach remains saggy.

good job user. now you need to clean bulk and gain some muscle to fill yourself in.

That's awesome. Loose skin aside, you will only reap the benefits of not being a fatass.

Average pace of a pound a month is very good, but I have a feeling you kind of spiked towards the end there and the skin is still adjusting or no?

hopefully that will be me. Currently 300 but I'm hoping to lose about 80lbs by 2019. You should be proud

>but I have a feeling you kind of spiked towards the end there
How could you tell? I went on a 1000 calorie or less diet near the end. Starting building up to maintenence after New Years. Do you think that's what screwed my stomach up?
Clean bulk meaning not very much over maintenance, right? I'm still kind of scared to eat even near maintenence some days.

Thats honestly really impressive. Good job, user.

Can confirm. Ever since I stopped loving things I haven't even had the energy to make myself breakfast each morning.
The fat has literally started melting away. Dropped from 165 to 158 and still going

u need to get fat reduction surgery or some shit idk ur all kinds of fucked up, with that head id probs just result to the shotty

Thank you very much.
You'll make it, I'm sure of it.
I do have a pretty big head, so it'd be hard to miss, at least.

Think I'll be fine if I just bulk and then cut the lovehandles in six to eight months?

Fuck user i have the same stomach but i kinda have some muscles filling the upper body, currently cutting hoping to fix it without surgery

Disgusting skinnyfat

praying it away

did you used to be super fat? That's loose skin, nigger.

Surgery that shit.


u look like a grandma, pretty hot desu

you have to lower your bodyfat %, that doesn't necessarily mean lose weight

Eat clen
Tren hard

195 to 165 (5'9") [two seperate measurements btw] here by eating clean, counting cals and cardio (spotty on that tho)

should i keep full cutting (~1500 cals) and doing cardio or eat at maintenance (or a little below?) while lifting? I started SS a little while back but I was eating at a heavy deficit and just felt like it wasnt working at all (probably cause of the deficit)

I've read the sticky and am still confused about this

Too fuckin bad then cupcake, enjoy having that unsightly back fat protrude all the way out whenever you wear nice fitting clothes.

Pun intended.

Love handles ARE fat you homo fuck. What did you think they are? Muscle?

ya :(

alright youtube

that's about all, peace out

you will make it friend, we all will

dude you should not be afraid of eating above maintenance as long as its healthy foods

hack them off with a knife then

no one likes you man

are you a Retard or Kind of??

You want to lose, those love handles, you must lose FAT!
You want to lose fat, you must CUT!
You Dont want to lose muskle by cutting, pretty easy, just exersice enough, eat clean, but always montain a calo deficit!

It going to last Long, but you can make it fag with no love handles.

This. Fat burns fairly evenly around the body. Just cut your bf to 10-12% and ta-da no more love handles.

Cut It Off.

295 1RM barbell bench
315 1RM barbell squat
400 1RM barbell deadlift

I have love handles, and a pretty high bf. Can I get down to ~200lbs and or 10-12% body fat while maintaining my strength numbers and muscle size? I want to stay natty.