>reading about my surname
>lots of engineers, scientists, politicians, professional athletes, artists
>meanwhile I'm a fucking blue collar pleb
What about you, are you a disgrace to your family name?
>reading about my surname
>lots of engineers, scientists, politicians, professional athletes, artists
>meanwhile I'm a fucking blue collar pleb
What about you, are you a disgrace to your family name?
What, did you just look up your last name on Wikipidia?
Just because you have the same surname doesn't necessarily mean you are related to them.
I decided to major in chemical engiineering, so i’ll probably be the first person in my father’s line to earn less than his father (construction worker from the Ukraine > middle manager for a lingerie company > high level electrical engineer at intel> probably having to flip burgers for a living for the rest of my life
No I looked at the history of it going back to the middle ages, and read this book that hypothesizes your surname can predicts success similar to say IQ
All my ancestors were farmers and craftsmen.
My last name is Anglo-Norman so how successful will I be?
My surname is Anglo-Saxon so fuck you
How does it feel to be poorer than me?
>unique family name that dates back to the original colonization of Maryland
>fought in the revolutionary War, civil war, WWI, and WWII
>ancestors crossed the Wilderness trail with Daniel Boone
>two towns were founded and named after our pioneering ancestors
>almost entire family is blue collar entrepreneurs, outdoorsmen, and eagle scouts
>grandpa was essentially the reincarnation of Daniel Boone himself
Meanwhile I'm living in Asia pursuing a career in academia who's too scared to go into the mountains because of the giant hornets and aggressive centipedes
My family name actually has a crest. It's a naked guy on a tiger. Italians were weird.
I'm Canadian, fathers surname is english-irish-scottish-scandinavian-german in origin, and my mom is some weird irish-french-breton shit
Does this mean I'm master race or just a celtic retard?
>read your surname
>lots of famous people
>meanwhile realize these famous people make up only a 1% of the total people with same surname
>ancestor on one side was a general, but one that modern historians dislike for being a gloryhog and responsible for Benedict Arnold going turncoat
>on the other side, great-great-grandfather was most likely a murderer
Nah I'm good with being a neet by comparison
i did a little ancestry digging a while back.
my mother's line emerges from the mists of history and washes up on american shores like driftwood but the old aunts were always crowing about some countess in the family. that side of the family produces pretty girls but they have no manners.
i had to do the right thing and shut that shit down.
there's no countess, you're another boatload of garbage dumped in new orleans like everyone else.
needless to say i don't get christmas cards. or invited to weddings. so yeah.
>when keepin it real goes wrong
>tfw your surname is pretty much exclusively down to your immediate family tree, despite going back two centuries
I suppose my ancestors didn't fuck much either.
There are 100 million Liu's, and they cover just about every profession.
my moms name is regular Irish (she has red hair) and my last name is really pagan, has something to do with Thor
>not actually knowing who your ancestors were so you have to resort to LARPing as your surname
USA tier
>be me, bearing English surname
>hear a long time ago that its ending "-ton" has Norman origins
>larp as viking, boast to everyone how vikings were my ancestors
>I check my specific surname origins, after this thread comes up
>Mfw whole life living a lie
my family name ain't shit.
It's been around since the mayflower but our particular branch of the lineage tree's biggest contributions have been Preachers, Detroit city planners, and Mill workers.
When I get published it'll probably be one of the more important contributions to the lineage, even though my writing is shit
One of the Popes had my surname.
It's rare surname too. My family is from the same region of Italy. Pretty sure I must be related to him.
Mine is just a small village in lowland Scotland, my ancestors were probably Scottish farmers who came over here well-before the War of Independence, so at least I'm a true Yankee. On my mother's side, even, I go straight back to the Mayflower! I have a few guys who were here before the Mayflower, too.
That stem degree will get you past HR filters for a lot of jobs. Develop useful skills in your down time and you'd have a fighting chance.
What skills are considered "useful" that I could learn in my downtime and I don't need a degree to show that i've learned them?
>Researching about my surname
>only around 300 people in my country have it
Not sure what to think really
>Pretty sure I must be related to him.
Or you must be related to farmers tilling that family's land.
This is the saddest Pepe-Wojak picture I've ever seen.
>grandpa was the president of the United States
>tfw great-grandfather worked under a famous jeweller
>tfw Grandpa was a professor of Chemistry in the University of Helsinki
>tfw Father is a high-ranking officer
>tfw I'm doing a fucking history degree in a very low-ranking university even though I don't even know if I want to do it as a job
That would still be pretty cool.
Itt: americans descendants of farmers and servs wewuz as the owners of their actual ancestors
Nah, my ancestors are alcoholic deadbeats, factory workers, farmers, soldiers. A ton of them died directly or indirectly from alcohol.
I am not necessarily a success, but atleast I managed to beat my way through half of my medical engineering degree so far and am not yet addicted to something, in huge debt or with a criminal record. Just depressed and lonely as fuck.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with being a blue collar worker. Be proud of what you do, and do it well.
That picture is so sad. Has individualism got too far, or is 'individualism' that we know it today are not about individuals but more like groupthink, peer-pressurer and ideology.
I don't think that happened in Italy though
>studied at an elite top-3 world university
>parents took out a loan for thousands of pounds for me to study
>still an unemployed fuckup 2 years after graduation
How did you guys find shit related to your surnames?
I have some semi-obscure Spanish ones and I'd like to learn about them.
>as far as I've been told my lineage consists of soldiers, workers and farmers
>by finishing a university course I'm already one of the three most educated people among my close relatives
My Name originates from Merchants/Farmers.
I'm an Electrical Engineer
>loan for thousands of pounds for education
>live in bongland
Get off your ass and apply to everything tangentially related to the degree. If you have a bachelors you can weasel your way into a job somewhere.
My family name is Ooga Booga tier, but compared to my father and grandfather at least I'm a disgrace.
My grandpa had a phd in chemistry.
Had 5 kids : a radiologist, a mathematician, an architect (my father), a computer engineer, and one who is nothing special.
I'm a neet and I lied to them about getting a degree in political science.
My ancestor cut swathes across Ireland at the head of a new model army, and here I am toiling away as a wastrel.
>read about last name
>its german in origin
>from southern part of germany
>name comes directly from some medieval german noble family that ruled land in southern germany and in switzerland
>theres even statues and castles and roads named after them there
trying to read more into it, but my guess is that my name just comes from any peasant that came from their lands
>family were poor peasants for generations
>father was a blue collar
>I'll be homeless in two weeks and possibly die since the weather will be very very cold and unlike my ancestors, I can't get a job without a piece of paper saying I'm qualified
But I work hard and give firm handshakes right guys maybe it will all get better
If it's that bad just do volunteer work for food and a warm bed on helpx or something.
I don't know of anyone famous with my name. And I looked. It's literally mentioned three times on all of Wikipedia via some obscure back-up pianist with the first name "Mike".
Both my last names are Scottish. One is lowland and they were probably poor as shit since they only start appearing in records after the rich started record all the poor peasants living on their land. Other side is from one of the biggest clans in Highland Scotland descended from vikings, and I'm getting my undergrad in history following my grandpa's footsteps
My surname is (non-Jewish) German and was borne by a famous scientist.
>Having a family name
>not using superior patronym
>the very few historically notable people with my last name were German Jews
>I am not Jewish
>Even have genetic result from 23andme saying zero Ashkenazi
What the fuck. I really don't know anything about my ancestors in either side. Just poorfags I guess