Why do fat people (specially women) celebrate so little accomplishments...

why do fat people (specially women) celebrate so little accomplishments? they're still fat but if you go to their instagram is full of motivational posters and shit and them constantly patting on their backs

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But that is a lot of progress

that is massive progress tbf

she's still fat tho

she isn't morbidly obese

What, you think that shit comes off overnight?

Shit takes time dude, she's in the right direction and thats what counts. It'd be different if she was praising her body if it were in the first. She is working towards it. We all work towards something. Your gains? How long did they take?

Still looks damn bad, will always do, a price to pay for getting so fucking DISGUSTING at first place
But at least she's on the road to being healthy and looking like a normal person instead of eating herself to death. That's some visible, massive and well appreciated progress, my dude. It can't go unrecognized.

but you don't need to create an instagram page so people can congratulate you on your immense effort

Doesn't invalidate all the work that it took to get to where they are now, asshat

You don't need to, but you CAN do. What's wrong with some motivation and maybe even inspiring other fatties to do the same?
That can't be a negative thing, opposing to praising shitty fat bodies as the "new beauty standard".

the b8 on this board is getting worse by the day

See it as a counter to all of those fucking disgusting hambeasts screaming about genetics on instagram. She's doing the right thing. You jealous of her or something? Good for her, and the dude too. Fat isn't healthy.

it seems like they're doing for others instead of themselves
it's not like they beat cancer
they diet and exercised for 1 year? wow, what an accomplishment
what's next? she'll be making a youtube video while curling a 10kg dumbbell? please
show me some real progress, will ya?
1 year is nothing

She only stop eating brehs

One year is more than these fat fucks have ever tried doing anything about their bodies. Who gives a fuck? She looks like she's made a lot of progress. She isn't skinny, but at least she isn't the weight on the left

Alright you have a point
I still would rather see this instead of a bunch of fat fucks shouting "I'm beautiful, fuck your standards"


she has acute face under all that, you can tell. shame even with extensive surgery all that droopy excess skin is going to make her look horrible naked.

>going from moby dick to fatty is not an accomplishment
What do you hate about progress? Is it because you can't achieve any yourself?

She managed to eat at a 2200 Calorie deficit for a year, if you dont find that impressive you're sperg

i'm not saying it isn't an accomplishment, but it's not a big deal to exercise and diet
i see a lot of morbid obese dudes posting 1 month progress just to receive a bunch of compliment from strangers

And I see a morbidly obese dude trying to shit on strangers and their progress

Changing is always hard, even more when you have 2600kcal oreo milkshakes around the corner. I'm going to guess the pic is from America?

i'm not obese and i just can't see the big deal about exercising and dieting for one year
i've been working out for 2 years but i'm doing it for myself and not to get followers on a social media

Whatever dude. If there's one thing my I was always told was to never make fun of a fat person that's actually trying to work out and get healthy. At least they're going the other direction and getting healthy. If posting their progress on instagram motivates them. Then who fucking cares more power to them.

Why is OP angry?

This is motivational for other morbily obese people.

Just let people be happy OP.

Some day we all going to die anyway, just leave people be happy.

i'm not making fun of her per se, i'm making fun of the idea to go on instagram or another social media to look for compliments of strangers

>So little accomplishments
From the pic alone Id say she lost half of all her bodyweight

How is that a little accomplishment?

>mfw OP gets BTFO

>why do fat people (specially women) celebrate so little accomplishments? they're still fat but if you go to their instagram is full of motivational posters and shit and them constantly patting on their backs

Why are you rolling round the internet looking for these pages if they anger you so? Seems a bit idiotic to get annoyed about someone making a positive change to their life but hey if some fatty is making you miserable I think you've bigger problems than the faggots(myself included) here can help you with. :)

left people do what they want Embittered,

>but you don't need to create an instagram page so people can congratulate you on your immense effort

for that single and stupid reason and logic people wouldnt do anything

it appeared as news here

and also it is a great effort what they did retard,
what the problem they want to share the success ?

and i got her as an example to illustrate my point, i had a friend on facebook who was fat (not morbidly) and started working out
then he needed to post every workout he did and all his meals just so people could compliment him on his amazing accomplishment

Yet what's the point of making fun of someone making an instagram even if it gains followers. Maybe another obese person see's it and says "hey I can do it to". It's kind of like when you see a lifter you like making progress and you say "hey I want that physique" so it motivates you. It's just positive vibes bro.

well you used the wrong picture for that point, fucktard.

yeah i understand is a stupid thing, but if they are happy with it its ok then, they will learn eventually to not ridiculize their self

>i'm making fun of the idea to go on instagram or another social media to look for compliments of strangers

You're on a forum and probably were expecting everyone to be like "ha ha ha awesome bro, you're so witty" - it's a bit similar.
Read this carefully:

>tfw i'm trying to discuss something on a forum
wow, m8
you got me there

I think if a fat person was to to start a social media thing that's fine. It holds then accountable.

I really hate the HAES shit. That's girls just celebrating having a vaginas. Shit I would looove to see some HAES blogs of dudes "after starving myself and being unhappy for so long I've just decided to celebrate my body the way it is!"

Really. There are no dudes who do the stupid fucking fat acceptance thing. Because girls would shit on them soo much!

Same thing as all the chick's saying "HOW DARE YOU mock lady gaga for having some belly" when I the same event the same girls are saying "well THAT GUY doesn't LOOK like a football player hahaha"

Or mock men running with no shirt saying he doesn't have the body for it.

You didn't want a discussion you wanted everyone to join in on your idiotic tirade. Some fat cunt who doesn't work out deserves the grief someone who has made a massive change in their life (whether they spread around social media or not) do not.

i did wanna discuss. i still don't see a point in publicizing everything you do irl but, as been said here, what matters if the person's happy

While I agree with the fact that getting fit should be for yourself. Validation is a strong motivator for some people, just like fat hate threads are for others. At least she's going in the right direction

nice fortune cookie wisdom Confucius
have you considered a bumper sticker?

Give praise where appropriate

OP, just admit you made the fucking stupidest thread ever and you're a massive faggot. Who the fuck cares what this fatty needs to do to find the motivation to lose the weight, as long as she finds it? You must be a real miserable piece of shit to actually be shitting on this girl for making progress. She looks like she's lost a hundred pounds. She's lost more than you weigh. Your first mistake was using Instagram in the first place. Get the fuck out.

i don't use instagram
as i mentioned before it appeared as "news" on another site

Fat people have poor self control, and usually a wealth of other personality isuues that led them to get that fat.
Sometimes it takes them being congratulated and validated constantly in order to stick with it.

You seem awfully butt blasted over somebody documenting their weight loss.

If her Instagram inspires even one other fat person to lose weight, it's worth it and could even save somebody from a premature death related to obesity. It's a more worthwhile hobby than whatever shit you do.

Because for them... it's fucking huge. Let them have it. They went from having no self control... to taking some accountability for themselves.

Better than some fatty patting themselves on the back because they gave up being healthy and instead convinced themselves that they are happy being unhealthy.


>i see a lot of morbid obese dudes posting 1 month progress just to receive a bunch of compliment from strangers
But that's clearly not the case with the chick in OP. What is your problem?

OP chill the fuck out and go do something productive

dude, in her case it's not even that hard to lose 100 pounds
her tdee must be +3000 kcal a day
just don't eat three pies a die and do some light cardio and you're set

Look at jer face in the second pic. If she'd never gone so disgusting, she'd probable be hot

>don't post monthly updates
>don't post annual updates
>100 lbs of weight loss is nothing

You sound like a real miserable cunt. Guess only old people can use Instagram now. Fuck off, sub-65 year olds! Unless you're posting the results of your entire lifetime, then you should just keep things to yourself.

You're just salty because you've been working out for 2 years and haven't made any progress.

Dyel confirmed.

Kill yourself.

the fuck are you on man

she changed radically and the dude did alright for himself

ive never seen someone object to positivity

The biggest problem here is that the guy still has the "beta cuck head lean"
He can be swole as fuck but so long as his neck sticks out like that, he'll never make it

>Nobody cares about me the post

maybe get some friends or kill yourself jealous faggot

fuck off will u

gj OP you dropped the ball trying to make a basic af FPH thread

I don't see much wrong with what you posted. Stuff like this more like? Or am I a fag too

where are her hamstrings? her calves stick out as much as her ass.
>>mfm need to gain 400 pounds to grow calves

why do you care so much? get a hobby nigga

mirin arms in the first pic

Hey, this is extremely good. They both don't sit on their asses and do nothing while saying everything else is fault that they are fat, they actually do something about it and they both lost a lot of weight. I would motivate them too because they really trying and are successful with it.

lmfao that's my gym

Actually, yes she is.

Dude, that is great progress. Don't hate for no reason.

Keep it up lady, you can make it!


These two statements are not mutually exclusive.

She's going in the right direction, but she's not done yet. That's fine.

Imagine losing all that weight and still being a lumpy mess

Obesity: not even once