>Consumer culture in Taiwan is geared more towards a thin aesthetic
>thin aesthetic
Lol I hate the BBC so much
>more and more people are becoming fat
>you are now an even rarer, more sought after specimen
God damn, you whiny fucks need to understand what that means. The gap between Chad and you is shrinking, soon we will all have small Asian housewives
I love BBC
Fat azns are hnnng though
Everyone who likes the BBC tends to love BBC
Where are her tits?
Idiot. This means that hot girls will become an even rarer commodity, meaning you're gonna have to compete with chad for an even more limited number of qts.
Multiple asian countries actually have a fat tax and mandatory health/fitness programs.
They even tax companies that have fat employees.
Its also unlikely to change considering they aren't democratic.
I think that's because it's more dangerous for asian people to be overweight/obese. An overweight asian person will experience the same health risks as an obese white person
Is she legal? Does she do porn/gravvy?
sorry about your legos user.
>"""british""" """broadcasting""" """channel""" commenting on other cultures they dont understand.
>fat people will always be hated in asia
>fat camps are an huge industry there
>white """people"''' trying to impose their disgusting lifestyles on other cultures
>"""british""" """broadcasting""" """channel"""
tell me what you really think
That has to be the stupidest shit I've read all week. Congrats user.
China will never not BTFO fatties.
Fat acceptance isn't reaching asia, fat is since they're eating more and more sugar. They have a strong cultural stigma but it will erode to conform to the reality of everyone getting fatter until they figure out to regulate it.
>mfw I'm chubby and have a small asian wife
nope. I know a lot of Chinese people and a LOT of the women are getting fat.
there's no fat acceptance between men
>that waist/hip ratio
hnnnggghh who is this fluid druid
chinese people have eaten insane amounts of rice for millenia
>but muh sugar boogeyman
>the age of thicc asians has finally arrived
I don't mind a bunch of landwhales if that means there are some in the goldilocks-zone