What is the funniest joke in human history?
What is the funniest joke in human history?
"humans are inherently good"
either that or
"real communism has never been tried"
Why did the boy throw the clock out the window?
why did the chicken cross the road?
What's the difference between a Jew and a canoe?
Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth
The Spartacist League
Oswald Mosley
Rosa Luxembourg
May of 68 in Paris
Fascist Italy
Che Guevara's expeditions in Bolivia and Angola (ayyy lmfao)
Italian expeditions to Lybia and Abyssinia
Indian princes trying to stop the portuguese
Haiti's independence from France
Albania's perpetual will to LARP Skanderberg
"Bulgarian empire"
Argentina trying to LARP as first-world-power
British history
“Knock knock”
Who’s there?
Boo who?
“Don’t cry, it’s just a joke”
The canoe will eventually tip!
Shit meant this for
>Three factory workers are arrested and are waiting together in the back of a KGB van.
>The first says, "I came in to work five minutes late every day, so they accused me of being an American saboteur."
>The second says, "I came in to work five minutes early every day, so they accused me of being an American spy."
>The third says, "I came in to work on time every day, so they accused me of having an American watch."
Because it reminded him of Richard Clock, the man accused of knife raping his wife.
Men's right activism
I bet you unironically use the word "manarchist"
This fucking website.
>A Russian man's car breaks down so he takes to a mechanic.
>The mechanic says "I am very busy, so you will not be able to pick up your car for two years."
>"Ok, what time?" The man responds.
>"It's two years away! Why would you need to know what time to pick it up?"
>"Well the electrician is coming to my house at 3 PM that day."
>Knock knock.
>Who's there?
>9/11 who?
Still cracks me up every time.
was this supposed to mean something? sorry i forget.
Soviet jokes were unironically the best.
>Khrushchev toured a collective stockyard, where the workers showed him their latest machine: a state-of-the-art sausage maker.
>The workers only had to load in a hog carcass, push a button, and a chain of sausages would come out the other end a minute later.
>Upon seeing a demonstration, Khrushchev japed, "Ah, but is there a machine where one can put a sausage in and a hog comes out?"
>"But Comrade Khrushchev," one of the workers replied, "only your parents can do that!"
Traps are gay.
Khrushchev BTFO
commies BTFO
Objectively speaking they are.
holy shit, just found this. Its a declassified CIA report of jokes soviet citizens were saying about their government
>A man was arrested by the KGB for running through Red Square and yelling "Khrushchev is a pig! Khrushchev is a pig!"
>He was sentenced to twenty years of hard labor: two for insulting the Premier, and eighteen for revealing state secrets.
>What is the funniest joke in human history?
Some of the passages in the gospels are riotous when read as sardonic in tone.
I think this one is East German
>two men are waiting in their cell. A third one is thrown inside. They start talking.
>So, why were you imprisoned?
>Oh, I wrote a pamphlet criticizing Karl Radek
>Wait, wait, but I've been arrested for writing a critical piece on Karl Radek.
>Confused, they turn toward the third character
>And what were you arrested for?
>I am Karl Radek
>writing a critical piece on Karl Radek.
*praising Karl Radek
How the fuck did I mess that up?
>Khruschev visits a gallery of modern art
>"What is this picture? It looks like it was drawn by a retard."
>"That's cubism, comrade first secretary."
>"What about this picture? Looks like little kid's scribbles!"
>"That's abstract expressionism, comrade first secretary."
>"And this? It looks a fat man's ass! You call this art?"
>"Comrade general secretary, that's a mirror."
What do Santa Claus and Bill Cosby have in common? They both come when you are asleep
>thread on /int asking for jokes
>"hurr Religion, The Turks
You people don't even know any jokes? You really are scary sad basement people. I didn't think it was true. I don't know why
According to a worldwide poll it's the one about the two tiger hunters.
What's the worst part about breaking up with a Japanese girl?
You have to drop the bomb twice before she gets the message.
>"Bulgarian empire"
How do you make God[s] laugh?
[spoiler] tell him[them] your plans [/spoiler]