Holy fuck I am the most inflexible person on the planet I swear.
>never made an effort to routinely stretch in my life
>good part of my youth was spent sitting around in horrible posture
>don't even really know how the fuck to stretch
>have been to the gym on and off several times in my life.
So I have a good half of my life spent being active and the other half being the extreme end of inactive. But never in any of that time did I stretch and I am a stiff fuck. I notice it especially now that I am lifting again with more knowledge of what I'm supposed to be doing and feeling. So I want to make stretching a part of my week, dedicate an hour to yoga or some shit on my off days.
Problem, like most things there is a saturation of misguided info, I'm not so comfortable with experimenting because of the injury risk. Yoga classes are expensive and I sure as hell ain't trusting some liberal hipster to teach me, I want the Indian yogi or bust.
So is there an equivalent of SS or something for becoming more flexible in a "practical" sense. I don't need to be able to suck my own dick but for goodness sake I can't touch my fucking toes without bending my knees, or bring my leg up too high. Lots of workouts I do are much harder than they need to be because of how stiff I am (like squats).
Don't get me started in my back and neck.
SEND HELP! I feel like I'm gonna lock up

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There's plenty of yago torrents on the pirate bay.

If you're a faggot that doesn't use torrents look up AthleanX on youtube. He covers almost every muscle group and shows you just how fucked up you really are.

Im also looking for a stretch routine. I did p90x not too long ago and it had a yoga day and a stretch day and those were great for me. I felt good as hell after following those videos

>plenty of Yago torrents
So which one is a good one? There's no way they're all legit. But I'll take note of that AthleanX guy. So he covers the muscle groups and how to stretch them?

not op but does anyone know why stretching hurts me so fucking much

every source ever says to stretch to a point of mild discomfort but for me there is no mild discomfort, it just goes from 0-100 real fast. i can't hold a stretch for more than 10 seconds before giving in to the pain

forgive english

Either bad form or you never stretch enough so it hurts more than usual. Same fucking reason why I made this thread that is barely getting replies. From the looks of it, no one on Veeky Forums fucking stretches

Stretching doesn't improve mobility. What you want to do is build core strength, find some bodyweight fitness routine and do that instead of yoga.

How the fuck is core strength gonna help with being more flexible? I mean I know it can help with stability but it's got nothing to do with the fact that everything about me feels stiff and locked in bad positions.
Once again, I can't touch my toes, my hamstrings start crying and I should very well be able to.

I saved this the other day, two anons said it was good and one said it was shit. No one provided reasons.

Ok this is useful. Let's hope someone can start giving reasons to why it's good/bad.
God damn I hate that I can't trust anything

half of bodyweight fitness is literally designed to do nothing but increase mobility. Especially planks with good form show instant improvements in mobility especially for squats.

i mean you can try it yourself, do sideplanks both sides and a normal plank for 3x30 seconds and you should see immediate improvements.

Then what are the benefits to yoga/stretching? Seems like it's redundant aside from the spiritual aspect, and yet it's so recommended for muscle therapy

I'll take your word for it and try that today. But i would still like more info. Seems like this is an extremely neglected topic here

beginner yoga is basically slow dancing. The more advanced stuff becomes disguised bodyweight fitness. Stretching is useful immediatly before your workout to prevent injuries.

>useful immediately before workout to prevent injury
If I wasn't on a phone I'd link you to what I read stating the exact opposite. Apparently only stretching the opposite muscle to what you're working out, DURING the workout is ok, and any extra stretching is to be done after. Before a workout, just warm up and maybe some joint movements

stretching post wotkout might reduce stiffness
good for athletes working out daily



That routine doesn't have shoulder dislocates or wall/floor angels, which is one of the best stretches imho. Couch stretch is better for hip flexors. Many people say the standing pike doesn't work for them if they have particularly tight hamstrings. It doesn't really work for me.

Full squat is really good tho


the opposite. Stretching before exercise makes you more prone to injury since its full isometric isolation. Its better to do it after exercise

I can confirm that this is legit. Some user made it to summarize a (dead) link in the sticky

Do this every day after your workout

>so many stretches
Fuuuuuug why the fuck didn't I do this shit sooner

That guy's an idiot. He's another tool who thinks anything not directly increasing your strength is somehow a waste of time. A plank is not going to fucking help you with mobility. That is the dumbest shit ever. I don't care how long you fucking do your planks, you're still not going to be able to touch your toes without bending your knee or even sit up straight with your legs on the ground.

Well alright so what do you recommend?

Who here has the flexibility to sit comfortably in a flat footed resting squat?

Or are you all using shoes with wedges in the heels?

Not me, that's why I made this god damn thread