Where are all the real men at?
Where are all the real men at?
Backing a trailer might be confusing at first, but if you're at all a good driver with the ability to think critically about how mechanics work it shouldn't be hard. Not exactly the best way to define a man.
in a lab, helping the human race to make progress
woooahhh ho ho nelly!
check out mister educated college boy here!
>defining masculinity by an oddly specific driving maneuver
>Implying having oddly specific knowledge about various subjects isn't a sign of a true man
>Doing something a 12 year old can do on any farm across America makes you a man
Place your hand at the bottom of the steering wheel. Move your hand in the direction you want the back of the trailer to go. The more you turn the wheel the sharper the angle at the back of the trailer. When the back of the trailer is half way to the angle you want, turn the wheel back the other way to straighten the vehicle. Practice makes perfect.
>Doing something a 12 year old can do on any farm across America makes you a man
Thats the point. the kid you are referring grew up on a farm. Famring is manly. You are only supporting OP
t. professional trailer driver from farming country
>farming country
Oh, you mean the upper Midwest where literally every other guy has a CDL and drives trucks for a living or a side job? Calling trucking manly is an actual joke
Left is right and right is left. Small turns are straighter than big turns. So hard to explain. Wow..
wisconsin actually. And you misread newfriend. i said farming was manly, not having a cdl
>thread is about driving
consider jumping my main dude
you can take your big city learnin and fuck off
>helping others
t. numale
I'm just posting for the get
A man should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
>if you have no need of a skill that can be learned in an afternoon youre not a man
The point that a rare few "Mister Educated College Boys" get, is how to apply fancy book learning to the real world.
The real world is about the ability to execute a plan, reacting to the parts that no fancy formula can nail down. Any idiot, degree or not, can slap shit together. The decent people will get it to work. The smart ones will exceed the required specs, even with two assholes that show up drunk and can't manage the esoteric difference between a 1/4-20 and 5/8-11.
Looks like I'm a man even though I'm weak as shit and have no luck with womeb
You're not a real man if you can't show the equivalence between the holonomy map approach and the principal bundle approach to gauge theory.
how does it feel to be the modern equivalent of a weaver
>the ability to think critically about how mechanics work
I definitely remember reading somewhere that this was one of the biggest differences between how male and female minds work.
reminder that you're not a man if you're below Gold 2 in Rainbow Six Siege competitive mode
Men didnt exist until the invention of the trailer?
Before the trailer was the wagon, before that the chariot. Men didn't exist until the invention of the wheel.
Must be hard to get all those smart words out of your mouth with your boyfriends dick in there.
In my pants!
Shiet, you a PhD student? What are you researching?
Seems like everyday I'm seeing more and more evidence of people just hating men/masculinity with no more reasoning then "because they make me feel...things". Fucking identity politics.
Lurk more
>daddy let me drive his truck today
>time to brag about it on a venezuelan martial arts forum
>this facebook tier meme