This nigga elliott has officially lost his mind

this nigga elliott has officially lost his mind

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He lost his mind a long time ago.

He lost his mind when he started to see weightlifting as some literal DBZ tier shit.

Your just not on his level bro, rhe dumb view the genius as crazy

wim hof is a badass, op shut your bitch mouth, before I give you a Cleveland steamer

Hes trying to be original and interesting

Eliot video breakdown.

How do I squat?
>Attempts to talk about deep shit
>Refer to metaphors
>Embellishes his ego

Elliott the kind of nigga to go to swingers parties with his wife

Fuck off nigga. He's out having adventures, exploring the world and trying new things while you hate on him sitting in your comfort zone room on a Japanese Anime Weeaboo Imageboard.

>that guy starring in disgust at the squirrel on his head

He's looking at someone standing besides the pool

He got that BBC though.

But he's not black though...

He's transcended. We'll never reach his level now.

wim hoff is legit, dude was scientificaly tested

Believe user, I know you can. I am

I would be too if my wife looked like his

Well desu you can only talk about how to squat for so long. I winder how his gym is doing these days, him being all "trancended" and shit

That guy in the video with him is legit, OP

This is one of the few recent videos that isn't filled with nonsense

for some reason black people really get into OSHO

Background: This guy was one of the various Indian cult leaders who abused American freedoms and religious protections under the constitution to enrich himself. He was a performance artist, like those televangelist preachers who kiss snakes and heal people with the power of God.

You should avoid this shit because it's all nonsense. Wim Hof spent over 30 years acclimatizing his body to extreme cold and has many incredible barefoot/naked feats to his name.

>build a cold tolerance
>learn how to hypervenilate
>learn how to use your muscles to force blood to extremities

Congratulations you're now wim hof, that'll be $175.
Oh did I mention you're now immune to all diseases and your blood is alkaline?
Don't forget to tell your friends!

He's badass for his ice submersion record and his desert marathon. The classes he sells are borderline scams though.



>take an ice bath
>wear a stocking hat

>that lunatic hobo song
>that dance

jesus the cringe

Does he actually make those claims? From what I've seen he's a pretty cool guy, and his son does all the marketing. It's not like he's invented anything new, just marketing stuff that has been around for centuries (and now has a bit of scientific backing).

Amusingly enough though, I saw him in a japanese commercial selling meme vitamin drinks the other day though.

He sure as shit isn't white

If you really think about it hes right. He is explaining that you can be free to do what ever you want but its you that keeps a wall and are afraid to break it. eventualy you will. it either will be to late or right on time. most people break the wall on time but some dont.

>niers whomst'd've'll'ye'r take ice baths

He let his ego go to his head and then had some kind of breakdown when people called him out on it.

Kinda sad because he was legitimately the best fitness YouTuber there for a while.

What did Osho perform?

Dude is literally on another level. No idea whether it's good or bad but at least he is not a pathetic gymcel who is talking about squats and deadlifts for decades. Your personality is a process, my dudes.