How do you fags reconcile being fit with going out and consuming the gainz goblin potion aka alcohol/having fun...

Unless you are american you should have had drinking mostly out of your system by 20 m8. However i do agree that putting lifting before social gains is a mistake, there needs to be a balance when you are young.

cheekie you god damn stoner..
I don't judge though, the herb helps me eat enough

t. exiled king of auschwitz

Smoke weed instead

I just want her to never have to not be pregnant with my kids

I take LSD instead.

It's the fucking shit when you walk into a club and everyone's a fucking fish.

i drink all the time and still cut and still make gains. i have no clue how people dont. if i know im gonna drink i eat fuck all before (if im cutting). i drink 1 or 2 times a week.

You have never done LSD. Embarrassing.
