You people have no idea how rich you are going to be, do you. Even the ones with Link do not seem to realize they accidently stumbled on the goldmine of 2018. All I can just say is buy it and forget about crypto for a year. (Hint. $1000/Link is not outside of bounds when BTC and ETH are valued at 500 billion.)
You people have no idea how rich you are going to be, do you...
When bittrex?
I'm holding a lot. Probably more than you, and you who's reading this.
I'm concerned with how terrible and completely irrational of a coin community LINK has or is getting -- that affects price. Start being a bit more modest and comfy instead of overhyping the coin. Remember how far we fell. Future-wise, it's going places, but in the meantime you're turning off serious investors who see this as a Veeky Forums PnD shitcoin.
I mean this with all due respect for this coin and team. Except Rory.
In times like these, bags can seem heavy, but there is room in the presence of Sergey (PBUH) for all. Keep the faith, brothers, and you will be rewarded with eternal, blissful, NEETdom.
one more year of cuking and i will have 10mil from my 10k link? u really think so??? i want to believe
“I believe we will be”
>I'm concerned with how terrible and completely irrational of a coin community LINK has or is getting -- that affects price
Those people really just need to sell and shut the fuck up and stop acting like DGB clowns.
That would mean I'd have $35,000,000, more than the fucking ico was worth.
Sounds pretty deluded imo.
You're too logical to be here.
Exactly, the marine shit is cancerous, and links us to DGB, who, sadly, is about to pass is in market cap.
DGB was also well known for its irrational and deluded shitposting
great post OP.
people fail to understand and see the big picutre. we only made some big moves in crypto since 2017.
you have to scale your calculations accordingly, and not get stuck with the valuation of current shitcoins/dreams
All the real money-makers in crypto have been when people find good projects, skip the day-to-day bullshit, take profits when things go parabolic, and hold. This is a good project and should be no different.
> already priced in
You're probably right, but I'm the oldest of stubborn greyneckbearded oldfags from the grinman days, and I'm trapped here forever, may as well try to get to the millionaire club while I'm at it
There are more units of LINK in Binance's hot wallet right now than all of the other tokens combined, save one (there are twice as many FUN for some reason); the connotations should be obvious.
Fuck Rory
Serious investors are not hanging out on Veeky Forums. You can tell from the cultural tone of racism and bigotry. I come here for the laughs. Occasionally the hive Veeky Forums mind makes some interesting points but largely it's a bit of pathetic Shillingfuddery. Keep it up. It's hilarious.
Can you please explain rhe reasoning why link would be worth 1000usd each? Have you even read the white paper? Do you even understand the purpose of the tokens?
Fuck off shill
Yet when people go to do some research into link and check out the community it has, all they will find is retards in biz archives and poor shill attempts on reddit
Crypto market is purely driven by the community. No one wants to touch tainted coins.
Lol fag
You are giving biz way too much credit here.
Anyone that doesn't buy into this project because of an over enthusiastic internet anime forum is not a "serious investor", let's be honest.
when coss?
Shit coin is going backwards, made more money buying EBTC than my ICO buy of LINK.
Is this nigger serious?
Same story, user. Can't escape these chans.
If you believe in crypto, then you will know these #s.
$500 billion BTC = $25,000/BTC
$500 billion ETH = $5,000/ETH
SHit is coming way quicker than you think
Now ETH at that price will be hosting every infrastructure known to man, such as Swift bank transfers (currently valued at $5 trillion per day) Thing is Eth is worthless without CL. Where Eth goes, Link goes. Thats why you get a valuation of $250-$350 billion, since its the glue that makes Eth scale and usable.
So what? You have more time to accumulate LINK. You think people will give a shit what Veeky Forums says about LINK when they start to get some serious partnerships?
Why is Link almost unknown outside of Veeky Forums? The subreddit is dead and filled with clueless people. It's never mentioned on /r/cryptocurrency.
Eth is not useless without cl. CL is nothing special it's a basic fee token with a node element. Literally anyone can do it and they will in the next year when there is large enough demand for oracles.
/r/cryptocurrency still thinks that IOTA is the latest thing in crypto. Give them 6 months, they'll catch on.
Agreed 100%.
Serious investors do read this board, or at least are made aware of activities if they're important.
>CL is nothing special it's a basic fee token with a node element
Imagine how different your life would be if you had even the vaguest idea of what you were talking about.
Yes, this is exactly why the former chief scientist of RSA had to help them write the paper. Anyone can do it.
you're cute. screencap'd gonna post this one every year. hahahaha. good luck newfriend :)
Is it talked about in any respectable circles outside of Veeky Forums? I think Link has potential because it is general enough to have extremely far reaching applications.
Check back next year and compare gains again.
That's literally what it is kek you guys are so deluded, I can't wait till this shit drops under ico by EOYR
Delusional linkies. Sell now so you don't lose everything
Bros... please just assure me that everything will be okay if I buy Chainlink.. I'm tired of this shit... I just wanna be rich...
If you have the patience to hold for 6 months you'll be fine. If you're going to panic sell during 2x you won't be fine.
OMG will probably implement oracle tech once they get up and running
Whalefag if you don't mind.
Sorry that you where born a nigger or a pajeet :( the world is not fair. Maybe next lifetime you do better.
I'm not selling this shit until it hits at least $50. Not even joking.
You guys would like me. Pure Ayran. Blonde hair, blue eyes as is my wife and all our kids.
1000 per link?
You realize link's supply is 1 billion?
Do you understand the market cap it would take to reach 1000/link?
I will buy if it hit 10 cent
>Thing is Eth is worthless without CL
thats why the smartcontract team could only get started on their network once they figured out how to make an erc20 token? link is literally worthless without eth. not the other way around.
>mfw entire lifesavings in Link and I still FUD and shitpost about it at every opportunity, fully realizing this could hurt the coin's reputation and thus fuck me over in the process
You're wrong, nigger.
I know a dev of a fairly major coin who hangs out here all the time. I guarantee he's not the only whale.
> (OP)
>1000 per link?
>You realize link's supply is 1 billion?
>Do you understand the market cap it would take to reach 1000/link?
That a trillion fucking dollars isn't it? Not gonna happen. Is $50 by 2019 more reasonable?
so never?
Dont u fuckin dare being modest and mature about LINK.
I gotta accumulate and that takes time with my $400 salary.
Gotta shill it into oblivion at least until eoy. Once I get my 5k LINK, I gonna get calm, but for now I need it to go sub 20c
That said,
SWIFT does five trillion in transfers per day. If they folter that through CL it will become worth trillions outright
Why would they use CL when they can pay pajeet $500 to implement blockchain for their own use..
You really need to do some reading before you start asking questions.
CL are those pajeets.
If you think SWIFT promoted CL w/out getting a fat fraction of LINK volume, you gotta be retarded
That they can get for essentially free vs. losing ton of money to alt coin hodlers.. I don't think so
If it was that easy to make chainlink wouldn't be the only one with a product of its kind
>muh oraclize/cryptlets/town crier
none of these meet the same benchmark chainlink provides in terms of trustlessness, security or ease of use (bar cryptlets for the latter). The whole "Pajeets can do it cheaper" argument is an absolute meme but I'm sure you understand that because I'm also certain 90% of the FUD is from people who actually hold this shitcoin
t. Link HODL/FUD enthusiast
>we live rent free in your head
The Lord giveth
For free, indefinitely? No business will ever, ever have to pay for this service?
No, CL will strategically give tokens from their reserve to incentivise adoption and increase the value of the ecosystem.
>tfw still not rich
Save us, Sergej
Absolute kek
We've got the best memes
ive stopped explainng a long time ago.
this is the exact reason people stay poor.
they would rather be "right" than open their fucking eyes about the truth
the LINK train is only the beggining
I'm glad we shook all the weak hand normies out
(((there's a reason VCs invest in project)))
No, I still don't like you. Anyone who unironically would say any board on Veeky Forums of all places is filled with "racism and bigotry" I think is a faggot of stupendous proportions.
That you're white makes it even worse, btw.
holy fuck
>please find rare pepe attached for future use, as a gesture of goodwill user
I saw Rory at a grocery store near SIBOS last week. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen packs of toilet paper without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the packs of toilet paper and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each pack and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
I-Is this a shop? I spit out my cottage cheese all over my keyboard.
lmao best chainlink meme so far
I'm going to buy 2400 LINK. It's all my money. Someone give me a realistic expectation on how rich I'm going to be and in what time frame?
Millionaire by 2019.
Is Rory on twitter? anyone have his handle? want to tell him what an amazing communicator he is.
And how any coin would be lucky to have such a good marketing person.
$50 x 2400 is only $120,000
Not bad but not millionaire. I need to buy more LINK.
haha, this is great.
> pure ayran
Pajeet pls.
> Arian race being being originally set in north India.
Fucking rich
Banks need to actually start using chainlink for it to have value. What if they don't?
> I'm glad we shook all the weak hand normies out
And got mean whales instead. I'd prefer normies desu.
You can buy a house with that money and even have some left depending on your appetit.
That will make you and your children free from rent-slavery. If you already have your house, you can own your own slaves then
You'll have to pay the property tax jew and the utilities jew. There is no escape for the jew.
I will not have children. Most of my life was robbed from me when my female friend abandoned me for a cuck. I want as much success as possible to get revenge, so every action I take is laying a piece of foundation for the success I want to have.
When should we expect the prices to raise?
Will it be gradual or just boom one day?
Path to the dark side that is
dude, dont want to be a dick but in this situation i think you are the cuck? like in the actual definition of a cuck since your GF was obviously banging this dude on the side.
> my female friend abandoned me for a cuck
> you got abandoned
> he is a cuck
I don't think you all understand. Women want cucks. They're really in a relationship with satan, they are using the male. That is why I let her go find someone who wanted to be cucked to satan. I hope you understand now. If not, good luck in life.
This coin was always a pnd biz coin. There's just idiots here who never sold or bought high.
> They're really in a relationship with satan
That is interesting mindset. GL with that
Trump was a Veeky Forums pnd candidate. Look where it got him
just bought 94 link ;)
user speaks the truth. I read it in a book.
The most that CL could do is 10x and that is beyond optimistic.
Believe me, what I've said is true.
Yeah and look were chanlink went. These markets move fast.
You should live for yourself. Your cunt exgf still has a hold over you if you intend to smear success in her face. Realize that humans are imperfect and selfish and you are only hurting yourself by not moving on and forgiving her. Brah.