how many years of lifting to get this physique?
How many years of lifting to get this physique?
It depends on how much dedication you've got.
Nah myan. Dedication is the name a steriod brah
this body is not achievable natty?
It is achievable natty. You just wont achieve it because you'll quit in a few months
Screencap this post and look back to it.
but I've already been lifting for 7 months.
About 2 years and a very wide camera lens
Some physical activity base.
Then between 2 and 6 months of actual training with light anabolic assistance.
1 year on steroids easy
It's achievable natty, although most actors aren't because why would you be.
what 100% of beginners don't understand is that gains come from training and FOOD.
if you don't eat, training means shit. the diet you had as a skinnyfat or a lanklet skeletor over the whole day is essentially one meal out of three if you go into training.
>reeses pieces, twinkies and mt.dew isn't food
god i want him to fuck me so bad
1 hour of supersoldier serum injected into your ass
any engineering fags? can that rail even withstand a helicopters lifting force?
>if you don't eat, training means shit.
Na, beginners can gain at a deficit or maintenance easily.
Takes years to reach a point of stagnation where you have to bulk/cut, Veeky Forums just cant handle being fat and wants everyone to be fat with them so people like you always recommend eating too much.
i would say ~1.5-2 yrs with proper diet.
Not that much really. Evans' body is not that good except in the First Avenger, he was GOAT there. In the rest of the movies he's got good arms and chest, but nothing else.
Well, depends on what it's made out of and what kind of heli it is.
I've never seen the movie, so I couldn't say first hand
but it looks like the helicopter in the image isn't too large, maybe just for passengers.
And the rail seems like steel. However it doesn't look it's mounted to hold more than a couple hundred pounds.
It's very on the edge in this situation
But it's safe to assume that the rail would fail if the helicopter is something with any decent size to it.
the first relapse or "break" comes at around 1 and a half years
Lol what?
>Evans' body is not that goo
Pffffff you've been here too long. He has a goal body for 90% of natties.
That's false
At 2 years i did a deload month where i just fucked around in the gym
well, actors also have access to top of the line gyms and have personal chefs and dietitians that will coach them 24/7 on what to eat for 6 months.
They also have the ability to go to the gym 3 hours every fucking day(t. Hugh Jackman) because it counts as work time for them.
Is it achievable natty? Hell yeah, but it's gonna be a lot harder to micromanage this stuff all by yourself.
Well, the short answer is maybe. You'll either see failure in the weld or the bolts. I would bet the weld would fail where the cylindrical supports are welded to the square of material bolted into the concrete. That is still quite a strong connection though, and I'm not sure how those bolts are subject into the pad. Probably wouldn't fail though.
>beginners can gain at a deficit
Well OP, I have a very similar build. Without knowing what I was doing, I started back in 2013, so it took about 4 years. I'm sure it could be done in less time if you were more knowledgeable, but everybody thinks they have it figured out anyway until they realize much later they didn't.
the premise of the movie is he literally is on fucking gear and it takes him from scrawny to jacked.
They kind of do, depending on your definition of "gain". They will get stronger at a very fast pace as they learn how to lift and their muscles adapt to constant stress. They will make gains as their glycogen stores increase, making them look bigger. But no, you don't really gain muscle at a deficit so a beginner eating at deficit will quickly hit a wall and stop progressing.
So what is in super soldier serum and why could a doctor in the 40's make it but people still 75 years later are having trouble?
2 years here. I never took a break
We're still having trouble because it's not real. Unlike my contempt for you.
one of the key ingredients was nazi black magic and as we all know the nazis died in '45.
what is this with the female marvel heroes i'm seeing pictures of lately? is there an all female cast avengers in the making? i'd so watch that shit.
>nazis died in '45
B-but CNN and HuffPo told me that nazis were everywhere and t-they voted for Trump
Does this mean there's still a chance?
>that filename