>Gosh it sure it is great being a 1950’s housewife who’s supported by my husband! And these labor saving devices give me so much free time!
>Should I study French? Take up painting? Volunteer? Exercise?
>Wage slavery sounds fun!
>Gosh it sure it is great being a 1950’s housewife who’s supported by my husband! And these labor saving devices give me so much free time!
>Should I study French? Take up painting? Volunteer? Exercise?
>Wage slavery sounds fun!
>mfw women literally gave up the perfect life so that they can work for themselves (corporations that don’t give a shit about them). They could’ve been provided for and taken care of for their entire lives. They could’ve become proficient artists and learned how to play beautiful music. They could’ve taken care of a big family that loves each other and will last. They could’ve had fun hobbies like gardening thanks to all the extra time they would’ve had.
>Why sure we'll give you a job! How else would we artificially depress the wages of real workers, that is to say, men, thus lowering our operating costs overall?
>Having you in the labor force will increase the reserve army of the unemployed and drive down wages so much that it will be impossible to raise a family on a single wage, forcing all women into the labor force, driving wages down to rock bottom.
>We'll create a new bullshit makework department where you can waste your day away gossiping...let's call it something like Human Resources...
>And we'll pressure the government to pass legislation enforcing hiring quotas, so small businesses that can't afford to have large numbers of dead weight, incompetenent, unproductive workers will be crushed.
>You'll only do 24% of the work that an actual worker does, but no one will be allowed to point that out, and you'll be held to a lower standard on everything.
>And we'll push a bullshit meme through the media that says you only get paid 76% of what a man does, which is still 52% more than you deserve when compared to the quantity of work a man does. Let's not even talk about quality. Then it would be 76% more than what you deserve.
>And you'll live your entire life complaining about how society privileges men, all the while sucking up hundreds of thousands of tax dollars put in the public coffers by working class men. You'll be a net drain on society, in both terms of government spending and the money you "earn" that should be going to a real worker instead. But, hey, we'll come out ahead!
>caring about social values
>not just comprising everything in the name of lowering unit costs like a characteristically autistic free market capitalist
>sure is great being battered during one of my self-medicating alcoholic husbands ptsd episodes that nobody in the family will talk about because its just one of those things we all accept as normal like letting the boys play in the DDT clouds and throwing trash out the car window anyway nothing takes the edge off like my daily pack of Chesterfields
Some people want to be their own man. Haven't you ever wanted to be successful by the sweat of your own brow and the labor of your own hands? And who wants to be dependent on someone else for sustenance?
>it will be impossible to raise a family on a single wage
It isn't. It just means you don't have as high a standard of living.
>25%of the population below poverty line
Good post
>working to keep your family healthy, happy, and motivated, isn’t rewarding.
You are looking at it from a male perspective. Women love men who can provide for them, why do you think that is?
>one actual important decision in life is to pick a good husband
>fucks it up
>Americans getting butthurt they can no longer afford wifeys that sit on ass whole day
>everyone wants the same exact thing despite the influence of their cultures, personal histories, and present opportunities
Faggot from /lgbt/ here, most "people" fetishizing 50s housewives are unironically trannies and closet trannies.
This! This so fucking much! Everyone wants exactly what I want and men and women are exactly the same!
speaking from experience?
You know that isn't what he meant. Each individual is it's own person and his goals needn't always be the same as the groups' that individual is part of.
>And who wants to be dependent on someone else for sustenance?
Most women?
Im glad all you history fags like to take certain periods and dates out of the historical cannon and put it into its own vacuum sealed space.
it goes like this
>Wow its been five years since Bob came back from the war. He's so different now.
>I wonder how all my old work ladies from the munitions assembly line is going
>Poor Jane her husband never made it home
>I care about my husband alot, but he seems so broken
>I need to get out of the house
>I miss lunch breaks with the ladies
>Poverty line defined in terms of bottom 25% of incomes
Wow! Thanks for that brilliant insight
>poverty line was approximately 3,000$ a year for a family of four
Even adjusted for inflation, that was a pretty miserable family budget.
You are welcomed. I know you are trying, so keep up.
What if women's participation in the workforce overall didn't increase much ?
It did for the old middle-class I guess, but all the grandmas of the people coming out of the lower classes did work in the fields or in workshops, no ?
Having a single decision to make to figure out how your life goes would actually increase the likelihood of irreversibly fucking you up, not decrease it.
More than likely they had domestic chores which wasn't exactly formal employment. Things like washing the clothes by hand, going out to purchase groceries, knitting or sewing the clothes the family would wear, as well as cooking and cleaning and other duties the household depended on.
oh the individualist
>some people want to be their own man
>while women fuck around in their youth and guilts the unwilling bastard to taking care of their mistake while she fucks around more
>Push women into the workforce
>Excess labor supply lets you cut wages in half
>Now takes two wage slaves to support a household rather than one
>The work the woman did maintaining the home and raising their children didn't go away - everyone is working longer for a lower standard of living
>People are forgoing having children because the work-life balance is too much for the average couple to handle
>In order to alleviate some of this burden the government increases taxes to pay people to take care of children or the elderly
>Still costs too much, so they have to import foreigners to provide basic social services
>Leftists will defend this change to the death - you can take away everything else: unions, labor laws, public healthcare and education, but suggest that you will take away the woman's right to slave away at some meaningless corporate job and they will go ballistic
>women are irresponsible but men are
>reading this shit while im on my last few months of uni struggling to pull things off to the point where im having to drink to keep my sanity.
just FUCK my shit up
I'm male and would love to be taken care of my entire life. Fuck working, I want to be neet for life.
Don't worry, your liberal arts degree will let you beat the odds and land a 6 figure job in your 20s
>tfw actually do an art related degree
dont think anyone would hire me for my art, thinking of working as an art/teaching assistant, librarian or some book shop. Gonna be paid like shite but whatever the fate is sealed, just hoping i could eventually be able to pay the bills and get a place to live with a pet cat.
>this thread again
I told you once, faggot. None of those things are avaliable without a husband's consent and financing. And the massive majority of men don't want to spend money in a wife's dumb hobby, not while he can just drink himself to oblivion and forget his daughter's whoring around and his son getting arrested for misdemeanors. Yeah, we know you're #notallmen, that you would treat Stacy just fine if she only gave you a chance.
>Even adjusted for inflation, that was a pretty miserable family budget.
It actually wasn't. Adjusting it brings it to about 30k dollars a year. That's only 20% less than the AVERAGE family income of today. Not even the poorest 25%.
>Honey I need a new oven
>Why? Will it make better food
Jesus Christ you're right, its basically a gulag if you think about it
Wew, try getting a job at museums or galleries as a consultant or assistant. They normally pay well. Museum workers even get public employee benefits
Strange because idle middle class Victorian women had plenty of husbands who let them paint and study French and visit all day
>Honey I need a new oven
>Why? Will it make better food
>No, the old oven is okay, stop wasting my fucking money
Jesus Christ, you're a fucking retard.
>Victorian society is the same as 1950s American society
Stop shitposting. Yes, we would all wish the womyn would go back to the kitchen, but they won't. Take your whining to /r9k/.
>Stop shitposting. Yes, we would all wish the womyn would go back to the kitchen, but they won't. Take your whining to /r9k/.
They will either way. Either they get back in the kitchen now or Muslims will make them when they take over. Ordinary sex with a woman will show you all you need to know about what they want. They want a strong man to put them in their place.
What if, in the marriage contract, the wife was entitled to a certain % of the income for her own purposes?
>projecting this hard
I'm not a tranny so hard for me to project there. Look up AGP (Autogynephilia).
Uh buddy wrong website
Will think about it but i think im just graduating with passing grades honestly just want to fuckgin die.
>Have perfect home life
>Husband rescues you from shitty family
>Husband tragically dies
>Have no way of sustaining yourself and children
>On government assistance
>Can't even get a credit card without husband
>No man wants used goods with kids
>Grandchildren just now out of poverty, disillusioned with the world and shitposting on Veeky Forums
Haha great for the long term right?
>man died
>woman is the victim
Hmmmm well I guess women are also the greatest victims of war so it makes sense
Both are victims, and the generations that came after. There was no insurance for the future
>there is no insurance for the future
Oh thank god we live today when the birthdate is at replacement level and the middle class is healthy and strong...oh wait
Hey man, I said I was disillusioned, today is a different flavor of shit, but the 50s wasn't a beautiful perfect time.
What you're talking about is southern gothic. Which was a punishment for impiety. It still happens today. And the recent changes, should women support it, just make it worse.
>dude don’t mind me I’m just arguing against a straw man
Fuck you
If you’re smart and you’ve got the right connections your degree does not matter.
it is, it would shut up your lying mouth you psychotic bitch
Wew lad
You conveniently left out the fact that trickle down economics has made it impossible to raise a family on a single income, unless that income is from a doctor, lawyer, etc
>doubling the labor force has no effect on wages
Even if women just sat home and did nothing it would be better
>women literally gave up the perfect life
Yeah, it's the perfect life if you were lucky enough to
1. Get a great husband who earns a lot and is nice to you
2. You don't have any ambition
If either of those aren't you then its shit.
>what is life insurance?
you are delusional, living in the 50´s with todays technology would be the best timeline humans could aspire to
Yeah, I am sure the entirety of one gender really loved the systemic exclusion from the basic American right of being independently successful and the basic human drive to achieve.
I am doubly sure they loved reduced status, importance, autonomity, and mobility from being reliant on the money of a partner who was probably porking someone else.
You must be real fun at parties user.
>living in x time period with y technology
These two options are mutually exclusive.
Don't tell me and my power armor what is and isn't possible.
At least he gets invited
Damn. Good thing we're on a Mongolian medicine man forum, for that burn.
no they not, there are technologies that cross eras and there are technologies that alredy existed that time
The improvement if said tech allowed much better quality of life, but there are social and political changes that go against the tide of the betterment of said quality if life, women working is one of them
>letting an employer get rich off of your labor
>right to be successful
>implying women have a desire to be independent or achieve anything
>waaaaa I don’t want mr middle class man I want mr Richie rich! I would rather toil away than marry a guy in my league
>changes pic
yes welcome to women, they arent happy unless they have the top 10% of men
Ahh yes, the ambition to work for people who don’t give a shit about you, doing some job you won’t find to be very rewarding in a few years
>American right
im from a working class family, literally zero women in my family were stay at home mums, they always worked
is the 1950s housewife a middleclass phenomenon? was putting women "back" into the workplace just the bored middle class woman seeking to undermine the working class?
>Get a great husband who earns a lot and is nice to you
>life is only good if you are rich, middle class isn’t good enough for this princess.
Oh, and by “nice” what you really mean is a man who does whatever you want but is also still sexually attractive to you even though he’s a pushover. So in other words, a man that doesn’t exist. Most men are nice, stop acting like that’s a quality that’s rare in western men
>and the basic human drive to achieve.
But women and men do not have the same drives.
Men have a drive to increase their value to get attractive women.
Women have a drive to select a high value man, have kids, and take care of them.
Which one of those requires ambition and which one requires being born pretty and not being a total cunt?
Yeah, some bullshit neologism used to attack the Reagan administration is the reason for your problems
>its another episode of women didn't work before 1970
because the people you drew your conclusions from happen to be greedy and unambitious?
>artificially depress the wages of real workers
>Double the supply of workers
>This is artificially lowering the price
What isn't artificial price lowering to you?
If we get a new gold mine, are we artificially lowering the price of gold?
Christ. This is so true. What the fuck did employment ever gain these women? It was only a tiny minority of militants that ever wanted this curse inflicted on them. Fuck's sakes.
What caused the dip in 2010
The recession
Is that saying 60% of women work? Or is it saying 60% of the workforce are women?
Labor participation is the percentage of everyone who works. So that chart says that roughly 57% of all women have a job.
>>Excess labor supply lets you cut wages in half
>>Now takes two wage slaves to support a household rather than one
>>The work the woman did maintaining the home and raising their children didn't go away - everyone is working longer for a lower standard of living
Where did this go? If the supply of labour doubled, where did all this excess production and money go? If you have a lower standard of living but the production is doubled, where is it all going?
this is fucking painful. women didnt choose anything you fucking retards. for starters, they always worked. for a brief period in time, 1% of the lucky ones could stay at home. then war and other changes in society happened. you fucking retards.
90% of married white women in the 1890 census did not hold paying jobs
Same place has been going since the 50´s, women spend most of the money either in themselves or their family, just that now they get the half of the pay their husbands would get if they stood at home
This! Women can never be held responsible for anything, but they still deserve equal rights. Women also are the greates victims of war and male suffering isn’t real
But still I don't get it. You're not getting something from nothing. Labour saving technology, like the microwave dinner, washer and drier, vacuum cleaner, internal plumbing, microwave, oven, etc. So instead of spending most of the day carrying water or cooking, they could spend less time at home, which gave them the opportunity to enter the workplace, alongside standardized schooling. Women entering the workplace isn't making them have money that disappears from the system,
>women purchase or influence the purchase of more than 80% of all products and services
What the hell.
>Women make the decision in the purchases of 94% of home furnishings…92% of vacations…91% of homes… 60% of automobiles…51% of consumer electronics
Yeah I do remember when feminists passed the "women can work now" act and suddenly women all started working. It's not like women of lower middle class have always worked.