So yeah guys im sick of being harrassed online by virgin boys when im gaming

So yeah guys im sick of being harrassed online by virgin boys when im gaming...

Yes im a female
Yes im a gamer girl
Yes i workout
Yes im a personal trainer
Yes im a forklift operator
Yes im a part time model


no i wont date you, i only date fit white men with a good education like lawyers or doctors.
You see girls like me have standards and dont waste time on less intelligent workingclass guys

No one fucking cares.
You're not Asian.
Go date your white Chad mongs to get you pregnant.
Also racist.
Talks about getting harassed but wants to be a princess
Has standards but wants to be accepted by Biz...

Fuck off.

This is biz

wrong board, this is where we beg for bitcoins and post our public addresses and then receive nothing but get cataloged by government organizations, k? K.

Go make me a sandwhich

Nice acne

You know that steroid use will turn you into a man slowly right? Just keep it up and this problem of yours will fade away because of it.

>virgin boys
Fuck off with virgin shaming. I will tell my crew to double down on slut shaming which you fucking roasties hate so much, we will destroy you in public since you whores are pussies in real life social stigmas and virgin shame online. End your miserable lives.

You can't Even get a girl like me. Im out of your league

it's perfect...

Yeah, right.