god fucking dammit i cannot continue my cut with my literal gains goblin of a girlfriend. I planned on going home and eating salad and then she decides to start asking me to go to red robin, so ofc i take her. I try to order the salad and shes like no youre getting the burnin love burger. i cant do it anymore fit what even is the point
God fucking dammit i cannot continue my cut with my literal gains goblin of a girlfriend...
"No I'm getting the salad"
Problem solved.
Why do you let her dictate everything you do?
Insisting on going out is whatever, but if someone told me what to order I'd be real mad
>I try to order the salad and shes like no youre getting the burnin love burger
sounds like YOU are the girlfriend m8
she doesnt force me to obviously but shell judge me and give me shit for trying to eat less calories. shell give me passive aggressive little comments and tell me im too obsessed with fitness
>so ofc I take her
Never gonna make it
Just eat less tomorrow to make up for it.
you're not a man
CUTTING IN MARCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jan through Mar swole
Apr through Jun cut
Jul through Sept Ext. cut
Oct through Dec absorb fat
gotta man up here and let her get used to you eating your own goddamn food
have you already smashed her at least?
Top kek. It's fine to take her out to places, but order what you want, you fucking pussy.
>have you already smashed her at least?
Are you seriously implying that there are people who would agree to an exclusive relationship with someone before having at least fucking once to try them out?
Who are these fucking idiots?
kek i love how these beta males blame their girlfriend for everything. stop catering to her every single need and desire. if im being pushy or annoying, my boyfriend will tell me straight up (although this rarely happens, i'm very open to communication and asking how they feel, plus im pretty reasonable).
stop doing things you don't want to because your girlfriend wants it. i bet you paid for that huge ass burger and her meal. enjoy not making it.
relax there boyo
>how they feel
does your boyfriend have two dicks or are you unfaithful
why are you greentexting something that isn't a paraphrase of the quoted post nor a personal anecdote? I am getting so fucking triggered seeing newfags fuck up something so simple
Dump her then, if she doesnt supoort your hobbies she isnt worth it in the long run
>why are you greentexting something that isn't a paraphrase of the quoted post nor a personal anecdote? I am getting so fucking triggered seeing newfags fuck up something so simple
not him but meme arrows were originally used to quote other posts in a response, so it makes sense
But you are obsessed with fitness aren't you? Own it.
But I've never had a GF ever so you might wanna take my advice with a grain of salt.
ah fuck i thought he was replying to OP, didnt see the comment with the text he quoted
fucking sips are making me retarded
>Girlfriend saves user from eating a salad
Sounds like a massive cunt
You ever heard of a "shit test"? She's just gonna ride your ass, then dump you for being such a pussy. Dump the goblin first.