Is anyone else terrified of aging?

Is anyone else terrified of aging?

I'm only 22, Veeky Forums, and already I experience things from when I was 15 and I'm terrified. Women that are already long gone, songs and videogames that have already been gone for 8 years.

Old fitizens, please, tell me: How do you deal with it?
It's already a crushing weight always haunting the back of my mind. Every weight I lift is ultimately for nothing. Everything is temporary and before I know it I'm going to be 30, or 40, then 50 and 60. It's going to happen in the blink of an eye,

I'm going to have to face the reality of my own death. Fuck.

How do you do it, Veeky Forums?

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just fucking kill yourself if you're going to be so worried about dying and getting old, get it over with and stop bothering everyone else

Why would I let the inevitable come sooner? I'm not looking for a quicker exit I'm looking for a consolidation of the exit itself

i literally think about this daily

>tfw too poor to save money

At which point do you hate me enough to turn me into gross surplus

I hate you all.

I'm actually looking way better with age. My facial features look sharper and I look way more manly then I did even 5 years ago.

Pretty sweet girls give me way more attention now. Even the college age girls are into me way more then when I was that age.

5 years closer to the grave

only philosophy, and maybe theology can help you.

anyway you're just a baby experienced for the first time theses feels, you'll be fine faggot

Men age very well. If you take care of yourself, you might look better in 20 years and feel the same as you do now.

As for the fear of death, there is no point to worrying about things outside of your control. You'll be a lot less stressed out once you realize this.

I've been reading philosophy since I was 18. It offers no solace

the only scarey thing is dying at a young age

once you get old enough, you'll be glad to die

then you're just weak, and you should kill yourself

because you're clearly stuck in the mindset that if something will happen, even if its literally decades away, its worth worrying about and considering now

so consider killing yourself, its all inevitable after all xd

I don't know about that. A large part of the fear of death is the fear of the unknown or fear of nothingness. There's no reason that would go away with age.

In all likelihood though, when you die in a hospital you will be way too high on drugs to be terrified of it.

Just because something is inevitable doesn't mean that it should be an immediate concern.

>Old fitizens, please, tell me: How do you deal with it?
46 , ive started meditating

do you find it helps?
What do you meditate on?

My ability to show up youngins at remedial tasks for ditch diggers & still hold grace breath to punk bitches.

I remind myself to live bravely and well. I know a hospice nurse and she says that the regrets people have on their deathbeds are almost always about the things they did not do, the chances they did not take.
Also, I'm serious about my health for the past few years, getting and staying in shape and eating healthy are big priorities.

>Just because something is inevitable doesn't mean that it should be an immediate concern.
Congratulations, you no longer have to be worried about getting old

>I'm going to have to face the reality of my own death.
Almost everyone unfortunate enough to not die in a sudden and unpredictable fashion does this. Why do you think this is some special rite of passage?

Everything is in the blink of an eye, and in some cases even sooner. We are pressurized lumps of water and minerals sitting on a pressurized ball of water and minerals floating around a ball of burning gas in a system that is smaller than the width of a hair in comparison to the universe. Your consciousness is ultimately not provable and your perception of even that unprovable consciousness can be entirely false to what truths there may be in this reality.

There is nothing special about you that won't disappear in 3 generations of descendants beyond you, so why hold onto anything with such fervor? Do what the fuck you want and indulge in whatever your consciousness tells you it needs to do.

This is part of the nature of man, even in his flawed perceptions.

best adv i could give you is that people always change, absolutely everybody and in different ways... even you.

That qt3.14 virgin innocent gf could become a crazy party whore and your best bro could become your worst enemy.

The worst part is losing people around you who die for different reasons.

Also, the opposite of all the above can also happen.

Just enjoy the ride, pupper.

>How do you do it, Veeky Forums?
Well, it's not much, but I'm the kind of person that wouldn't care if I died tomorrow.

Nah man. Men look way better as they age as long as they take care of themselves. Lift and eat healthy, don't just post about it on Veeky Forums. I'm 28 and I look the best I have in my entire life. Face is defined, hairline is mature, I've got the wisdom in my eyes.

Girls are way more attracted to me now for sure.

Just don't go bald or get fat.

>tfw girl ive been crushing on for a year and a half is dating someone 12 years older than her
And here I was thinking that being 5 years older than her would've been too weird of an age difference.

Just fuck me up

Just because something isn't of immediate concern doesn't mean it isnt something to be considered

I'm trying, m8. As hard as I can

Definitely. I have my fingers crossed that science will be able to reverse aging in my lifetime, I think it's the only semi-realistic hope you can have with regards to death as an afterlife is probably non-existent.

I'm 41. No one believes it. If it wasn't for the gray on my beard, I'd get carded as often as the college aged kids.

It also runs in my family; my mother use to get mistaken for as much as 20 years younger until she hit 65 and had a few minor surgeries that have limited her physical activity. Granted she is still way more active than the average 40+ woman, but at some point what the OP fears sets in.

No matter how much you take care of yourself, the wear & tear sets in. On a cold morning I'm super stiff until after yoga. Stress affects my lifting far more. Caffeine and Vitamin I are constant companions.

Compared to my brother-in-law, I've got nothing to complain about. 36, already had a bypass surgery, 3 knee surgeries (fatass), etc. Dude always has something on the horizon. In the past 10 years, I've only had a hernia surgery, a few stitches from a work accident, and resetting a finger that I didn't realize was broken.

I've been balding since 19, now with less hair than my 85 year old grandfather. I live next to a cemetery that's 20 feet from my bedroom window and as a result I've constantly been reminded of my own mortality.

I don't know what to say, friend. Why be scared of aging if life is fleeting in other regards? Every time you step outside you run the risk of dying. Life is the most valuable currency you have and you should be grateful for every second.

Hmmm none of my family are the picture of health but definitely not unhealthy either, typically smoke and drink until 70 when they have a massive heart attack or stroke then it's one foot in. I didn't start lifting until this year (23) gonna try and squeeze out these last few years of gains before my heriditory habits and crippling loneliness kicks in (single for 2 years. Almost khv since then)

Mike Tyson was off his prime since the 90s according to this video :

You're 22? I better hope you realize you're at the solace of your life because if you just started training you'll be already a 27 old man the time you get decent

enjoy your demise

Where the problem? This means you can go for a hot 18yo chick you wish you'd have back then

Bro. Read through this thread:
It's not so bad.

t. 40th birthday tomorrow.

Also what does "t." stand for? Only been seeing this for like a month.


It's a Finnish meme. "t." is short for "terveisin" which translates to "(with) regards"

It has the obvious regular use outside the internet, but on finnish imageboards it's often used as a joking way to tell something about your identity that's relevant to the post.

t. a finn

This, philosophy only helps brainlets

If you're too smart you won't accept the poor answers given to this problem

Philosophy is for brainlets
Theology is for the afraid
Occultism is for the Patrician
Techultism is the 21st century Man

>How do you deal with it?
I shave my balding hair into weird patterns that make me look ridiculous.
My joints hurting is now the norm. If something doesn't hurt, it means I'm dead or I damaged a nerve.

My strength is still going up, and my bodyfat is going down, while I'm maintaining my BMI of 32.

Since I'm only 31, the owner of my gym is a better example, since he's a 47 year old alcoholic with boreliosis.
He's currently in a deadlift gains competition with me, both of us are in a race to equal or exceed his old record of 260kg for a set of four.
Still benches 160-180kg for singles and 100kg for sets of 20+ during warm ups. Can't squat though, since bench presser's rotator cuff + boreliosis means he can't actually reach the fucking bar on his back.

There's a lot of guys in their mid-to-late 40s who lift heavy and look better than they did in their 20s.

Also steroids. Steroids are the elixir of youth - you either look great in your 60s-70s or you die young.

ayn rand doesn't count you sperg

You will think about ti for a year or so and make your peace with it.

Thanks user!

That's fun, I like Obscure Finnish Reference more than the usual "ree", "cuck", "desu senpai".

>planing to live past 30
Die a beautiful violent death. You can't be beautiful if you're old.

Then you ahould stop. Just keep lifting and ull be okay.

I work at er and seeing old ppl weakened by disease and atrophy really makes u think.
I already know I have an exit plan if things get shitty. Only glory awaits.

Makes u understand viking philosophy of dying in battle. Its infinitely better than atrophy and dementia.

But moat old ppl can only blame themselves. There is a difference between just getting older, and disregaeding your body ergo rotting alive.

Just getting old is not that bad if done right. Plus by the time yoi are 70 medicine will be more advanced. We may even go singularity before that.

You get used to it

college girls tire of boys when they meet men
(I'm 7 yrs older than my wife)


I'm also 22 and I welcome ageing.
My only fear would be old and look back with regret for not living a good life.

and a child is heard from


*unsheathes twin katana"

You get an instinctive sense of "knowing" what death is, and welcome it.

Once you've lived long enough and have fulfilled enough desires you wont mind the thought of sleeping forever.

I solved this issue for myself by directly participating in the transhuman agenda.

I am a robotics undergrad, my diploma project will be about bionic prosthetics in a year. At the same time I read alot about molecular biology, etc.

I personally look for research papers on various shit at pubmed and analyze them, when I have time.

IMO, aging yields a heavy epigenetic component, as shown by all recent studies, including the most recent ones like that Salk study.

5-7 nm components in a processor will be a reality by 2020, despite all the 'Moore's law' dead proponents.

I wish I was born in 2015-2020 though.

How about you give some links in order to make us believe you, not that I don't want to, quite the opposite

To add up to my previous post.

The deterioration of tissue we experience as we age and metabolic decline has nothing to do with 'wearing out' or 'accumulating damage', as it looks more and more that these theories are wrong.

There are tons of species in the animal world with negligible senescence/have similar tissue and their bodies, yet, don't really decline some mammals like we do. Hell, there are living biologically immortal animals out there.

Rather, this is some kind of a sophisticated genetic program to start self-destructing at a certain biological age. In the long run it's 'hackable', but no one knows when.

Just keep in mind that, this may help you to be optimistic, you CAN engineer 'younger' cell out of 'older'. This is already a fact and studies are easy to Google up.

The process is reversible, not in theory, but in practice, but how to apply this in a grown human, ethical and potential impact concerns, this halts the process.

Ageing population pushes some countries in researching deterioration reversal technologies.

I'm 37. relax, fast, exercise, be present.

meditation, mindfulness, learning to live in the present moment.. you're just here man, and that is all there is to it, train your mindset to cherish the present moment through meditation, it helped me

Read with scepticism, this has a long way to go, but the idea is already clear.

One of the latest studies in this field.

Old studies, which highlight the fact, that they have successfully engineered adult cells back into the 'young' ones (requires at least an amateur biology insight to comprehend).

About biologically immortal animals, I am too lazy to find links, but you can google Turritopsis dohrnii or hydras as easy ones. TD reprograms its own cells back to young age, whenever it approaches senility. Can live indefinetely, given physical security and no diseases.

Physical immortality is likely impossible.

Biological immortality is absolutely possible, the issue is in practical ways to make it real, its ethical concerns and whether it's actually desireable for humanity.

Life fast, die young, and leave a good looking corpse.

Realize and take confort in the fact that this will literally happen to everyone ever, it's part of life. 22 is still young and the reason why everything feels like its flying by is because you still don't know your place in the world so invest in some basics for the future:

-Get work experience so you can find a job later, degrees pale incomparison to experience.
-Everyone ages, but tou can choose to ages with grace, eat well, sleep well (VERY important) and be active so that when you are old your body won't betray as much as others.
-Travel while you can, going to different places in the wolrd challenges your sense of self and exposes you to new people, methods of though and cultures that can enrich your life.
-beforgiving of yourself, pay attentuoj to how you handle/manage with stress in your life and try to avoid it as much as possible.
-Take care of your mental health as much as your physical health, asking for help is how you get healthy.
-Realize there will be some people you will never get along with, don't take it personal, just move in. Remember "if you don't complain, you don't have to explain."
-Drop toxic habbits as soon as you identify them.
-Learn from the older people in your family, notice how they have carried themselves in their life, they will pass to so love them while you can.
-Remember everyone else is in the same boat as you, compassion goes a long way.

Hang in there. You'll be fine.

>I'm going to have to face the reality of my own death.
This is called becoming an adult, OP. As you may have heard, it's not a pleasant experience, but a necessary one nonetheless.

Thanks user

once this becomes a reality it will quickly be shut down by the elite. we already have population problems and letting the public have access to even longer lives will never happen unless you are someone very important (like hawking or musk) or the unknown elite that basically control everything.

it's wishful thinking but it will never happen. now transferring your consciousness into computer might be a more realistic thing for everyone which is what i believe kurtzwell predicted.

all i'm hoping is that singularity happens in my lifetime because only then do we have a chance.

I'm 28.
I just got my first grey hairs.


In short: aging is reversible, we 'wear out', because our cells are programmed to start wearing out, rather than actual exhaustion.

Not pseudoscience by any means, an idea supported by the majority of biologists atm.

That's funny OP, I'm 22 and I went through something of a crisis last year. Lots of my friends were graduating and getting married, my hairline was starting to recede, I realized college was nearly over, basically my first realization of adulthood and mortality and it freaked me out badly.

I think I've mostly worked through it, at the end of the day you are getting older but so are all of your friends so it's going to be a joint effort. And when you get nearer to death's door do what all old people do and delusionally pick a religion to believe is going to grant you some peaceful afterlife to spare your mind the horrible turmoil of realizing non-existence after death.

this is best explained in one of kakus videos.

but what about heart which is a muscle or even brain for that matter? i know that we are close to growing new organs but brain is pretty irreplaceable.

I read a biologist talking about it. Basically he was saying that the high complexity of the human body and specialization of cell made aging too complex of a process to be substantially fought. Also that research was being severely curtailed by Google NDAs.

> take care of yourself
> find something bigger than you to contribute to
> meditate, read some estern philosophy (western suck)

and don't sweat the small stuff. Would you really want to live forever? I wouldn't. The fact that life has a beginning and an end, and a random series of events that will unfold is what makes it interesting.

>tfw after attaining immortality your brain is running out of memory

I like aging. Sure it's hurtling towards death but I'm sure I couldn't have lived any better to this point and there's more neat things on the horizon. Sure my heart could explode at any point and I hope it doesn't but I know I couldn't have done it any better.

i'm 25 and only thing i can say is DO NOT waste your 20s. I already kinda wasted the my first 5 year by going to a shitty none - party collage smoking weed and doing nothing and now most of my friends have gfs/careers while i'm the loser living in a one room flat. I'm starting to fix this now by picking up my studies while working almost full time and saving.

Lord knows i'm gonna keep drinking and partying and fucking girls every opportunity i get. I'm also probably gonna take an exchange year when i'm 27, but idk, the years are already so much more "precious" now, so a year away in my 20s better be legendary.

I got shot in the leg by a hooker in Cambodia when I was 27. Still hurts.


The population will be aging, even the most vibrant inflows from Africa/Middle East.

There is no study to support that longer life = more children, in fact, people who live comfortably, in fact, are less likely to have children.

There have been proposals of, in case technology, providing cell rejuvenation breaks out, to design ethically balanced measures to compensate for the cons.

Overpopulation could be stopped by introducing a tax for having children for such individuals and limiting birth policies. Similar to China.

The wealthy are interested in these technologies, you are overlooking too many aspects.

Do you understand what kind of a GDP boost would reintroduction of retired 60+ y.o. specialists to the market yield?
Elites are interested in that.

China is conducting a CRISPR clinical study in LIVE HUMANS right now, which is a major happening, since it's the first genetic engineering of live adult humans. The first instance is the most important, as it paves the way for a barrage of technologies to be tested in years to come.

Japan is conducting first ever clinical trials with the goal of partial aging amelioration with NMN right now. The sole fact that they're conducting human trials for the goal of aging partial healing is a yet unseen concept.

The 2018 upcoming DSM review is the first one, where among diseases 'aging' and 'senescence' will be presented for possible evaluation.

I've committed the worst crime when it comes to wasted youth.
>Age 14-16 - was qt back then and hung around with a lot of qt alternative girls. Could have EASILY fucked many of them, but didn't because i was fucking retarded and didn't understand what was going on.
>Had a GF for a while during this time, but we never got the chance to try sex
>at 16 i started hanging with a different crowd, started playing wow and other games. Never went to parties or talked to girls.
>at 19 after school ended, start working nights in a horrible dead-end job, which didn't really allow for a social life at all. Stayed there for 9 (NINE) fucking years.
>Age 19-28 literally DELETED
>Attempting to restart life now.

All you people in your early 20s have NO right to complain about this shit.

but that's a fucking excellent story you can recite to people at parties

forgot to mention i'm still a virgin

I don't understand the people who are willing to do life-killing work/hours in their 20's

it's not even like 20 year olds are paid well anyway, you'd be better served to work your ass off once you can get into a really high paying position

>party collage smoking weed

Man at least you had some fun. I was just a depressed retard turtling in my room mostly. 28 now and feels there's too much shit to catch up on in education and social life, though I know I must.

I don't envy the smart or the skilled so much as people with clarity of purpose. Embarrassing eyeing 30 and still feeling so lost

When was that?

Rewind back to early 2000's.
There were IT scientists, who considered chips to approach the size of

I've done more or less the same. My 20s has been nothing but an underwhelming string of failures, missed opportunities and regret.

That said, I've learned a lot from my mistakes. I've learned a lot about myself. Now at 28 I feel like I'm finally making some actual progress. It's finally all coming together.
I basically got to a point where I realised that wasting time worrying or hesitating is intolerable and decided not to do it in any aspect of my life again.
Boom, life enjoyment rockets upwards.

I've got my 30s to enjoy it.

At least as men we don't have to be in as much of a rush to settle down since our attractiveness doesn't really wane as much (and sometimes increases) with age

30 year old guys can still easily get with girls in their low 20's

but a 30 year old woman has basically signed her death sentence with every man under her age

it's the price they pay for running the world from age 18-23

this. if you thinking about the future constantly, miss the past all the time, you forget to live in the moment.

And thats the only thing that matters. embrace it. it makes life so much easier and enjoyable.

struggle with the exact same thing and hey man if you're like me i recommend you just get a plain eight to five job that's not flipping burgers at mcdonalds while you figure stuff out. I'm literally taking a degree in fucking library studies of all things and i just want a "normal" decent paid job. I've gone forever not knowing what my path is but at least i'll have a job , so i just picked something that i know i'll manage, and that's not embarrassing.

also i don't know how it's in the states but it's quite common that there will be a couple of lates 20s and even people into their 30s in your classes when you go to university around the world. In my "gang" we had one guy that was like 32, a single mother that was like 35, couple of lates 20s yeaar olds and then the rest of us were 19-24 year old kids, no on cared, hell most 19year old kids are so focused on acting more adult then they actually are think it's cool that too hang with older people

>At least as men we don't have to be in as much of a rush to settle down since our attractiveness doesn't really wane as much (and sometimes increases) with age
>30 year old guys can still easily get with girls in their low 20's

here, this is the only fact that's keeping me from offing myself right the fuck now

The most efficient way is: learning from the past, living a moment and planning the future at the same time.

However, this is too complicated and involves hard multitasking.

Just turned 25 and bitched and moaned about it the whole month. Then I realized that I need to change things. Told my babies momma that she has no say in what I do and that my career choice is my decision and I won't work something I would hate. As for lifting, I got a bike for cardio and work. And I created goals I want achieve by the end of the year. I want to reach my body goal, travel to Oregon, finish school and get a good job. And just live life to the fullest man. Fuck what people say, who cares what they think. Their opinions ain't doing shit for you.

25 is nothing


why are you so worried about dying
it happens to everyone eventually and that's unavoidable, so just don't worry about it. you die when you die

This, I personally got involved in Biotechnology and am currently studying my masters abroad on a Russian scholarship. The prime minister, Medvedev, recently took a part in a summit in Moscow where Aubrey de Grey himself was invited to talk, and praised Russia for the eased regulations and funding when it comes to this.

This is also the home of the 2045 initiative, which wants to implement cybernetic augmentations a-la Deus Ex to achieve a prolonged lifespan, with the end game of digitizing human consciousness as a means of continued existence, however far off and impractical it may be, but it's got billionaire funding and there are a ton of interested billionaires and millionaires in Moscow alone.

If you're concerned about these things, get involved in research.

Was hooking up with high schoolers at 25. Now I'm almost 30 and want a wife and kids.

OP you have a shit attitude towards death. I look forward to my eventual death when i get to rest from all the work I've done and i get to know I lived a good life. The whole value of anything in this world is that it's not forever. It's easier to appreciate something knowing it's temporary.

I fucking love getting older. I'm 25, and I cherish every grey hair I'm getting. Because with age comes experience, with experience an identity, and with an identity the ability to not give a fuck.

And when you don't give a fuck, you love yourself.

Even 20 yr olds have to pay bills not all of us were lucky enough to have daddy pay for everything shit I've been paying my own way since 14 my parents are deadbeat losers

Consider this.
I know biological immortality is possible, I know there are actual ways to make old cells young again. I know that merging with machines is possible especially good.

What are the excuses for me not to contribute?

It's the only logical solution to the existential crisis. Cell immortality/rejuvenation/computer merging is all theoretically possible, thus I should strive to make it real.

That's the answer to the OP crisis.

I personally translate and write research papers on problems and perspectives of prosthetics. How to make the ultimate mechanical replacement of limbs.

There's literally no excuse to not contribute to longevity/rejuvenation technologies, considering how real they are.

This solves this crisis for me.

I will either live longer than any human lives today or I will indeed die the same way, but I'll pave the road to what I wanted to be real. For death not to be such an issue in our lives that is.

Personally I'm training to try and get into the special operations community and die in battle. Sounds edgy but ultimately I think dying a warriors death as a young man is preferable to dying of cancer or in a nursing home. That way I'll be remembered as a young healthy warrior and not a senile old man or a cancer victim. We all have to die someday and I think dying in battle as many greater men before me have is the best way to go out. Even better if I can die doing something heroic and have a gravestone with the Medal of Honor engraved on it somewhere in Arlington National Cemetary while I rest in Valhalla.

>inb4 dying for the Jews

Yeah whatever, at least I'll get to slay some terrorists and do some cool shit.

Good goy

Whatcha got ain't nothin new. This country's hard on people, you can't stop what's coming, it ain't all waiting on you. That's vanity.

You don't need to work 3rd shift all week or 60 hours a week to "pay the bills"