Whats your excuse user?

Whats your excuse user?

Do you want to stay poor forever?

why is it called salt

Bags of salt
Makes sense

Because there will be lots of salty people when it launches

Salt @ 20$ minimum by the end of 2017 screenshot this


So wait Salt will be redeemable for sure for $25? That would be the most sure 10x in crypto I have ever seen.

yup, its basically free money

>Buy SALT 3 weeks ago
>Price plummets to less than 50% because it was overvalued
>Somehow will rise again

Is this bait?

If SALT is successful, ELIX will be as well, so ELIX is way undervalued.

Kek ELIX is just amateur copypasta on ETH

Elix has nothing in common with salt, its shitcoin with user devs who can just disappear one day and dont give a shit.

Salt will increase in value because people will be able to cover their loans with and since its retail price is 25 $ imagine what happens when first loan is taken market offers such cheap salts

Literally a faggot.


ico price was $0.25

you really think this shit is going up?

ICO Price wasnt 0.25 you pleb - Only a few investor got them for 0.25

what was ico price?

First Stage was $1.50

So how do they earn money?
Can anyone explain?
Also i can borrow 100k for 1 year , so ill have to give them 100k in crypto as collateral? what if it goes down 50% al of a sudden i'm 50k in debt .
This seems nice on the surface , but with the volatility of the market
Or am i missing something?

This is such a retarded fucking idea.

Loaning out money on some of the most volatile and unstable price points.

Crypto and credit do not mix.

This project will fail.

if salt is 20$ by the end of 2017 im gonna shoot my dick

yeah your forgetting to add the 5k interest

I am gonna screenshot this

>Or am i missing something?
i think most of it will be traded in none-volatile crypto currencies. the type of coins you can actually cash out and spend.

no one is gonna take a loan to buy LINK or some shit

this is bs


Is Salt a Jewish scam? Who are the founders. There are plenty of other crypto card ideas out there already (Tenx, ARK, etc.) But because they have nice images they get tons of traffic.

More like gambling,
Only reason i would use it it give bitcoin in collaterall so i can buy some shit in real life without weakening my position. this is already a gamble, but using the loaned money to buy another crypto? thats even a bigger risk

Well, I just looked at the team. A bunch of jews. Does not look good to me m8s.


Unfortunately not one person here took into consideration the actual use of salt. The loan isn't to buy more crypto you fucking morons, it's to use day to day so you don't need to withdraw from crypto. So you don't have to sell BTC to use your BTC value. It provides liquidity, which is a huge element in mainstream crypto adoption. If you don't support salt you don't support cryptocurrency. And the team is stacked, check the site.


Also, avoiding taxes

>avoiding taxes when Jews are on the team.

List goes on and on.


Isn't there some shitpost work on /pol/ to do?

Is SALT /our-coin/ ?

No, only jews on that list by name and phenotype are Ben Yablon, Blake Cohen, Josef Schaible, possibly Dave Daniel, and then the two advisers you mention.

Yeah, lots of kikes though.