Did nothing but pull ups. If I threw something in like squats for legs, would this be acceptable? Plus in a Manlet so easier gains. Oh and I'd have a clean diet as per sticky.
Pull ups only
yeah that's a chucklefuck trying to troll the retards on reddit into wasting their time. probably from here or bodybuildingforum.
and this is what he looks like
chinpus and pullups are for the upper body what the squat is for the lower body
this pull ups are a fantastic exercise and if anybody can't do 10 of them they are fat or weak
That's not the meme though.
>chinup is the upper body deadlift
>dips are the upper body squat.
you can built decent physique on dips and pull ups alone. Your legs will remain noodles of course
What if I hit legs with heavy ass dumbbells at home. Eg Bulgarian split squats, goblets, lunges, RDL
>No legs
>No abs
>No triceps
>No shoulders
>No traps
>Very little forearms and obliques
>Decent upper chest, lats, biceps and back
Exactly what you'd expect from pullups. What's your point?
>Did nothing but pull ups. If I threw something in like squats for legs, would this be acceptable?
If you want to look like this, sure. Otherwise pick an actual routine and stick to it.
Also keep in mind that he says he did it because he couldn't be bothered with a gym, but I'll guarantee he puts in far more time and effort to make these more challenging than a standard routine in the gym would offer.
If all you care about is simplicity then Arnolds Golden Six is ideal:
>Chest Press
>Pull up
>Ab workout of choice
daily reminder that this actually looks good. big legs are effeminate, disgusting and no one wants to see a man who has them.
t. monster quads genetics curse
Sorry but legs look gross on both genders imo.
A standard muscular leg for men and a sexy slim one for women is where it's at.
By legs I meant thick legs
Most of the compliments I get involve my legs and arse. Arse is the most important but having legs like OP is clearly unattractive, you're kidding yourself.
Rugby thighs are a good example of something girls routinely talk about.
dykes* user. not girls, dykes. they try to delude themselves with that "b-but it's a guy's ass" but the truth is lower body is woman's game and a man shouldn't have it. whenever I see a guy with legs even bigger than mine I just think to myself "what a poor, pathetic fucker with his inferior low test genetics".
Is this podracing?
obviously that will work. Do you have to ask?
This guy knows what's up. The guy in the pic looks idiotic, while of course having good points the small legs ruin the overall look.
>No abs
>No shoulders
>no forearms
that's where you're wrong. rear and middle delts are used, abs are used, forearms are used heavily
You have no idea what you're talking about
it will be good. you will get a strong back and arms and a well developed core.
my question is: why neglect pressing and legs? what is the actual point in ignoring the fundamental movements of the body which indisputably add a shit load of muscle and strength and aesthetics?
if you want to go super minimal check out pavel tsatouline. 2-3 exercises, 4 times a week. pavel's legit.
I was talking about his pic/body, not the movement.
Pull ups actually use more Anterior and Medial delts unless you're doing variation. Abs are not used in a pull up, they're purely braced/engaged as you would for deadlift or any other compound. Forearms I'd concede on, but again I was talking about his pic.
You have no idea what you're talking about.
Wut? Anterior and medial delts used in pullups? Not in any significant amount you dyel. Why would those activate in a movement where you bring your upper arms towards the body? The deltoid abducts the arms. You might get some posterior deltoid activation depending on form but its not enough to skip deltoid raises altogether and expect lol 3d delts.
pull ups are great for abs. do you even Dan John? people with 20+ pull ups always have strong abs.
lol, you're stupid
Man those pics are like 8 years apart. Just do a fucking normal routine and get the same results in 3-4 years
Unless you're doing something weird like behind the neck pull ups then no, you're going to see exactly what you get in OPs pic- anterior and medial delts.
False. Hanging leg raises and knee raises are fantastic for abs, strict pull ups simply are not, especially when compared against other core bracing compounds like deadlifts.
This, and he's quite obviously doing weighted or otherwise adjusted pull ups too.
Just because you can't afford a gym membership doesn't mean you should rely on one exercise, regardless of how good pull ups are.
Looks better than 90% of Veeky Forums not bad.
just stop posting, you obviously have never done a straight set of more than 20 pull ups in your life.
like i said - do you even dan john?
toppest of kex
bro, huge quads are what you want. i think they give a sense of power.
Is there a reason why dips/pullups/chinups just feel better than barbell/dumbell equivalents? I prefer doing weighted body movements
Yeah this is totally not true. The girl I'm seeing right now can't keep her hands off my meaty hammies, and says she loves how much she has to spread her legs we do missionary-like positions.
shut up faggot
after what 10 years thats the progress from doing only chinups? sounds about right.
You could look like that in 1-2 years with ease.
>no deadlifts
lmao arnold the golden fuckboi
>you're going to see exactly what you get in OPs pic- anterior and medial delts.
Either you don't understand anatomy or you're a fucking retard. Also, the pics in the OP reddit post don't show much gain in anterior/medial delts.
Please do tell me in which one of these links where it says "Anterior Deltoid" or "Medial Deltoid".
Also see exrx.net
Hmm gee, no pullup exercise is listed anywhere for any deltoid. As I said, at best you might get posterior deltoid activation depending on form, and only for wide overhand grip.
>Having bigger muscles is an indication of low test
honey, you need to take your meds
well theres not much potential for fucking your spine with those movements for a start. form is easier to get right
> girls don't like dudes' butts
the excuses virgins make not to squat seriously lmao
Why can I do more pullups than chinups now? It was the reverse when I started