What are you eating this morning Veeky Forums?
>bulking shake, 4 eggs sunny, toast.
What are you eating this morning Veeky Forums?
>bulking shake, 4 eggs sunny, toast.
nothing, trying IF
>only like 120% of your daily sodium
What a fucking shill
>spending 25 minutes to bake a fucking breakfast
I eat cottage cheese with some fruit, nuts and musli biscut (or a jogurt instead of that) to sweeten it up. Seriously, how is cottage so good? It has no business tasting so good with 100cals and 10g of protein in every 100g.
pic sort of related, but I buy the one that swims in cream.
This tbqh
Just lots of coffee
Fasting on sunday
3 eggs, turkish sausage, dark rye bread w/ butter, 2 cups of coffee
about 70 grams of oats, 250ml low fat milk and a scoop of whey. cutting
>almond milk
> almond butter
ECA tablet and maybe a multi later.
Never eaten sweet cottage cheese. I love it with some salt and radish tho. Uberfood.
I only ate it salty when I mixed it in rice and chicken. I fucking love radish. Got to try that too.
you got it nigga
found it a few months ago. Goat-tier shit
i've made that before, it's preddy gud
Never tried it sweet, though I heard that some like to each it with peaches.
Personally, I mix it with some baked fish and salt
curried cream of broccoli soup.
the cream part is coconut milk obvs
Three pieces of cinnamon raisin toast with peanut butter.
Looks like vomit
okay? tastes fucking delicious. highly recommend that everyone purchase an immersion blender, assuming they haven't already.
A bowl of cereal and some oats, nothing too complicated.
> coconut oil
> 3 eggs, scrambled
> not overcooked because I'm not a peasant
> fistful of spinach
> english muffin, cream cheese
> 1/2 cup of oatz
> coffee, black
Question for the IMFers:
Can I take creatine and fibre powder with water in the morning while fasting? Or does that break the fast?
>black coffee
>3 eggs, three little yukon potatoes, 3 strips of bacon, 3 mushrooms, 3 freezer waffles (shame desu)
anyone else eat god's number?
fuck yea