What were the WW1 veterans reaction to the start of WW2? Was it more like "Not this shit again"?
What were the WW1 veterans reaction to the start of WW2? Was it more like "Not this shit again"?
Depends on the country. Germans were eager for revenge.
One of the major reasons hitler made the progress he did towards re-militarization is because everyone else was hoping they could appease him
Nobody wanted another War to End All Wars
Germans tried all that they could to not WWII this shit, but it anyway
Most of the German population did not want another war. The Nazis started the war and dragged the rest of the country along for the ride.
Foch had warned them
OP didn't ask about German population he asked about WW1 vets.
That's not true at all.
Hitler tried to make peace with Britain and the soviets.
Old guy from a small town in Bavaria had a story on that. He grew up as the son of a pub owner. When the war started the old ones were already saying: "If that won't end up bad again for us." The young on the other hand were quite eager and told them that this time we win. After the 18days war against Poland and even harder after France the old guys ofc couldn't say much anymore against the war. But when shit went downhill in Russia they said: "See, we told you."
He wanted to fuck France bloody if Otto Strasser is to be believed.
>>Hitler tried to make peace with Britain and the soviets.
Yeah Germany has always wanted france but to say the germans wanted revenge is stupid.
The nazis didn't want war, they wanted to just be left alone, the allies were bringing war to their doorstep so hitler initiated it so they would start on the offensive.
by bombing and invading them?
or by breaching Britain's treaties like the lying cheats they are?
see And if you want to look at breaching treaties just remember it was britain who killed civilians first when they bombed berlin.
Don't think for a second that Britain were the good guys, not the british soldiers but the leaders like Churchill were evil men who only cared about wealth and power.
>"Hurr durr we're the absolute master race and we're going to kill every single one of you fucking subhu-"
>*get their shit pushed*
>Uuuuh, w-we're j-just joking g-g-guys... p-peace?"
I don't really believe in the master race at all.
Genetically Africans and Polynesians are pretty much superior physically.
I would like to see some primary sources from many countries but from what I've heard some intellectuals say in interviews was that it was quite depressing that the war to end all wars sparked an even bigger war so soon after, I think the start of the 20th century was probably about 10x as depressing as the 21st century has been.
Wasn't the league of nations created to prevent this sort of thing and then instantly desolved as a failure because of WW2? Must have been pretty fucked especially personally having PTSD and then going back out to lead young lads and your children to their deaths.
They must have approached life way differently than millenials do when problems crop up. Does anyone actually have any info?
>wanted france
They still want France. Now they just use a different tactic.
>Britain did it so it’s ok if we did it.
Britain is the cause of 90% if the worlds geopolitical issues today. If anything, you shouldn’t want to be like them.
Regardless, that doesn’t excuse the Nazis breaking treatys left and right and expect to be taken seriously when they sue for peace. They were intentionally dishonest. Next thing you’ll tell me the Danzig massacre was real and not propaganda.
>Invades all of Europe
>wants to be left alone
haha ok
>they only wanted peace so that's why they invaded everybody
I'm not defending the nazis breaking treaties, but to single them out is silly because everyone broke treaties and commited war crimes.
Like i said, they were being pressured into war by the allies so took to the offensive.
Could imagine if germany had waited for them to declare war on them? They literally would have been fighting everyone off just inside germany, they would have had no where to retreat to if need be.
Next you're probs gonna start telling me how the holocaust is true and jews are such sweet innocent people.
>Europe appeases them by continuously letting them annex former and new territories
>pressured into war
WWI vets includes German WWI vets you illiterate mong
Nice bait. I kek'd out loud.
Keep believing those lies brah.
The nezis were evil xD
>you still think of me germany ?
I'm pretty sure they took pride in how fucked up they were. They would be offended if they were called "nice" or "good".
>Next you're probs gonna start telling me how the holocaust is true and jews are such sweet innocent people.
You're pulling too fast user, you'll lose your fish.
It's funny because none of this is bait, do people on here really believe the holocaust happened?
Yes they were so fucked up!
They commited war crimes! They were the most evil people in the world goy don't be like them!
Now go spend more money and don't have any white children.
>give Sudetenland in agreement that they won't invade countries anymore
>lying Krauts take the rest of Czechoslovakia and then invade Poland
>try to stop them
>they invade your shit too
Do it again Bomber Harris
>Was it more like "Not this shit again"
I'm not sure, but that's my reaction in seeing the direction this thread has been headed towards recently.
Literally every single question in that image has been unequivocally proven time and time and TIME AND TIME AND TIME again. Stop wasting your fucking time by doing this. You will never convince anyone that the holocaust didn't happen. I don't even care if you hate Jews, that's a separate issue altogether, but the blatant denial of proven 20th century historia on a history board is doing everyone you interact with(including yourself) an incalculable disservice. Please God I beg you, either read a book, talk to a survivor, talk to an academic, or stop posting here altogether. There are other corners of the internet for you to wallow in.
Not all Germans participated in WW1 you fucking retard.
>tried to make peace with the soviets.
>trying to make peace with nation that your main ideological plan is to fully conquer and colonise
Modern nazi larpers truly are retarded
It’s fucking astounding
>This shit again.
Foch had a pair on him to say that since he was one of the people that was so harsh on the Germans when they came to the French asking for a cease fire. That bastard and those like him allowed the fighting to carry on for a few extra bloody days that didn't need to happen.
>read a book
>written by jews
Thats a great idea,keep beliving those great wooden doors made excellent gas chamber doors.
You think you are intelligent because you read books about history, yet you are so dumb you believe anything that these so called books tell you.
The holocaust didn't happen open your eyes you pussy.
Do you get all your opinions from pop culture and YouTube?
You’re disregarding the roaming deathsquads and massacres committed by Wehrmacht and SS troops all over Eastern Europe
Foch said that in 1919 because he knew very well tat Germany being allowed to keep existing would lead to another German chimpout not long after
>go full retard and attack everyone everywhere because MUH KAISER
>get your shit rightfully pushed in
>fucking jews race war now!
G*rmans were a mistake
This. Versailles was not harsh enough.
>get through the war of your lifetime
>half the men you knew growing up are dead
>drinking in secret because your wife is begging you to stop but you can't sleep without it
>wake up at nights howling for a medic to save your best friend
>still managing to rebuild a life, rebuilding your country, one day at a time
>son comes in one day wearing new army uniform
>he says signed up because it was the right thing to do
Yeah xD
You're bringing up another topic about the nazis, i'm talking about the holocaust and it not being real because you know there is THAT much evidence suggesting that it didn't happen.
You dweebs on here read anything out of a history book and believe every single word of of it, i can't imagine how deep into insanity you'd go when you realise that history is written by the victor.
> one of the people that was so harsh on the Germans when they came to the French asking for a cease fire
What are you talking about ?
>11/11, 11am
was worth it.
I can only try to imagine this feel
>War about to end
>Americans take your village after small resistance
>Walk around forest near your village to get away from the chaos
>See a dead body
>get closer to it
>Body is holding a picture, covered in blood
>Picture of your younger self with your child
Dude, just stop. You're spinning your tires.
>hurr durr
What a fantastic denial and social pressure thread! I'm sure if you just post enough times, you'll make people feel outnumbered and make the history channel view of history real!
The Germans had a strategic position that required a pre-emptive strike. They tried to negotiate peace all the way up to three days before the strike on Poland. The German position is completely untenable for a defensive war. Historically they have needed to capture a buffer zone to prevent destruction of its homeland. Other things like lacking agricultural land to produce enough food for the population is a problem for them.
A proper view of the early period of the second world war should be framed within an arms race between the Germans and Soviet Union. The soviets had plans to invade Europe regardless of German intentions. The Germans were well aware but also realized they could not defend themselves on the Eastern European plains against the Russians. Soviet military spending was far higher in terms of rearmament than Germans right back to 35/36.
Many of the original veterans did not particularly want the war
>The Germans had a strategic position that required a pre-emptive strike.
>we just want peace so we will attack you
nigger logic
and even then that only explains the Soviets case
I have to say, that's a new one.
Half of the time Stormfags try to 'rationalize' Nazi Germany's conquest by pushing Bromberg massacre a couple of days back, right before Nazi attack on Poland.