What is German education of the world wars like? Not some sort of /pol/
>da joos is brainwashing da young aryans
But I'm generally interested being a bong.
What is German education of the world wars like? Not some sort of /pol/
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Ill sum entire education program
>one or two pages about Mesopotamia,Egypt etc
>one or two pages about Rome
>one pages about HRE
>one or two pages about second reich
>hundreds of pages on ww2 and holocaust
>few pages on communism and unification
Good. You should remember the crimes of your barbaric ancestors.
Holocaust everywhere, mentioning this and German war crimes is mandatory for the students
I took a special history class in high school (don't know how to call it, you had like twice the amount of history lessons and your grades were worth twice as much). We spend a whole semester on 1933-49 and unlike what the memelords ITT say, the Holocaust was not the center of attention. It was talked about of course, but mostly together with other subjects. For example, we learned about the Nuremberg laws and the Reichspogromnacht, but also the four year plan and other general nazi antics. After 1939, he focus mainly shifted to WW2, especially the Ostfront. The final solution and stuff like Auschwitz received some attention, but less than the war.
Although that might have somemthing to do with our teacher being quite reactionary and fond of passing off work to students, so we got a lot of presentations. Which, as our class was mostly boys, were mainly focussed on the war again. My friend did quite a good one about Kursk and Unternehmen Zitadelle.
Also, we weren't forced to visit a KZ, we could if we wanted to. I did and it was a pretty fun trip to Poland.
Sadly, WW1 didn't receive that much attentionn, we did all of like 1800-1920 in one semester. And here, the German unification logically took up most of the available time
I’m not even German, I’m from Texas, but in middle school we spent 3 whole months learning about the Holocaust.
In English class.
As it should be.
t. Jew
>You should remember the crimes of your barbaric ancestors.
Excellent idea, Nigel/Pierre.
Tell me 1 (one) difference between a German and a Jew.
you killed millions
I love how this sounds in English, that you do not have a real plural for 2nd person
Jup, I kill about 100-150 million every day
Only one of them understands the impact of Muslim immigration in your country.
They are interested in cremation for different reasons.
jews love their country
The German, since they understand stormfag ramblings are pure autism.
In our (German) history lessons, we mostly talked about the Nazi Party taking power in great detail and how they took over all goverment roles leading up to the second world war, ANSCHLUSS .... here's the holocaust as an isolated thing ... aaaand the war is over and Germany is occupied. Zero lessons on how the war progressed. None.
Same with WW1, lots of before and after, but literally nothing on the war itself.
our history class fucking sucks, we only learn a bit about the greeks and romans and medieval age
>love their country
>fuck it up constantly and get it bombed with their supidity
Im from Texas too and we learnt about the holocaust pretty much every fucking year from 4th grade til we graduated
>zero lessons on how the war progressed
This is also what happened at my (german) school. Just pre war stuff, then a few words about the ostfront and the war is done. To be fair, my class didn't even have any lessons at all about ww1, we had to skip that because the class could never shut up and the teacher was too inept to get it under control. Aah the beauty of public education
Yeah they managed to shove it into as many subjects as possible. If not history lessons, then at least one book we read during the school year, or even some completely unrelated subject.
>jews love their country
>Noam Chomsky.jpg
WW2 and Holocaust was kept quite short in my history class, but Holocaust, political terror and resistance also appeare in German, Religion and Ethic classes.
Instead my history teacher spend a lot of time teaching us about the Weimar Republic and the pre-war Nazi regime.
Classes 8 to 9 were Rome/Middle Ages/Stuff.
Classes 9 to 13 were Weimar/WW2 interspersed with a few weeks of WW1 and the Cold War Era.
To be fair, teaching about WW2 in military terms is pretty damn useless to 'model a citizen' as education is suposed to. As long as you get that it was a horrible war and what led to it / came from it, that's fine.
they using the holocaust to brainwash the germans so that millions of antisemits can come to the country. That's irony!