How do I add glute stuff to Starting Strength? I want to do lunges, plate hip thrusts, cable kickbacks and pull throughs but i know nothing about programming
>squats heavy 3 times a week
>"How do I add glute stuff to Starting Strength?"
dont do SS do
5x5 squat
5x5 deadlift
5x10 glute kickbacks
5x10 hamstring curl
every second day
Here's an idea. Don't fuck with the program if you don't know anything about lifting.
Deadlifts and Squats are enough for glutes, especially for a novice.
Trust me. Stick with SS. Youll have the legs you want.
What about glute activation exercises before lifting? I just want an ass.
>How do I add glute stuff to Starting Strength?
add in low bar squats, oh wait...
enjoy permstalled lifts
Are you a woman or a faggot?
Either way, just do the program, retard. Add stuff when you have some experience.
Look at emg data, squats aren't great for glutes, hipthrusts have twice as much activation and you can lift much heavier weights
don't listen to the neckbeards treating SS as gospel
if you want a thicc booty do
3x5 deadlifts
3x12 squats
2x12 glute kickbacks
3x12 hamstring curl
add ohp if you want
more reps = volume, with a max around 12'
if you want to be strong, do 5 reps. If you want to get bigger, do 10-12 reps
>you can lift much heavier weights on hip thrusts than squats
nigga I don't give a fuck, if some stupid noob adds a bunch of glute exercises to SS, guess what, he's not going to be able to add 5lbs every workout, he's not going to recover, he's gonna stall and fail.
fuckkk someone help
how about body weight glute exercises as warmup, SS and then cable pull throughs?
you don't add glute stuff to starting strength. you properly engage your glutes during low bar squat, deadlift, and power clean, and you will have more than enough glute gains.
if you're adding accessories they should be pull ups, dips, calf, ab, etc. not muscles that are worked the most like glutes, hamstrings
Stop trying to re-invent the fucking wheel, you retard.
Listen to this guy
I have never seen someone with a big ass after SS
I have good genetics but SS gives people huge quads only
>I have never seen someone with a big ass after SS
Oh, so this entire thread was bait all along. I see.
No, it's not. I want to do SS and add stuff for a big butt
Im a cis woman
>I have never seen someone with a big ass after SS
You have never seen someone after SS, period.
Seriously, even on the SS forums, only 7% of people who think they do SS, actually do SS as written and intended.
>huge quads
>low bar squat
nah man that's not how it works. you misunderstand the t-rex meme, it's hamstrings and glutes that get massive not quads. if we were doing high bar then yeah.
Can you please link a forum with before and afters?
So just do SS for a few months and then add some glute stuff, you dumb fucking slut. Stop questioning us when you don't know jack shit about lifting.
Dont listen to these flat assed faggots. Do a set or two of lunges before squats and then do some heavy sets after squating if youre up to it
>not doing squats first
I want newfags and dyels to leave.
I'm pretty thicc and this is what I was doing for awhile before switching to 5/3/1
3x8 hamstring curl
3x5 squat
3x8 lat pulldown
3x8 tricep
1x5 DL (heavy as you can go while keeping form)
Abs x F
Pullups x F (will probably only be 1 or 2 when you are first starting out)
3x5 bench
3x8 pec fly
3x8 bicep curl
3x8 triceps
3x5 OHP
I split these up, usually doing leg shit on squat day, back shit on DL day, and chest/arm shit on bench day, and abs/pullups on OHP day
4 days a week, eat enough and lift heavy. You will get an ass, and your whole body will look good as well. If you don't want to train your entire body and only want an ass (which looks dumb btw), just do the hammy curls, DL, squats, add in lunges with dumbbells and hip thrusts. You won't make much progress but it'll give you an ass.
>Im a cis woman
jesus christ just say "woman"
the lack of BRRRRAAAAPPPP posting is alarming.
Why can't i do bodyweight/plate exercises before squatting tho
Add a couple sets of whatever accessories you want at the end of the workout. Do glutes on A and not B or B and not A to give em some rest. Can possibly increase or decrease your main lift progress. Try em out and see what happens.
>he lifts for functional strength
Lmao enjoy your pancake ass
I have the best ass of anyone I know and I'm a man.
I got it from my mom, though. It's purely genetic.
Post pics of mom then