Ray Williams Just Made History With a 477.5kg (1,053lb) Raw Squat

What's the point of this? Other than just being the best.


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>Other than just being the best.

What's the point of pushing the human body to its limits? That's what you're asking?
What was the point of going to the fucking moon?

What is the point of life.

He set a goal and achieved it. No more arbitrary than literally any goal other than trying to find the secret to immortality.

>big ray will squat 500kg+ at worlds this year
>big ray will out-squat blaine sumners equipt wr
>you will never be as good as ray ray

>what's the point of making history and being the best?


If you are dead set on being obese why not make the most out of it and become a powerlifter?

i really like this picture

Powerlifting is a joke

Would be nervous as fuck as his spotter lel

>50 degree knee bend
>a squat
top kek

You dont say

what? just look at this athlete pushing the limits of human performance

Yeah, that's pretty bad


Big Ray actually hits respectable depth though. I agree with you, but Ray does it raw

>Big Ray actually hits respectable depth though.
you would know this is wrong if you watched the op vid

I did

then you're blind because that was a half squat

I favor atg, but he definitely hit parallel


>he definitely hit parallel
wrong. pls provide a screencap of him hitting parallel because he did not even get close. crease of the hip was miles above his knee.

You try even not getting squished with 477kg on your back you fat fuck


>cannot find a screen of him hittin parallel, has no counterargument, and resorts to ad hominem and goalpost shifting
looks like you lost


okay, but how do you feel about this


>judging depth from infront

Ask how I know you never squatted beyond 3pl8 in your life

ahahaha you retards think tge usapl would pass a high squat to set a world record?

that wasn't me, but here is where i think he comes closest

and i just have more respect for ray because he is going deeper than most people "squatting" 1000+ lbs, aka Westside Barbell

you cant judge depth from the front especially when your thighs are four feet around

right, and this is the only angle of the video ive seen

more ad hominem. not an argument

>and i just have more respect for ray because he is going deeper than most people "squatting" 1000+ lbs,
keep shifting the goalposts

you niggers are retarded

regardless this """sport""" has people going 40%bf
at least in World's Strongest Man they have what could be considered endurance tests for people that size.

okay, who do you respect in terms of weights?

How is the implication that you cannot judge depth from a front view not an argument you inbred mouthbreathing retard?

There are three judges present that watch the lift from a way better angle than a front angle and judge depth since several years.

Unless you can provide proof that it Infact wasn't depth there is zero burden of proof on his depth.

I can't possibly understand why I have to type this out, are you literally brain dead that you cannot see this yourself?

Jesus. I've been lifting a year and feeling good about making progress then this guy comes along and squats nearly 3x what I squat.

gg no re

>How is the implication that you cannot judge depth from a front view not an argument you inbred mouthbreathing retard?
can't even finish one sentence without another ad hominem non-argument. i didn't bother reading the rest because you obviously have nothing to say

people who actually hit depth and for powerlifters it's very few

You didn't have to read the rest, the part you had to read in order to get to the insult is already enough.

See, again you tried being funny and smart and failed miserably.

well who do you respect? give me some examples. My favorite lifter to watch train is Dimas, I'm a sucker for those old ironmind videos.

and what is your best squat? Mine is 435 lbs

Are you not a man? Do you not know what it feels like to accomplish an incredibly difficult feat?
Remove yourself from having an opinion on this if you can't understand why that's impressive.
The nigga is strong, strong as fuck. that's the god damn point

He went below parallel m8. At that w8 it's pretty damn impressive

you're embarrassing yourself

>and what is your best squat? Mine is 435 lbs
335 double highbar atg at 165lbs. i'm not saying this is good but it was an actual squat set unlike op vid.

>The nigga is strong, strong as fuck. that's the god damn point
i agree. but i disagree that that was an actual squat

Bait. You can't even see his hip crease from this angle because of the fat folds, but he looks at least two inches below parallel.

>i'm not saying this is good but it was an actual squat

Go away

>He went below parallel m8

So you, a novice squatter (squatting less than women), are to judge what an actual squat is, yeah?

fat powershitter detected

Going below parallel is in the rule set of the IPF for a legit squat and there were three experienced judges present acting upon this ruleset.

Because all the cool kids love hip replacements.

>So you, a novice squatter
yeah and my goal isn't to squat as much weight as possible, friend.

>(squatting less than women)
i'm glad for them but i'm not sexist like you seem to be

>are to judge what an actual squat is, yeah?
yeah. crease of the hip below the top of the knee is not a difficult concept. i will counterargue that training for powerlifting "squats" makes you less likely to identify a good/bad squat. just look at what passes in some leagues. it's pretty cringe

>implying feds don't want the largest squat numbers connected to their fed so they fudge the judging and don't allow side-view cameras

Judging squat from the front while having no ideals about judging the squat.

Pro tip, stop looking at his thighs, and you simply cannot see the grease do the hip from.the front. Big thighs make the squat seem high.

is that even 1x bodyweight?

I fucking love the tiny dudes around him trying to spot when in reality if that much weight went out of control it would probably literally crush them

here he is 435kg from the side. this is his bottom position. this is not parallel. not a squat.

whoops forgot pic

He's come a long way.

Let me know when he does it at a real meet Tbh

I've got abs and a 386 wilks nigger

wow 335, you almost squat as much as 15 year old girls, I'm sure people really care about your opinion on what a squat is.


>more non-argument ad hominems

That wasn't me who was arguing, I just find it stupid how you're belittling his achievement with your form police crap.

You don't have an argument in the first place you retard, your entire argument is some arbitrary definition that you defined what a squat is. If you want that to become the definition of a squat, make your own fucking fed and get people to compete in it, but protip they wont because you're a fucking idiot who has no idea what he's talking about and anyone decently strong doesn't give a shit.

>implying the IPF is the SPF

He was red lighted numerous times and so were other lifters for all kinds of lifts an attempt.

Once again you presented an argument that took around two seconds of thought to tear down.

I know you don't want accept it, but you are objectively stupid and incapable of argumenting. Everything you say is extremely weak and thoughtless.

i'm not belittling anything. it's not a squat. it's plain to see

>you are objectively stupid and incapable of argumenting
>all of my arguments rely on ad hominem and goalpost shifting
tip top lelling kek

i went to high school with the guy who helped spot blain sumner's squat yesterday


Bruh wtf? You asked for a pic of depth, he gave you a pic of depth and you're still spouting bullshit. You can judge depth from the front, he has hit parallel and finally you are wrong. God you're like one of those cunts who always think they're right and argue all the time, I bet you have no friends.

k. here's mine


that's a good squat. below parallel. unlike op vid.

I posted the vid. It's actually not a good squat. I got hung up a little after I got out of the hole, and used my back more than I should have. There are other components to a good squat besides depth.