I made it lads
I made it lads
It should say Request Network
Link holders in a couple months
mine will read "LINKUSD"
op is a reddit fag
>made it
You have started. Now you can explore the real joys of the human form.
>no v10
Into the trash it goes
My lambo plate will be "PRICEDIN"
My jag plate will be "TLETFLSH"
>owning a car for transportation
>making it
>spending tens of thousands of dollars on a machine that gets you from a to b
>can literally achieve the same thing with a $1000 investment
wtf is wrong with you
>projecting external narratives to strangers in order to feel a sense of superiority and respect
>making it
pick one
you cunts are all twisted fucks, impressing others =/ happiness
So, if I'm buying/receiving a car from a family member, is it better financially and for taxes for me to take ownership before or after the new year?
you don't know how rich he is. if i was a multi-millionaire (10+M) dropping < 100k-150k on a car isn't even enough money to care about.
the real red flag is that he opened himself up as a huge target by slapping a shitty vanity plate on it.
Target for what?
Sorry OP, you mispelled the word
BUYLINK is the correct version
Not living in car
ransom, extorsion, someone breaking into his house and stealing his coins if he's got a trezor, etc.
You could do all of that to somebody with a normal license plate, too.
>My lambo plate will be "PRICEDIN"
I like it t b h
Don't get it. Something flash?
>implying he spent a significant percentage of his wealth for this car
>he obviously knows how much money he has
I've been lurking here for 9 months now but can't still wrap my head around how pathetic some of Veeky Forumstards are.
This board is all about personal finance and acquiring money. Nearly everyone here is trying to achieve it by crypto. So why in whateverthefuckautistexcusesforahumanbelievesin's name are you literally jealous of a guy, making it so bad that he can afford to buy himself a sports car, even though it's a bad choice? Why?
This is supposed to be the normier part of Veeky Forums you idiot fucks. Leave your qualities that makes you a lonely and miserable failure behind the door.
>sports car
go back holy fuck
street shitter detected
“Toilet flush” keeping the SIBOS meme alive
>living a poverty tier life is considered making it
When you can eat steak every night without impacting your income you have made it.
If you dont have a goal for your money then you are just wage slaving for your future kids.
Congrats, the environmental impact of acquiring the minerals for and disposing of your car's battery completely neutralises whatever ecological benefit you believe you're making and you don't even know it.
a normal license plate doesn't let everyone know that you own a large amount of very liquid and highly untraceable money.
its like a plate that lets everyone know you store large amounts of gold in your house.
This is true.
If I made it big in crypto, I’d buy a big 4x4 Ute to complement my hatchback. Fuck buying some half a million dick compensator that can’t even do Sick jumps over a sand dune.
You must be stupid.
The environmental impact in the place of living and usage of the vehicle is 0.
The Chinese and African subhuman are polluting their respective areas. EU Swedish master race lives in literal heaven.