21 14% body fat, 178 pounds, 5'9". Should I bulk or cut? I've been lifting since January twice a week at my schools gym

21 14% body fat, 178 pounds, 5'9". Should I bulk or cut? I've been lifting since January twice a week at my schools gym.
I usually do 3x5 bench, military press, rows, front squat, 30 push-ups, sit-ups, 10 pull ups, and 80 flutter kicks. How can I improve my workout without regular squats and deadlifts? Should I switch to a 5x5 routine? I need as much progress as possible by May because I'm getting a divorce and moving to a different state.

more like 18%

>14% bodyfat

I've got some bad news for you, buddy

I got it measured by a trainer last week.

And we're telling you that it was incorrect. Your flabby gut gives it away

jesus this isn't 14% bodyfat

or maybe you have fucking high water retention, get your cardio on and drink more water

>twice a week

These threads are sooooooo fucking dumb.
1. Make your own fucking decisions.
2. BF% us a useless metric and your estimation is horrifically inaccurate. Don't give yourself so much credit.
3. You don't have to become a fat fuck to gain muscle.
4. Stop being a fucking retard and actually learn some basic science.

>using a trainer
>looks like dogshit

Yep. Sounds about right.

Could it be the creatine and all the alcohol that I drink that could cause the flabbiness if my body fat is 14%?

No, your 20% bodyfat is causing you to look like that

Bruh I've only been lifting since January 17th.

You have to make the choice. Bulk for say, 2-3 month to get some discernible muscle mass (it'll be small, but it'll be more than you have now) with a decent program.

Or cut just now, and be really skinny ottermode. I'm assuming you're asking this because summer's coming up and you might be concerned about being shirtless. If it's the lattter, than just cut, but be aware you will be just a skinny guy with a 6 pack. Maybe even no 6 pack, because you're still months away from that body fat natty.

So you have a lot of reading to do.

What would you do in my shoes?

I've read the sticky. What else should I read?


you should cut because excess body fat lowers test and makes it harder to gain muscle

if you cut now gaining muscle will be easier in the future

cut to 10% and then just maintain that while lifting. you'll look better and gain muscle faster than you will at this weight

just my 2c

The sticky is a piece of shit. Actually educate yourself.

Thanks man. I'm super excited to make progress. I have made some progress since I've started. I was 187 pounds in January. I just want to take this to another level. I downloaded MyFitnessPal to count calorie. Should I keep up with the creatine?

You are easily 20-25% bf. And if you couldn't figure it out already you are fat as a motherfucker.
