I was looking that if I increase 2.5 kg each set for 6 months (without plateauing), I'll go from squatting 40 kg to 232...

I was looking that if I increase 2.5 kg each set for 6 months (without plateauing), I'll go from squatting 40 kg to 232.5 kg. How can be it be possible to squat more than 5pl8 in less than a year?

Is it impossible to not plateau at some point or is it natural to go from such a light weight to a heavy weight in such a short amount of time?

Just no

No for what?

because you are gonna plateau you fucking retard

unless you're an extremely genetically gifted squatter you won't make anything resembling that progress

you'll probably get to high 200s or low 300s on beginner progression and stall hard, after that every 5lbs will be harder

Unless you gain a ton of weight, and hop on steroids, and do everything else perfectly then it's not gonna happen, mate. You're probably gonna stall around the 140KG mark.

So the most common is to achieve 2pl8 in 6 months time?

depends where you started + genetics + routine. Plenty of people squat 220 the first time they squat.

depends, i knew a guy who hit 275 his first time and 405 two months later and he didn't even follow a program
this, athletic background and genetics are key

I wouldn't say that.

I got to a 160 3x5 squat in 7 months just doing 3x5 twice a week. Deloaded twice. My weight went from 82kg to 88kg. The only reason I stopped was to begin cutting. And I have long ass fucking legs.

There is no excuse for finishing an LP in the high 200s.

you can say anything you like, genetics play a massive role in all of this

if you got to 3x5 160kg at that bodyweight you are somewhat gifted

i only got up to 295x3x5lbs on LP, but my deadlift got up to 500x1

>tfw started with 50kg squat
>tfw after 8 weeks i couldn't get passed 80kg without terrible form
>tfw after deloading and trying again i managed to get 90kg
>tfw after a year of training i only squat 90kg

feels bad man, really does. i eat well more than enough, i pretty much only do SS and light assistance stretch everyday and still can't improve.

i'm just weak, genetically, i guess.

Fucking hell. I'm not even at 405.

The lifting gods give with one hand and take with the other.

are you 160kg squat guy from above?

>2.5 kg each set
>each set


My deadlift is actually 152.5kg x 5. My squat depth is well below parallel too, I film it

ok, here's why that is

the leverages that are favorable for squatting are unfavorable for deadlifting

you have leverages well suited to squatting (even if you think your legs are """long""", your femurs are almost certainly not long), but you almost assuredly have short arms that make you a garbage deadlifter

don't assume that everyone should hit X number just because you hit it, i could just as well assume that anyone who didn't get to 425x5 deadlift on SS like i did is a weak pussy and didn't try hard enough

the more you know

you should be adding weight each rep

you'll make progress too slow if you're only adding weight each set

Yeah I know all that. My femurs are short and my legs are long. My arms are average length.

It's annoying cause squats are the lift I give least of a fuck about.

enjoy the easy squat gains, it took me years to get to what you squatted on an LP, and I was much heavier