Stop being warm and comfortable

Stop being warm and comfortable.

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But Wim, I live nowhere near the mountains.

>Stop being warm and comfortable.

You who posts this, why dont you talk about it this time instead of just posting a pic of wim hoff

i live in florida this ride never ends.

Have you even met Jason Genova

So is it ever cold there?

i've considered driving to his area and going to his gym, it'd only take me an hour to get there, but what am i going to do, say hi, take a picture and leave? i imagine it'll be really really lackluster.
no. i've lived in many different places in my life, and i can't say it gets "cold" in the right sense. eh, it does but it's not what you'd think. it's humid 24/7, really really humid, and so on early mornings or in the winter it can seem cold but it's really just chilly with high humidity, so it permeates through your clothes in a different way. "cold" here is like 40F and that's maybe once a year every other year.

But I'm on 500g/ED DNP

Yea Ottawa Canada here, what's humidity?

>tfw i like the cold

>tfw you step outside in Quebec and it's fucking -40

its cold today comradsh.

I mean, "ish cold taday comradsh"

>tfw live in canada
>-40C° outside
>have to drive my wife to her boyfriend's because she says it's too cold to walk
>have to pick up my wife's kids because the bus can't drive on the frozen road

A fun trick I like to do is go for a walk without gloves on, then jerk myself off with my lifeless leather hands.

>TFW I live in the Yukon and my water well keeps freezing and the plumbing froze yesterday

What do you do for a living?

i've been to BC and Yukon, fucking love it there man, i went hiking/camping in Bella Coola a year ago and i would love to go again, but i drove there from here, next time i'll fly. people don't know what humidity is, it's seriously shit tier.

I went on vacation in the Dominican with the family a few years ago, and I stepped off the plane onto the tarmac and I was hit by this wave of sticky, hot air, I felt damp.

yeah, imagine getting used to that. it's like the earth is sweating on you, or akin to you being between a fat bitches thighs year round. since december i think the coolest it's gotten is like 70 degrees. not to mention around this time of year the already horrid traffic nearly doubles due to all the snow birds that live here seasonally. fuckers.

>tfw your hands fall off before you cum

Stop making this thread

I don't see the problem with it, it is fitness related...

Ironically I'm a refrigeration mechanic

Two words, "Swamp ass". Look it up

Ottawa fucking sucks. I can't wait to leave this fucking place.

lol what the fuck. where does this guy lift?
I live in boynton beach right now

In Delray man, you're like 15 minutes away


It's 64,4 right now in my appartment. I'm freezing. My nose is cold.