Who was worse?

Who was the most evil out of these serial killers and why?

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Andrew Chicanovich

Contest between Gacy and Dahmer. Dahmer was so evil that he basically became self-aware of it and let himself be beaten to death in the shower room.

What the fuck is wrong with american society that generates that amount of serial killers


The banality of life

Columbia has three serial killers who have each admitted to killing 100+ children. 2 of them have been released after less than 20 year sentences, one is in prison awaiting parole.
Life imprisonment or death penalties don't exist in COLUMBIA.
hwat tha fuck

Nuthin personnel, kids.

Can't find anything about him. Story?

Don't know about evil, but Fish makes my skin crawl the most.


Is it because of all the rusty needles he shoved into his testicles?

Wait, Albert Fish is a real person? I thought it was just a joke

Does your country not have prison gangs who could be paid to shank them?

He killed more than any American serial killer. There is really shitty movie based on his story with old Malcolm McDowell playing the bad guy

Probably Albert Fish. Gacy killed and raped kids, but he didn't write letters to their parents afterwards describing how tender and delicious they were.

Just read the wiki page. Apparently he could only orgasm by stabbing women/children to death. A fucked up childhood really creates some interestingly diabolical adults.

>Apparently he could only orgasm by stabbing women/children to death
If only the dude knew about nofap.

H.H. Holmes makes these guys look like pussies.

Bundy and gacy are pretty even in terms of body count, it’s unclear how many there are in total, but the the confirmed numbers stand at 35 and 33 however they had a specific type, so grown men have nothing to fear from them. The other guys are the same but with less counts, except ramirez, he had an element of chaos which I would say made him the scariest and most evil.

Ed Gein, a mental ill that used skins as offerings for his mother.

Albert Fish no doubt.
Ed Gein shouldnt even be there he was just a naughty boy

H.H. Holmes built an entire hotel to murder people. I think he takes the cake just for that.

Ted Bundy is not lawful good, nor is John Wayne Gacy true neutral. Back to the drawing board, kiddo.

>Emotional unstabled

The archetypical clear cut psychopath, i think. Probably most intelligent.
Genetic fuckup with extreme fetishes
Relatively normal background, actually. Was on a crime spree that went too far.
Edginess to the max, really fucked in the head from childhood.
Abusive childhood, Homo-pedo lord.
See Gacy but with the whole necrophiliac/body angle.
Remote town hick that loved corpses, not really a prolific killer.
>german guy
No idea
attention whore that made a bunch of false confessions

Colombia, user. But you're right. It's a fucking disgrace.

Seems fishy because he didn't build it himself. If you're a carpenter who's worked for days laying the frame, or a drafter making sure there were trap doors and corridors, you would know what was up.

That and his vivid descriptions of murdering, mutilating, cooking and eating children.

David Parker Ray
Lawrence Bittaker
Gertrude Baniszewski

Realistically most evil tend to be torture killers.