What are the pros and cons of putting butter in your coffee?
What are the pros and cons of putting butter in your coffee?
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it tastes good t b h
its basically like cream, so it's only natural to put it in coffee
just don't fall for the "bulletproof" meme, literally any coffee and any purified butter/ghee will work just fine
i even just use plain butter sometimes and voila it doesnt make a difference
It's retarded.
Don't be retarded.
t. retard
Pro: nothing.
Con: it tastes like a horrible greasy mess.
Its wuolah you stupid fuck
t. retarded retard
Dying sooner. I'll let you determine if that's a pro or con.
who the fuck does this
why do americans insist on adding butter to everything?
kill yourselves
They wouldn't be Americans if they didn't.
Pro: extra calories
Cons: arteriosclerosis
Brotip: Don't go full retard.
wa la
it comes from tibet you mouthbreathing fuck
Another benefit is longer lasting energy. Since blending it makes the caffeine molecules bond with the fat molecules and since fat is so calorie dense and takes longer to digest and enter your system, so too does the caffeine.
Mom, please
kek, reading this just blew through my recommended daily allowance of broscience
are you suggesting that fat doesn't slow down the rate of digestion of food?
>why do americans insist on adding butter to everything?
all of the west cooks with butter, the fuck are you on about?
literally every experience i can find for this says the same thing, since caffeine is fat soluble. It takes away the jitteryness and the crash and gives a smoother, more leveled energy
No. I'm stating you sound like a purveyor of bullshit.
"Food" and "nutritional" sciences are close enough to the human plane of existence that everyone can have an intuition about it. And I'm pretty sure that means that vast majority of people are walking around ready to confidently spout bullshit they have never seen evidence for, and have maybe anecdotally seen a correlation for.
>literally every experience i can find for this says the same thing
>every experience
normally you would use scientific references
> Citations: Last tuesday I put in an extra dollop of heavy cream in my machiatto, and I didn't have a coffee shit until 12:30.
> Checkmate athiests
well sure but if all the people who have tried soemthing like this have had similar experiences, it's not too much of a stretch to put some truth to it
>it's not too much of a stretch
yes it very is
It's actually a huge stretch.
For all me know the "additional energy" might just be from consuming extra fat.
They call it "Bulletproof Coffee".
I guess people that do keto fucking love it. I've never tried it. Sounds kinda gross.
I am crying reading this shitposting right now
for all ye know?
pro: makes the coffee taste less acidy i fucking guess?
con: looks pretty gross desu.
the idea is that it is because caffeine is fat soluble, and fat takes longer to digest in the body because it's more calorie dense
thats why most people blend it, turns it into a nice light brown color, same as if you'd added already liquid cream
>here is an unrelated citation
Just fuck off already.
lol that study is literally about caffeine absorption in various levels of gastric emptying, i.e. fullness i.e. satiety i.e. what a high fat diet notably provides
just because you're not able to decipher the science jargon doesn't mean it's unrelated, man.
>yes it very is
Does it mention fat binding to caffeine? No? Then it's unrelated. Now fuck off.
caffeine binds to fat because it's fat soluble you dunce
what the fuck is this an actual thing
one of the main reasons I drink a shit loads of coffee, and the main reason I hope most of you drink it too, is because it has zero calories
you drink a fuck load of it and not fuck up your diet
if you add shit like milk, sugar and fucking BUTTER then just kill yourself
Why do this instead of whole milk?
Lactose intolerance, for one
What the actual fuck?
Why put milk into coffee at all?
where you buying your zero/low lactose butter at these days?
>read on Veeky Forums that it's supposed to taste like a breve latte
>buy breve latte
>tastes like shit
really makes me think
all butter? since lactose is a milk sugar and a carbohydrate and 99% of butter is low/no carb
>implying caffeine isn't already bound to the natural occuring coffee-oils
>implying it will bind by putting butter into coffee
Fat is digested later, not slower
>there is a significant amount of coffee oil in a cup of coffee to slow caffeine absorption
>fat soluble compounds don't solubilize in fat
>Not wanting extra calories
How does one expect to ever make it?
if the coffeine wasn't already soluted, it would float on top of your fucking coffee.
You seem to be missing the point cuck, more calories in a meal means a slower rate the stomach shits out food particles into the small intestine. Fat is more calorie dense so less food particles are shitted per unit time. Because caffeine gets stuck to the fat and its absorption occurs in the small intestine not stomach you get smoother pharmacokinetics
still no explanation for "additional energy"
Hey, we're all going to make it.
Extended release drugs last longer than instant release
Tibetans, except it's their tea, not coffee.
Because of the enteric coating on the drugs not some magical fat component.
I prefer cheese.
>people in Tibet
>consuming stimulants
I actually lived beyond the point when retarded and uncultured americans are annoying, now it's just funny.
I don't I drink milk and coffee separately
>not using the powdered cheese from mac and cheese boxes
not gonna make it
Some literally use a lipid matrix like Kolliwax HCO and it was just explained how fat slows/prolongs absorption, please just kys already
Feel free to google "Butter tea"
that picture is nightmare fuel
My sides are in ORBIT
I mean, it's not like it tastes bad, but raw tastes way better.
>more calories in a meal means a slower rate the stomach shits out food particles into the small intestine...
That's very simplified and isn't true for every compound. Aspirin, for example, gets mostly absorbed in the stomach and is not much affected by stomach contents either.
Cons: Ruining otherwise perfectly good coffee
Put goddamned butter on your goddamned toast like a non-autist for fuck's sake.
Enjoy your greasy shit as half a litre of coffee and fat clean out your insides like a power hose.
10/10 would drink again.
>drinking coffee
Well that's a fo pa.
PROs: -
CONs: There is now a piece of butter swimming in your coffee.
stupidest post i've seen all day
>american cuisine
>putting butter in coffee
Why am I not surprised? Next time you will put cheddar in it.
I want amerilards to leave Veeky Forums
I might try this right now lads
So what's the difference between putting butter in your coffee vs drinking coffee with any breakfast?
just be a man and drink it black like every other miserable fuck out there
-tasty in a hot buttered rum type drink, way
-appetite suppressing for a while
-easy way to get a bunch of fat if you're keto or running a high fat low carb diet
-don't need more fats if you're not doing keto or high fats low carb diet.
-apparently some nerds on the internet will judge you.
It's a milk product.
Cream is also a milk product.
Ice Cream is also a milk product.
They're all fine in coffee if you want.
>not homemade kefir
it doesnt give "additional" energy it gives longer lasting energy. It doesnt peak and then crash, it's a steady burn throughout the caffeine being in your body
>he doesn't add superior coconut oil to his coffee
stop lifting and eat kfc daily while you're at it
bad skin because azn intolerance to milk
>makes you gayer
>makes your butthole well lubed for you top
>makes you a faggot.
>it's koala
Ya dumb bitch
It's fucking disgusting
>tastes like shit
>no actual benefit that eating breakfast with your coffee won't give you
it's a doggy dog world lad
+1 internets to this man
>there is butter in your coffee
>there is butter in your coffee
Caffeine is water soluble, friend
t. working in chem lab
suck my dick caffeine has low solubility in both water and fat.
It's a fucking MeXanthine, not kitchen salt.
Maybe git gud at your job.
working hard or hardly working? it's both, friend
t. someone with access to google