So, unironically, are there are any relevant black kings or queens throughout history?
So, unironically, are there are any relevant black kings or queens throughout history?
Other urls found in this thread:
There were some minor ones probably like the king of mali or sokoto
and ignoring the WE meme egypt might have had a nubian dynasty for a short period
but thats all i know of
whatever the black egyptian dynasty was
aside from that maybe that one rich guy in mali but that's about it
AKSHUALLY Ramses 2 wuz kang
Charles II Stuart who was named “The Black Boy.”
He was described on a wanted poster issued by rebellious parliament as a tall Black man and I do not think they were fooling around.
all the Osmanoğlus
If Kushites/Nubians count as black, then we should count Ethiopia.
Aksumite Kings regularly intervened in South Arabia and even controlled it for a while. They regularly conducted trade with the major powers of their day and had close relations with the Byzantines. Ezana and Caleb are probably the two most interesting kings imo.
i forgot about Ethiopia you're right
Kings of Axum, nubian pharaos, queen Nzinga, Ethiopian kings get special mention for being Christians surrounded by Muslims, Mansa Munsa was rich enough to cause rampant inflation through the places he passed by on his pilgrimage, king Zulu is famous mostly because he fought the Brits neither him nor his kingdom lasted. Those are the ones that come to my mind.
Black Achilles
>black kang gets executed by Parliamentarians with the backing of Jewish slave traders in Amsterdam
Really makes you think.
Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa was aryan
>stormshills: reeeee blacks are wewuzzers who try to pretend they were all these white historical figures
Let me guess, Haile Selassie was aryan too?
The original Aksumites were Nords
The original dynastic Ethiopians were Nordic
Reminder that Edward longshanks was a black man
Tewodoros from Gonder ended the Age of Princes by uniting the country which was divided by various princes
Forgot to add but he’s from Ethiopia
Also Haile Selassie for creating that weed religion in Jamaica and also being the Last Emperor in Africa
Mansa Musa I guess
That's Toussaint Louverture
>So, unironically, are there are any relevant black kings or queens throughout history?
Yes. Queen Sheba of Ethopia.
Kangis Ghan was black and controlled the largest contagious land empire ever retards.
There were relevant Numidian kings during the Second Punic War, Third Punic War, Jagurthine War and Caesar’s Civil War.
Ethiopia the zulus and the Kongo
Source: civ 5
So if Scipio is black, and Hannibal was black, does that make the entire Punic Wars black on black violence?
Septimeus Serverus
Was Hannibal black or mixed to some degree? I've never thought about it.
What part of "relevant" don't you guys understand?
This term doesn't apply to Mali, Ethipia and other kingdom/empires of dust
Off the top of my head I can name Mansa Musa.
Relevant to whom? Pretty much every king in Africa was relevant to their subjects, plenty were relevant on a regional scale, few on a global one because Africa never spawned global powers. (Either Menelik II or Haile Selassie were probably most significant in that regard.)
OP said relevant tho
You should ask Umberto I if Menelik was irrelevant...
He was a member of the Carthaginian aristocracy which descended from Phoenician colonists. It is also worth nothing that before camels were introduced to Africa (200AD if I remember correctly) crossing the Sahara was extremely difficult and so any sub-Saharans would have come up the Nile or the west coast of Africa.
Mansa Munsa is the richest man in history.
His riches affected the global price of gold.
Lol, they were almost all regional powers, some with great trade.
Its almost as if they were on a different continent(??)
Also, Prussia was never more than a regional power. They weren't insignificant.
>Have trade Empire
>Monopolized routes
>Keep money for the crown
How the fuck did ahn AFRUCAN ever get rich?
Clearly this is jewish lies, just like the jewish physics of the 20th century, the atom bomb actually works on the nazi science theory that the universe is made of ice.
It makes a mushroom cloud because mushrooms are in colder isles of the grocery store.
>How the fuck did ahn AFRUCAN ever get rich?
All shitposting aside, I believe because his kingdom was smack dab on top of one of the world's largest gold deposits.
Being this obvious with your anti/pol/ bias will have the opposite effect. Unless you're actually /pol/ false flagging which would make this a clever shit post.
What evidence do we have that the numidians were black?
This is some aggressive shitposting but I’m pretty sure they just built the kingdom in an area rich in mineral deposits especially gold
This. He presided over a shitload of gold mines that produced a large percentage of the worlds gold at that time. He probably stockpiled it and played the market.
they just used gold for everything because they had so damn much of it, then traveling merchants came by and said “holy shit guy do you even understand how rich you are?”
Then he traveled around telling everyone how rich he was and handing out gold crashing the world economy for a generation
Yep, you are correct.
Here's what Wikipedia says about it.
It says, before its cut off, that he would hand out gold to poor people along the way and trade (too much) gold for random souvenirs.
One more Wikipedia excerpt, for the sake of general knowledge.
The original "nigger rich"
He is right. We are tired of you retards who are not interested in history and are only here to troll. We want you to fuck off back to /pol/.
>Kangis Ghan
"Relevant" is relative
There are household names in asia that the west never heard of.
But I guess because some /pol/ posting teenager havent heard of them they dont matter to anyone at all
And there are no household names in Africa that the west (or anyone else) ever heard of.
The end
Sheba was relevant though.
He was phoenician with probably some berber admixture, so no.
He caused a big economic crisis, that's pretty relevent desu
He was no Satoshi Nakamoto
why do you even come to this board?
He's trying to "redpill" us.
Not kings.
It is to be noted, the same geneticist who conducted this analysis, Albert Zink, is the same geneticist who admitted he couldn't replicate King Tut's DNA whereas he ignored ethics and protocols having implemented a non-scientific method, by votes on "majority rule" i.e., guess-work rather than scientific fact. Yes, E1b1a has it's highest frequencies in Sub Sahara TODAY, which has led necrocentrics to rejoice, albeit, prematurely and for naught. However, high population *frequency* is not indicative of origins. The actual origin of this haplotype is where the answers can be found:
"Haplogroup E and it's parent clade haplogroup DE originated either in North East Africa or the Middle East. In other words, haplogroup E is not indigenous to any Sub-Saharan black groups. Meaning no geneticist places it's origins among any said Negroid groups. Y-DNA E is descended from the non-African (CT) population and all haplo-groups that are descended from CT-M168 are equally Eurasian phylo-genetically, and E having a non-African origin thusly belongs to the Eurasian blood line and lineage: He has been named, rather prosaically, M168. Move evocatively, he could be seen as the Eurasian Adam - the great-great grandfather of every non-African man alive today." (Wells; 2002)
"Y-DNA haplogroup E would appear to have arisen in Northeast Africa (Egypt/Libya) based on the concentration and variety of E subclades in that area today. But the fact that Haplogroup E is closely linked to Haplogroup D, which is not found in Africa, leaves the open possibility that E first arose in the Near or Middle East, and was subsequently carried into Africa by a back migration. (Y-DNA Haplogroup E and It's Subclades - 2012)"
"Regions near but external to Northeast Africa, like the Levant or the southern Arabian Peninsula could have served as an incubator for the early diversification of non-African uniparental haplogroup varieties like Y chromoshome DE- YAP*, CP-P143* and mtDNA M and N molecular ancestors. These would have spread globally and diversified over time and space. This model would imply that both CF-P143 and the DE-YAP evolved nearby but outside Africa. One DE-YAP* ancestor would have spread to Asia and evolved to haplogroup D while after DE-YAP* returned to Northeast Africa and evolved into Haplogroup E." (Abu-Ainero; 2009)
"The major sub-sets of Y lineages that arose from the M168 lineage do not trace to an African origin. " (Chandrasekar et al; 2007)
"Haplogroup E did not descend from 'African' haplogroups A or B. This is supported by the fact that bearers of the Europeriod haplogroups, as well as all non-African haplogroups do not carry either SNPs, M91, M31, P82, M23, M114, P262, M32, M59, P289, P291, P201, M13, M171, M118 (haplogroup A and it's subclades SNPs) or M60, M181, P90 (haplogroup B). " (Klyosov; 2012)
"Non-african backflow in the Y locus includes E and could ultimately massively outnumber the original African Y throughout Africa, ranging from 59% in East Africa and 65-80% in South Africa, to well over 90% in West Africa." (Oppenheimer; 2012)
"The findings relate that prior to Eurasian E's admixture event, all "black Africans" belonged to either the A or B (present Khoisan and Pygmy populations) Y-DNA haplogroups. The cumulative evidence supports the fact that Bantus are a by-product of pygmy females and a small founding lineage of Eurasian males; in other words, black African "Bantus" were absent from the continent's central, eastern, and southern regions until rather recently." (Tishkoff; 2012)
So what does this have to do with Ramesses III DNA findings other than the fact that haplogroup E and it's subclades, including E1b1a, is a descendant of Eurasian Adam? Answer: E1b1a is not part of any Bantu backflow into North Africa, or more specifically, Egypt. Since there is 0 evidence of Bantu back-flow into North Africa, until Trans-Saharan slavery, then it would have been physically and biologically impossible for Ramesses III to have been Bantuid.
"We identify a gradient of likely autochthonous Maghrebi ancestry that increases from east to west across Northern Africa; this ancestry is likely derived from "back-to-Africa" gene flow more than 12k (ya), prior to the Holocene. The indigenous North African ancestry is more frequent in populations with historical Berber ethnicity; a migration of western African origin into Morocco began about 40 generations ago (approx. 1,200 years ago); a migration of individuals with Nilotic ancestry into Egypt occurred about 25 generations ago. (approx. 750 years ago)." (Henn et all; 2012)
"As far as genetic evidence is concerned, Northeastern Africa was relatively untouched by the massive gene flow of Bantu Negroids. If Bantus were not in Egypt, were they even present in Nubia during the time of Dynastic Egypt? (Nope!) The written language, and the spoken language, of past Nubian groups was unique to Nubians and does not have a relationship with Sub-Saharan Africans. Any overlap of Sub-Saharan language is a result of later contact (post 1000 A.D.) This is little to nothing in the archaeological record or linguistic data that suggests contact between the two populations." (Goode, in email to "Charlie Bass" 2011)
how many times does this /pol/ thread have to get posted before people ignore it?
"All the evidence as stated by anthropologists and geneticists correlates with the fact that when Bantu began to migrate as recently as 3,000 years ago, they traveled SOUTH, not north. Total Bantu VOID 3,000 years ago proves NO presence in Dynastic Egypt. Evidence shows that there was no contact between not only Egyptians and Bantu Negroids, but the original Nubians as well had no contact with Bantu Negroids." (Henn et al; 2012)
The fact that the absence of the Bantu & Nilotic gene flow in Egypt post-dates Dynastic Egypt, is ultimate proof enough that Ramesses III was NOT a Bantuid. The figures, as provided in the studies, reflect a minor Bantu introgression, a whole 2,434 years AFTER Ramesses III's reign.
Haplogroup E
1 - Is an Eurasian Lineage.
2- Represents massive backflow into Africa, overwhelming the continent.
3 - All E-bearing peoples in Africa are part of the Eurasian R lineage.
Therefore, Negroids have no business getting into Eurasian Lineages. So how does this relate to Ramesses III? E1b1a originated amongst a NON-BANTUID population in North Africa during the Holocene. In other words, E1b1a existed amongst a North-Africa Caucasoid people long before it came to settle in Sub-Sahara.
"One other major haplogroup observed in most groups is E*, which is found at high frequencies North of the Sahara (Bosch et al. 2001; Arredi et al. 2004), consistent with gene flow across the Sahara into Sub-Equatorial Africa." (Pour; 2011)
"The distibution of these markers in other parts of Africa has usually been explained by the 'Bantu migrations' but their presence in the Nile Valley in non-Bantu speakers cannot be explained in this way. Their existence is better explained by their being present in populations of the early Holocene Sahara, who in part went on to people the Nile Valley in the mid-Holocene, according to Hassan (1988); this occurred long before the Bantu migrations." (S. Keita, Senior Research Associate, National Human Genome Center; 2004)
When we compare and contrast Ramesses III DNA against the Bantu Modal Haplotype, the results conflict as I knew they would, because we all know he isn't a Negroid.
(Bantu Modal: DYS391 - 10 | DYS390 - 21 | DYS393 - 13 | DYS392 - 11 | DYS19 - 15)
(Ramesses III Modal: DYS 391 - 8 | DYS390 - 21 | DYS-393 - 8 | DYS392 - 17 | DYS19 - 19)
The Bantu modal haplotype is based on: THOMAS ET AL; 2000
The data confirms that Ramesses III does not descend from any Sub-Saharan Bantuid genetic stock. The data presented demonstrates a recent origin for most paternal lineages in West-Central Africa as a result of the "Bantu expansion" that erased the Y-chromosome diversity previously found. The data concludes that Caucasoids are present in Africa long before their admixed Bantuid children; a conclusion that finds additional support from Excoffier and Langaney:
"Caucasoid populations were the closest to the ancestral population from which all other continental groups diverged." (Excoffier and Langaney; 1989)
Furthermore, the E1b1a results are being challenged in genetic circles. Albert Zink ran the haplotypes through 'Athey's Haplogroup Predictor,' the result being 93% E1b1a. however this haplotype unquestionably has erroneous STR values:
393=8, 19=19, 391=8, 392=17 - Zink should have ran a deep ancestry SNP test as Ramesses III and his son Pentawere most likely belonged to E1b1b-V22; this is a common haplotype in Egypt. One user on archiver.rootsweb.ancestry states:
"If we exclude the ridiculous STRs, the most likely haplotype is E1b1b-V22, which also happens to be centered in Egypt. In other words, the mummy would have a quintessentially Egyptian haplogroup like finding in Irhsman belonging to R1b-M222. The haplotype has several guaranteed erroneous values, and several more that look suspicious of being to, tooo. Amongst the normal looking ones, 390=21 strongly favors E1b1a, 438=10 strongly favors E1b1b. To me the most likely haplogroup is E1b1b-V22. In favor of E1b1b-V22 is the fact that E1b1a occurs in only 2% of Egyptians, while E1b1b-V22 occur in 15% of North Egyptians, 5% in Egyptians from several oasis to the West of the Nile, and 4% in Southern Egyptians. It's centered in Egypt; there's no where else in the world with a higher frequency."
"Bantus and Nilotes always cluster with Pygmies and Khoisan in aDNA tests in stead of with haplogroup CT- descended Eurasian populations. The Gurna sample was compared to the Nile Valley populations (Krings et all; 2000) and the upper Egyptian population. South African Bantu, taken as an outgroup population, clearly appears different from all these populations." (Stevanovitch et al; 2004)
"Local comparisons between Upper Egyptians were carried out with other ethnic groups in Egypt, based on frequency and molecular data. No differences were observed in comparison with a general Caucasian population from Cairo in any of the 9 loci compared or with Egyptian Christians from Cairo. The Upper Egyptian population is closer to the Middle Eastern, North African, South Asian and Europeans populations than others." (Omran et al; 2008)
The study revealed a close genetic link between Ramesses III and Unknown Man E, believed to be his son Pentawere: "The identical Y chromosomal DNA and autosomal half allele sharing of the two male mummies strongly suggest a father-son relationshi." So let us now turn our attention to the mummies of Ramesses III and "Unknown Man E," otherwise known as Pentawere; his son. We are not provided any physical description of the mummy other than: "The head is well preserved, although the nose has been flattened by the pressure of the bandages." (Partridge; 1994)
Hannibal is probably the most famous despite his memelephants which were never actually used in battle
Bantu traits include kinky hair, a wide flat nose, flaring nostrils and protruding full lips, basically what I stated earlier. If Ramesses III possesses any of these traits, it would have manifested in his dried, well-preserved corpse. Check out these comparisons: (bit,ly/2eBnPzq) - (bit,ly/2eTUNrL) - The Egyptians differentiated themselves from populations South of Egypt and their own art illustrates this fact. An honest observer would notice that Ramesses III, according to his well-documented depictions, doesn't fit the phenotype or skin coloring of Nubians. He's even depicted as White in Ancient Egyptian manuscripts: (prnt,sc/ggslm7)
Anthropologist G. E. Smith did not leave much by ways of physical description of Ramesses III, however, we do have some descriptions of Unknown Man E, a.k.a Pentawere, and it greatly pisses off the idiotic Afrocenturist community: "The new growth of the beard is blonde, only covering the chin and side of the jaw as far as the angle. The moustache is barely apparent. The hair is ash blonde, wavy, cylindrical (contrary to the Negroid's kinky, curly & fuzzy hair), and the White skin has retained it's original coloring, thanks to the embalming procedure* (Momies Royal: Maspero)
Caucasoid features apply to the Pharaoh Amenhotep III as well: (bit,ly/2vXOyc8) - "Egypt Unwrapped - Mystery of the Screaming Man" has accurately constructed a facial reconstruction of an Egyptian Pharaoh, blasting the Afrocenturist niggers out of the door and making them weep. In modern craniofacial anthropometry, 'Negroid' describes features that typify Humanoid/Ape skulls; i.e. of black people. These include a broad and round nasal cavity, no dam or nasil sill; Quonset hut-shaped nasal bones; notable facial projection in the jaw and mouth area (double prognathism); a rectangular-shaped palate; a square or rectangular eye orbit shape. Ramesses III, Akhenaten, Amenhotep III, King Tut, and all other true native Ancient Egyptian Caucasoid Pharaohs lack such features. Pentawere, the son of Ramesses III, has been proven to not be a Negroid, not only by his mummy retaining it's white skin coloring, but with simple skull comparison as well: (prnt,sc/ggt45v) - Surely Ramesses III was a White Caucasoid just like his son Pentawere.
"In Negroid skulls, there is no dam or nasal sill." (Bass; 1986) - The true native Egyptian Pharaohs like all the Ramessides, the Thutmosids, and the Pharaohs prior to them even, all have nasal sills in their mummies.
"Ancient Egyptians had European-like discrete traits, such as alveolar orthognathism. Egyptians appear very distinct from post-Pleistocene Sub-Saharan Africans." (Irish; 2000)
Pentawere's CLEARLY CAUCASOID skull compared to a Negroid skull: (
Dental records confirm that not one of the true native Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs possessed any Negroid features: (
"Ancient Egyptians exhibit dental traits that ally them with other post-Pleistocene populations in greater North Africa.Prior work shows North Africans have morphologically simple, mass-reduced teeth. This pattern, termned the 'North African Dental Trait Complex,' includes high frequencies of several traits such as an interruption groove on U12, M3 agenesis, and rocker jaw, plus a low occurrrence of LM2 Y-5 groove pattern. All of these features are also present in Europeans and West Asians to some degree, but are uncommon in Sub-Saharan peoples. Craniometric indicators appear to support these results, and European-like discrete traits, such as alveolar orthognathism, dolichocephaly, rhomboid orbits, narrow nasal aperture, and nasal sills (which again; Negroids don't have.), are prevalent. They appear distinct from post-Pleistocene Sub-Saharan Africans." (Dr. J. D. Irish; 2000)
"The Egyptian population is Caucasian by descent and should therefore be closely related to other Caucasian populations." (Al-Hammadi et al; 1999)
"In terms of femoral and tibial length to total skeletal height proportions, we found that Ancient Egyptians are significantly different from U.S. Blacks." (Raxter; 2008)
"Statue regression equations derived from American black populations may therefore NOT be appropriate to estimate the statures of Ancient Egyptians." (Raxter; 2011)
"Bi-iliac breadth shows strong systematic differences between human populations." (Ruff; 2002)
"Egyptians exhibit wider body breadths compared to Nubians (Nubians that are post-Holocene; Bantus who admixed with the Pygmies and then eventually years later made contact with Egypt in the 1,250's A.D.). Populations living in colder climates have absolutely wider bodies." (Ruff; 1991)
"The Ancient Egyptians were small by modern standards. Masali and Chiarelli (1972) found the mean skeletal length of Dynastic males to be 1.57 m (approx. 5ft 2in) and females 1.48 m (approx. 4ft 10in.) Some of these authors suggested their results may have been associated with a diffusion from the Near East during the expansion of early food-producing societies." (Arredi et al, 2004; Rowold et al, 2007)
"Results for bi-iliac breadth are also consistent with various genetic studies that have found modern Egyptians to have close affinities to Middle and Near Easterners (Manni et al, 2002; Arredi et al, 2004; Shepard and Herrera, 2006; Rowold et al, 2007) and Southern Europeans/Mediterranean Groups." (Capelli et al, 2006)
S Capt
3 months ago (edited)
"In terms of femoral and tibial length to total skeletal height proportions, we found that Ancient Egyptians are significantly different from U.S. Blacks." (Raxter; 2008)
"Statue regression equations derived from American black populations may therefore NOT be appropriate to estimate the statures of Ancient Egyptians." (Raxter; 2011)
"Bi-iliac breadth shows strong systematic differences between human populations." (Ruff; 2002)
"Egyptians exhibit wider body breadths compared to Nubians (Nubians that are post-Holocene; Bantus who admixed with the Pygmies and then eventually years later made contact with Egypt in the 1,250's A.D.). Populations living in colder climates have absolutely wider bodies." (Ruff; 1991)
"The Ancient Egyptians were small by modern standards. Masali and Chiarelli (1972) found the mean skeletal length of Dynastic males to be 1.57 m (approx. 5ft 2in) and females 1.48 m (approx. 4ft 10in.) Some of these authors suggested their results may have been associated with a diffusion from the Near East during the expansion of early food-producing societies." (Arredi et al, 2004; Rowold et al, 2007)
"Results for bi-iliac breadth are also consistent with various genetic studies that have found modern Egyptians to have close affinities to Middle and Near Easterners (Manni et al, 2002; Arredi et al, 2004; Shepard and Herrera, 2006; Rowold et al, 2007) and Southern Europeans/Mediterranean Groups." (Capelli et al, 2006)
"Cold-adapted populations are known to have relatively short tibiae." (Holliday 1997 and 1999; Ruff, 2005; Stock, 2010)
"The Negroid has a significantly longer and narrower femur and tibia than the Caucasoid." (Farrally, 2005)
"Egyptians exhibit smaller limb length indices compared to Nubians (Bantus whom admixed with Egypt, post-Holocene)." (Raxter, 2011)
Abdul Abboud al-Sharif
7 months ago (edited)
"Badarians and Early Dynastic Egyptians did not possess tropical limbs: they had short tibia." (Zakrzewski, 2003)
Of the Egyptian samples, only the Badarian and Early Dynastic period populations have shorter tibiae than predicted from femoral length. What adaptively trivial traits Ancient Egyptians' descendants acquired after the EPD and between NK to today is irrelevant, since modern Egyptians possess this characteristic as well. To reliterate:
"The study states it ran the (Ramesses III and Pentawere) mummy's haplotype through 'Athey's Haplogroup Predictor' and the result was 93% E1b1a. Now the problem is that the haplotype unquestionably has erroneous STR values: 393=8, 19=19, 391=8, 392=17. These aren't impossible values, but they're close, and all 4 occurring simultaneously does seem statistically almost impossible. Albert Zink, the geneticist who published the fraudulent JAMA paper admitted that he failed to replicate the tests. Zink stated that the tests did not get the same results each time they were run, and that the results reported in the JAMA paper are those the team adjudged "most likely" based on "majority rule." (Curse of the Pharaoh's DNA AWT Conference Review, Marchant, 2011)
"DNA Tribes again, skewing the results and leaving out other populations which are found in other databases like ALFRED and EHSTRAFD. Not a very reliable test to run if you do not cover the whole populations, which we knew all along, Ramesses III and Pentawere were Eurasian Caucasoids (That are WHITE!). Ramesses has no genetic links to Paleo-African groups (A or B). We know that there was an absence of Bantu B- M60 in Sudan during the Neolithic right up to the last few hundred years: Haplogroup B-M60 was not observed in the sample analyzed (Neolithic, Meroitic, Post-Meroitic and Christian periods in Sudan." (Hisham Yousif Hassan Mohamed, 2009)
Nilotic only appeared recently in Egypt: "and a migration of individuals with Nilotic ancestry into Egypt ~ 750 years ago." (Henn et al, 2012)
It looks like Albert Zink is more concerned with controversial publicity to sell his DNA kits rather than these studies, which already mentioned, proves that Ancient Egyptians were Eurasian Caucasoids of Mediterranean and White ethnicity.
"Before the Bantu expansion about 3,000 years ago, true Black Africans were absent from the continent's central, eastern and southern regions." (Cavalli-Sforza, 1986, pg. 361-362; Oliver, 1966; Tishkoff et all, 2012, etc.)
"The interpolation analyses and complete sequencing of present mtDNA Sub-Saharan lineages observed in North Africa support the genetic impact of RECENT trans-Saharan migrations, namely the slave trade initiated by the Arab conquest of North Africa in the 7th century A.D. - Sub-Saharan people did not leave traces in the North African maternal gene pool for the time of it's settlement, some 40k years ago." (Harish; 2010)
"From the paleobiological perspective, the Hofmeyr skull in South Africa dated at 36k years clusters with UP Eurasians, which again, shows that Africa was peopled from Eurasia, hence why M168 and L3 had African descendants." (Johnson; 2007)
High profile geneticists (including Willerslev, Lorenzen, Marchant) have expressed doubt concerning the JAMA results because head geneticist Albert Zink admitted he was unable to obtain the same results every time he replicated the test. It is also stated that he based his conclusion on "most likely" and "majority rule" - not scientific fact - and he refuses to allow access to his data. Vote science is laughable. Truth is not determined by a majority voice.
Ramesses III, Pentawere, King Tut & other Pharaohs were proven to not be Negroids. The Tomb of Huy, 18th Dynasty, depicts Negroids in no uncertain terms as Black Africans. Totally different in appearance and phenotype from themselves. In this tomb you can observe Negroid slaves being bound & tied for servitude to Egypt, and Negroids worshiping their Caucasoid Egyptian overlords.
Even the ancient Greek historian Herodotus admits that "black soil" in km.t refers to the land, and not the people, as stated here when he was describing the Pyramids being disfigured by erosion:
"I received this account of Egypt, and am myself, moreover, strongly of the same opinion, since I remarked that the country projects into the sea further than the neighbouring shores, and I observed that there were shells upon the hills, and that salt exuded from the soil to such an extent as even to injure the Pyramids. I noticed also that there is but a single hill in all Egypt, where sand is found, namely, the hill above Memphis; and further, I found the country to bear no resemblance either to it's borderland Arabia, or to Libya, nay, nor even to Syria, which forms the seaboard of Arabia; but whereas the soil of Libya, as we know, sandy and of a reddish hue, and that of Arabia and Syria inclines to stone and clay, Egypt has a soil that is black and crumbly, as being alluvial and formed of the deposits brought down by the river from Ethiopia." (Herodotus Book II, 440 B.C.)
The ancient Greek historian Herodotus makes no uncertain terms that Egyptians are NOT Negroid "Aithiopes." Ethiopia and Elephantine has a boundary line - one half by Caucasoid Egyptians, the other by Negroid Aithiopes:
"I consider Egypt to be the whole country inhabited by the Egyptians, just as Cilicia is the tract occupied by the Cilicians, and Assyria that's possessed by the Assyrians. And I regard the only proper boundary-line between Libya and Asia to be that which is marked out by the Egyptian frontier. For if we take the boundary-line commonly received by the Greeks, we must regard Egypt as divided, along it's whole length from Elephantine and the Cataracts to Cercasorus, into two parts, each belonging to a different portion of the world, one to Asia, the other to Libya, since the Nile divides Egypt in two from the Cataracts to the sea." (Herodotus Book II, 440 B.C.)
"Here you come upon a smooth and level plain, where the Nile flows into two branches, around an island called Tachompso. The country above Elephantine is inhabited by the Ethiopians, who possess one-half of this island, the Egyptians occupying the other." (Herodotus Book II, 440 B.C.) - Even Herodotus is stating that the Egyptians and Ethiopians are separate.
3 garrisons were maintained in Egypt at that time, one in the city of Elephantine against the Ethiopians (something Afrocenturists conveviently omit). Herodotus in his Book II also mentions garments the Egyptians were wearing, whilst the Negroids were near-naked and bared primitive apparel. The only reason Negroids in North Africa were more domesticated than their Southern brethren when they appeared during the post-Holocene, was because of the Caucasoids (Egyptians) and their culture. This theory is supported by the fact that Negroids are still as primitive as ever, even after their 6,000+ years of washing their clothing, and themselves, in cow urine and cow fecal matter and whatnot.
Senusret I continued his father's aggressive expansionist policies against Nubia by initiating two expeditions into this region in his 10th and 18th years and established Egypt's formal southern border near the 2nd cataract where he placed a Garrison and a Victory Stele against the Nubians, who were considered "vile" & "wretched" throughout the entire dynasties of Egypt. After he imposed his authority on the vile & wretched Nubians, he had at least 14 manned forts with many armed soldiers, the most famous fort was Buhen. What is even more amusing is that the conquered Nubians worshiped Senusret long after his reign.
Howard University, a historically black college in Washington D.C., has assembled the largest collection of DNA records from West and Central Africa in the world, some 3,800 samples in all. The collection concentrates on ethnic groups in areas where most slaves in the United States came from. Most blacks brought to the U.S.came from what are now Nigeria, Benin, Togo, Ghana and Sierra Leone, all of which are in West Africa. Smaller numbers came from Senegal, the Gambia, the Congo River basin, and Angola.
Caucasoid Skulls of Egypt: (
CLEARLY Caucasoid Egyptian Man (
King Tut the Caucasoid!: (
Caucasoid mummy of Amun-her-khepershef: (
How much more Caucasoid can Egypt get? Oh wait, they get even MORE Caucasoid!
Ramesses II Obelisk in Thebes, Luxor, Egypt, which clearly displays KM.T with the city region determinative. It makes absolutely no reference to people: (
Egypt has experienced several invasions during it's history. However, these do not seem to account for more than about 10% overall of current Egyptians ancestry with the DNA evidence of the ancient mitochondrial DNA and Y chromosomes is considered.
"The maternal lineages of African Americans are most similar to haplogroups that are today especially common in West Africa (>55%), followed closely by West-Central Africa and Southwestern Africa (
Interesting patterns emerge from all the figures. For instance, Ibo people from what is today Eastern Nigeria, were a leading ethnic group in Virgina. On the other hand, slaves from Senegambia, today the nations of Senegal and Gambia, were more prominent in the Carolinas. This is probably because Carolina rice planters favored slaves already familiar with rice, which was commonly grown in Senegambia. Barbados and Cuba received the most varied African populations, with slaves coming from most of the continent. Central America's slave population was heavily drawn from the Gold Coast; what is now Benin, Togo, and parts of Ghana.
"To this day, there is no archaeological evidence of a large-scale migration around dynastic times (Hassan 1986 and 1988; Bard, 1994). Additionally, a number of metric and non-metric craniodental studies as well as serogenetic analysis of ABO blood groups, show considerable, shared phenotypic variability between past and present African populations." (Berry and Berry, 1967; Paoli, 1972; Green and Armelagos, 1972; Chamla, 1980; Soy Keita, 1990; Dr. J. D. Irish, 2006 and 2009)
The ancient Egyptians historically were never fond of leaving their country. The native population never did, they remained there. As already proven, the numerous foreign invasions did not eradicate the native Egyptians. They assimilated into the population. So we can safely conclude the lineal descendants are very much alive today. The majority of the population lived in the North, which makes sense. Egypt had cultural/trades ties with Asia Minor. They dominated Nubia for many centuries for it's gold, spices, slaves and exotic goods. And even built forts to protect their interests and quell any Negroid uprisings. Egypt is a transcontinental country adjoined to Asia and a short trip across the sea close to Arabia. Ancient Greeks and Romans made maps placing Egypt in Asia. Here (bit,ly/2gA1Ohu) we see the map created by the ancient Greek historian Herodotus in the 400's B.C. - Observe, he called Egypt - "Aegyptus" and the rest of the black Africa Ethiopia - "Aithiopes"
Herodotus on the Pharaohs: "After this the priest enumerate to me from a papyrus the names of other Kings, 330 in number; and in all these generations of men, 18 were Ethiopians, one was a woman, and the rest were men and of Egyptian Race."
More than 400 officials employed in the royal bureaucracy during the 2nd millennium BCE, have been identified as Asiatics, compared to one Nubian - the "fan bearer" Maiheperi. It's hilarious that the obviously Caucasoid statues magically metamorphose into black Africans to these mentally disturbed Afrocenturist niggers, and they use long rants in CAPS lock to express their latest fraudulent nigger conspiracies.
"Tut is classified anthropologically Caucasoid." (Vignal, 2005)
"Akhenaten's skull fits within the range of Europeans" (Harrison, 1966) - We can already see that, with the photo I posted a few comments above of Akhenaten's skull compared to a Negroid's skull.
"KV35 has an 'Indo-European' Skull." (Schofield, 2003) - Obviously already proven in the above comments with photos.
"Tiye has 'Caucasian-type' hair." (Fletcher, 2000)
"E-M78 is a dominant Egyptian marker; Gene flow of 3-M78 into the Levant predates gene flow to Sudan." + "The E3b1-M78 and 3b3-M123 lineages as well as the R1*-M173 lineages, mark gene flow between Egypt and the Levant during the Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic." (Luis et al, 2013)
"Around 39k - 52k years ago, the Western Asian branch spread radially, bringing Caucasians to North Africa and Europe, also reaching India and expanding to North and East Asia. More recent migrations have tangled but not completely erased these primitive footprints of modern human expansions." (Major Genomic Mitochondrial Lineages Delineate Early Human Expansions, Maca-Mayer, et al, 2001)
yosef ezra ha-david
2 months ago
Publishing it's findings in Nature Communications, the study concluded that preserved remains found in Abusir el-Meleq, Middle Egypt, were closest genetic relatives of Neolithic and Bronze Age populations from the Near East, Anatolia and Eastern Mediterranean Europeans. Absolutely no Negroid DNA found.
"DNA Testing on Mummies Reveals Surprise Ancestry for Ancient Egyptians - The findings have turned years of theory on it's head, causing Egyptologists to re-evaluate the region's history. The study tested preserved remains from an archaeological site along the Nile River, then compared toe DNA to modern Egyptian sampels in Cairo. The study found the mummies' closest ancient relatives were in the Near East or Europe."
The oldest known life-size statues of private individuals of Ancient Egypt are from the 3rd dynasty, and as you know it; they look incredibly Caucasoid. Both figures are standing; the man, Sepa, has his left leg forward, while Nesa stands with feet together in the traditional pose of female effigies. Their clothing and adornments reflect their social status: they wear wigs and linen clothes, and their eyes are outlined with green and black kohl. Nesa also has rows of bracelets, and Sepa holds a scepter at his right side.
Genome-wide ancestry of 17th century enslaved Africans from the Caribbean (Hannes Schroeder, Maria C. Avila-Arcos et al, March 2012): "Between 1500 A.D. and 1850 A.D., more than 12 million enslaved Africans were transported to the New World. The vast majority were shipped form West and West-Central Africa. We used genome-wide ancient DNA analysis to investigate the genetic origins of 3 enslaved Africans whose remains were recovered on the Caribbean island of St. Martin. We trace their origins to distinct subcontinental source populations within Africa, including Bantu-speaking groups from Northern Cameroon and non-Bantu speakers living in present-day Nigeria and Ghana. To our knowledge, these findings provide the first direct evidence for the ethnic origins of enslaved Africans, at a time for which historical records are scarce, and demonstrate that genomic data provide another type of record that can shed new light on long-standing historical questions."
>Muh /pol/ Boogeyman