Diddly 140kgx5

>diddly 140kgx5
>OHP 47.5kg x5
>squat 87.5kg x5
>bench 72.5kg x5
>can't do 1 complete pull-up
Seriously what the fuck
I'm 87kg I should be able to do at least 1
Is it because I'm 6'3"?

how can you PULL 140 kg for 5 and can't do a single pullup or a chinup? bullshit.

It's because you're weak.

>that terrible squat

140 kg isn't very much though. Deadlifts are a hip extension movement. They really have very little to do with pull ups.

My lifts are weak as fuck and I am DYEL as fuck but even I can manage a couple of strict pull ups.

:( I've only been lifting for 3 months now

it just seems like it should be higher, considering your other lifts.

Wtf. My ohp, deadlift and bench are almost identical to yours but I squat 3pl8 and can do ~6 pull ups

At least your squat isn't less than your bench.

My lifts are all shittier than yours (150lbs and lifting for 3 months as well) and I can do 10 strict pullups. I do them twice a week.

Do you have any tips on how to get into them? I started using a resistance band for resistance today, is this a good idea?

start with negatives then progress to assisted and after that you should be able to do at least one normal

I'm like you OP, same height, similar weights. It's probably because of the bodyfat, try leaning down a bit

>mfw have been able to do 20+ clean pull ups even before starting lifting
>not even a manlet
>weight 90kg

i did assisted the first month in sets of 8 then when i got to high sets at the lowest assistance (10lbs) I stitched to standard pull ups

It's only more than what 90% of people can lift tho

Can't do a pull up? You're one of the following.

Use your legs to generate momentum and get yourself up the bar. That's what the guys at my gym do.

squat: 120kgx5
deadlift: 100kgx5

what am i doing wrong? And my squat form is at least as good as my diddy form, if not better.


How much do you row or lat-pulldown?

>I should be able to do at least 1

what makes you think that?

if you can't do a pullup, then try to progress on partials and/or negatives and/or assisted pullups until you can. you know, just like you would do with any other lift.

yeah i thought the same

Thats as gay as guys trying to curl with momentum


I've been lifting for 4 and my squats tanked at 82kg




I'm not too sure, I was only eating at maintenance for 2 months and so my lifts didn't go up as much as I think they could have, although I've added 10kg to my squat in the last 2 weeks after eating more so hopefully it shoots up now
I just assumed I should based on my other lifts, although maybe I shouldn't assume that
60kg with good form 70kg with slight (read: very slight) momentum

Honestly my diet is almost fucking perfect. I'm not trying to show off, I used to be nearly obese and lost 20kg using MyFitnessPal, now I track all my calories and macros like an autistic child, take a running average of my weight to make sure I'm gaining at the correct weight, and take a multivitamin and creatine daily. I also sleep 8 hours a day. Honestly I would make sure that you
>try sleeping
>try eating (properly)
>failing those, try trying
Good luck user, don't give up

i was deadlifting 405 way before i could do a pullup or chinup

>rows 60kg
>weighs 87kg
>guise why can't I do a pull-up

Sorry if I'm mistaken, but the row seems like a completely different movement to the pull-up? I can rep out 77kg x12 on the seated row as well.

Not the same user, Rows uses similar muscles IIRC.

Although, my row is SHIT (like 50kg at most) and I can do like 2-3 pullups.

A row works the same muscles as a pull-up.
Depending on form the emphasis may be different: elbows close to body for more lat emphasis, elbows out for more mid-back work.

Although you can usually pull-down/pull-up a bit more than you can row because of the less stable nature of a barbell row.

But if you can row 77kg for 12 then you should be able to do a couple pull-ups at 87kg BW.

It works the same muscles, the emphasis is a bit different - but the carry-over is big. Although a lot of people have shit row numbers because of poor technique or weak core/tight hams.

rows have much more in common with pullups than deadlifts.

see what your humerus and scapulae are doing when you row and do pullups - angle is different but mostly the same muscles contract.