Which invention in human history has been the most damaging to us?
Which invention in human history has been the most damaging to us?
Other urls found in this thread:
White people
Electronic technology.
Giving value to "things"
The internet/social media
In line with the other comments:
Gun Powder. Literal only use is to kill.
The idea of equality.
I don't even mean it from a racial perspective, but just the idea that everyone, rich and poor, educated and uneducated, has the same intrinsic value as a person and deserves an equal voice in government regardless of individual merit.
We're all just humans user. No one is above/below anyone else. No human should be able to tell another human what they can and can't do. I think that's the biggest travesty of life.
>before gunpowder
>professional warriors (ie; thugs) dominate in combat
>they take control of everyone who isn't a professional warrior and force them to pay protection money
>if you haven't been trained since the age of 7 in fighting you don't stand a chance
>after gunpowder
>fighting is far easier and not dependent on physical strength
>illiterate farmers stand a good chance against such thugs
>feudalism collapses
See, this is what I'm talking about. This madness right here.
You're why we're doing so badly in terms of politics and society despite having far more technology than our predecessors.
If it weren't for the laws of this land, I would hunt you down and take your possessions.
The fast-food industry
You're literally such a brainlet if you don't understand the flaw of your philosophy
Feudalism collapsed cuz Black Death killed so many people it wasn't viable anymore. Also although this is true, SIGNIFICANTLY more people died by gunpowder weapons than by any previous weapons. So in terms of being most damaging, it certainly makes sense. That doesn't say it didn't also do good, but not directly.
Cars and the personal automobile, trucks not included.
Imagine how different the world would be if it adapted to a more efficient model of transportation for the average person. Imagine all the infrastructure we wouldn't need anymore, imagine all the pedestrian-based architecture we could have in place of parking lots, imagine where we would be if we didn't spend a hundred years using unbelievable quantities of oil, asphalt, and metal all for the sake of personal transportation luxury.
We should just travel by way of a series of zip lines ...
Ball bearings.
Imagine someone with more power thsn you screwing you over, now imagien theres nothing you can do but take it.
>more people can't die if civilization never develops, stopping the rapid rise in Human population
Seriously you fucking loser?
Bathtubs. Killed uncountable numbers.
Birth-control pill. The picture gave it away.
t. bicyclist who enjoys clogging the roads and hates cars even though he can't afford one
Letting women engage in their hedonism without consequence destroys nations slowly.
except you forget females may have actual medical problems that birth control can help.
Seriously though the only problem with it is we can't force every woman to start taking it after bearing a maximum of two children. There's too many fucking people as is.
Yes but the justification for birth control by women is to whore around with no consequence. Self control is important in society and if men can do it so can women dammit.
This guy gets it.
You're a dumb whore.
>t. Virgin
i have birth control for medical reasons.
you're a virgin. most likely 30. whats your point?
>people shouldn't have control over what happens to their own bodies
>life was better back when people had kids at the age of 16
>those fat fingers
Simply epic
Apart from all it's uses as an explosive...
found another virgin
>that boring ass nail polish
Damn girl no wonder you only need it for medical reasons
"Sam Colt made all men equal."
I'm not a virgin. And even if I were it wouldn't be a problem. The culture of sleeping around is flawed, the people that do ultimately get sent to hell.
Now I will tell you I had one relationship prior, and I was very sexual, but I did sexual things with other women. This whole culture is flawed though. It leaves you feeling spurned and not getting the adequate sort of emotional stability you need.
You felt the need to take a picture and show the world that you're on birth control for what reason exactly? Because you thought it would somehow show that you're superior? You are a dumb idiot, you most likely do not NEED that birth control medication. A lot of women are even over-prescribed drugs. They take more drugs than they even need. I'm guessing the pill popping doesn't stop there.
The problem is more complex than that, losers.
No, I took a picture because I know you faggots would bite the bait and I would have fun.
It is the only medicine I take.
I highly doubt you ever got laid lmao.
You seriously believe that if people do the thing we were designed to do, we get sent to hell?
Christfags are so fucking stupid it hurts.
I don't fuck every man I date. I'm not a dumbass.
>hurrr women shouldn't be allowed to have secks!
>it's not because I'm a permavirgin faggot though, that has nothing to do with it!!!!
Why do you doubt that? Because you, yourself are a loser? And the only way you can make friends is by offering sexual services?
Lets cut to the chase, I can guarantee you there is no reason for you to be taking this medication other than to justify your licentious lifestyle.
This is just sad and embarrassing for you, you fucking retard. Who the fuck would have the mentality that anything that comes out of this whore's mouth is respectable? Honestly, living life like a whore is nothing to be admired. If we are to progress, we must understand our cultural duties: we are not to be whores, lest we get burned in hell.
>the only people who have sex are those who sleep around
>I'm better than everyone else because I assume they do something which I used to do
>I know about someone else's health problems and what medication they need better than they do
Get over yourself faggot
Subjective Morality
It was a joke sweetie, stop taking yourself so seriously. Also smile more
Why shouldnt a woman have a child at 16?
>do the thing we were DESIGNED to do
Darwinfags are so fucking stupid it hurts.
See? I can do it too. Ad hominems are the best!
see If you really must know I have thoracic endometriosis.
With no birth control the woman will be more wise in who she lies with because she will be stuck with her decision if she doesnt miscarry. If the whore cannot find the father she must raise it on her own and suffer for being a whore who is bad at picking men.
The problem is simple: the culture of people sleeping around is flawed. It introduces unwholesome aspects of morality into our daily functions.
Clearly killing people and fucking was all we used to do, but we no longer have the need to anymore because of prudence, and medicinal accomplishments prolonging life. Inherently the thing to do in this situation would be to not fuck. It solves a lot of economic problems right from the get go.
I know for one thing, I respect women a lot more if they are single and don't have a boyfriend.
What? You're too stupid to even form an arguement.
Have you ever met a 16 year-old girl? They're immature self-centered idiots and make absolutely awful mothers. Better to have an actual adult who has her shit together and is able to handle things raise kids.
Not to mention that if her husband dies or is abusive, she doesn't have an education or any skills so she's fucked.
This guy gets it
Why do you assume that everyone who is on the pill sleeps around?
Why do you think that you're better than everyone else based on this flawed assumption?
I never realized how many nu-fedora christfags were on this board.. I thought you people were actually half intelligent. Shame on me, I guess.
If you can't trust the woman you are dating, then don't fucking date her. Your insecurities are your problems, not everyone elses.
Becuase they are all insecure faggots. "One girl fucked a big black cock while she was still with me, they must all be like that hurr durrr"
Women are meant to be mothers and teenhood is the best age as their eggs are in prime condition meaning good offspring. Teenage girls of today are quite worthless now but with alot of social engineering and strict violence from their fathers they can be good mothers in the future.
Enjoy taking birth control while not having sex, idiot.
Nah. Teenage girls are fucking retarded because they are inexperienced and hormones are still raging. Don't be a tard.
Big angry man in the sky is going to punish all the whores!
>If you can't trust the woman you are dating, then don't fucking date her.
Dating is primitive.
>If I beat my daughter she'll stop being a retarded edgy teenager
>I'm better than everyone else
It has nothing to do with the women people are dating. We are simply stating culturally, Birth control is a mistake. People inherently should not act the way that birth control is something just given out like that.
What is your point? Hedonism is the ideology of dumb beast that belong in the stone age like women.
It can damage the lungs over time. This is 2018, I can make my quality of life better by taking a pill each day and not having chest pain. Why would I not do it?
>vocaroo lmao
You must be mad because no girl would fuck you. One slut is down out of the count, and makes you fear for your microdick, doesn't it?
>if you take the birth control pill you are a hedonist
Women have no honor so we can just use christianity to keep them in line no we must give them actual hell as in setting them on fire if they whore around. I believe burning a woman's face to disfigurement is the perfect punishment for being a whore.
I don't think birth control should be handed out like candy, but it isn't a mistake. You would be shitting yourself if it didn't exist and every whore you fucked would be demanding child support from you.
Whatever you want.
Anyway men, look at how the topic of the thread went directly around this hambeast. Whatever, fine. You are not as bad as some women these days I will give you that. Just please stop trying to justify birth control in licentious women because you need it for your condition.
I wouldn't even take it in your situation, or even think it's anything that needs to get checked out. I think people are far too sensitive these days. And that's an actual opinion I have too. I think your physical life is important, but I try not to take medicine. I had a cold recently and I didn't take medicine for that. I really don't want to support the medical industry, these days they are severely corrupt.
>child support
Oh yes thats something else that needs to be banned as well. It gives women the ability to enslave men which is not natural at all.
Hey nigger, I have that shit on top of lupus because I got really fucked in life. Birth control has helped ease the pain. Believe it or not, I'm with you faggots on not having it handed out like candy, but your insecurities are not womens issues.
You took the bait faggot.
Look this beta faggot is mad for you.
How sweet.
It sure is a mistake, and I don't fuck around. Just like you, I find that whole culture disgusting.
Public prosecutors.
Basically everything bad that's happened in the last 300 years has been the result of the idea that the state can bring legal action against an individual in the absence of a specific aggrieved party.
And yet again women manage to ruin a potentially great thread. Good job cunts!
How does that increase order in society? Hedonism is for stupid monkeys humans are civilized beings they are higher than debase instincts. The shit I witness in America seems out of place it looks like it should be in the neolithic era.
Both of you are fat
Cry me a fucking river
>my lupus is more important than society
>it's possible to ruin a b8 thread
I agree, its fucking retarded. But its a reality. So thank your lucky stars that the bitch you fuck often is on the pill.
Proving my point hole
People can have a choice to take medicine to improve their quality of life.
>I agree, its fucking retarded. But its a reality
>I’m not a feminist! I just go along with everything they say! I’m passive, you can’t blame me! I’m on your side if it convenient for me!
You should just die, user.
Your disabilities meant that your life will inevitably be a net loss for society, and you will personally be miserable for as long as you live. It will only get worse the older you get.
You're going to die eventually anyway, so why not now?
My plan worked amazingly.
>Which invention in human history has been the most damaging to us.
>Blocks your path.
>Human history can't even determine what it was actually used for.
Try eating less