Will feminism be a success? Women have way more rights so I say yes.
Will feminism be a success? Women have way more rights so I say yes
>rights without duties
Have non-patriarchal societies ever been a success? No? Then there's your answer.
They’ve never been tried before
>inb4 pol conspiracy about the fall of the Roman Empire
Lurk more
Sure they have. They just never made it past mud huts. Native north americans and africans had plenty of matriarchal tribes. If every successful society in history was patriarchal, which they were, then that's probably the best way for society to be run. There is some small chance that is doesn't necessarily have to be, but I don't want my society to be the lab rat in an experiment with such high stakes.
>Feminism is about women's rights
The West is the best place to live and also has feminist values though.
Matriarchal societies have always failed.
In developed countries, women's rights shouldn't be an issue anymore. They have the same opportunities as men, and when it comes to the divorce side of things, they have it even better. "Feminism" is already a success. Though, I would call it egalitarianism before I call it "feminism."
Feminism calls for a matriarchal society. Imagine buzzfeed editors as mayors and presidents. Yeah, male suicide rates would go up.
Not in my reality.
That makes no sense seeing women’s depression rates are leagues above men’s depression rates
You missed the point completely user
The west didn't have feminist values when it became great. One hundred years ago, European nations were very patriarchal and were the undisputed masters of the entire world. Then we dropped patriarchy and now we barely even control our own countries. The wealth that we currently have is only a leftover of a better age.
The West is richer than its ever been and getting better to live in by the year
That's bullshit
>have an ideology revolved around allowing women to perform masculine functions
>Call it feminism
What did they mean by this?
>The West is richer than its ever and getting better to live in by the year
By what metric? There is more money than ever, but it is also worth less than ever and mostly concentrated in the hands of a few hundred people. It certainly isn't getting a better place to live in for the average person. The young generations can't dream to have the kind of life that their grandparents had. And besides all that, living standards aren't everything. Living standards during the decline of societies are almost always higher than they were during the rise of those societies.
It’s not though. Women suffer from depression 4x more than men
Yet male suicide numbers are leagues above those for females. Not that that says much, just shows that the numbers are tricky to compare and you can't just say ones bigger than the other.
Feminism will go out the window if society or the economy collapses
No one is going to pretend women are actually equal to men if their life depends on it
Not him but I'm pretty sure the statistic is that SUCCESSFUL suicides for men are much higher. Women tend to just slit their wrists in the bath instead of blowing the brains out, and the reality is you can be quickly found and saved with the former.
This. He’s an idiot from /pol/
Modern feminism is
What do you mean "will"? It has been a success. Women used to be pigeonholed into being housewives and doing menial cooking/cleaning and now they can become salaried career professionals the same as any man can be.
If you don't die then it isn't suicide.
And the reason for it is the same reason why women cry more, it gives them social power.
Where do you live where this is the case?
>if you don't die then it isn't suicide.
Exactly. Women attempt more suicide, but men succeed more. They can't even kill themselves better than we can.
>What do you mean "will"? It has been a success.
I'm assuming OP means modern radical postmodernist feminism which is actually gender supremacism.
Female superiority in society has also nearly been achieved.
In the Family Law system female supremacy is complete, for example.
So if equal rights was the goal of feminism that was achieved a long time ago.
If female supremacy is the goal of feminism that that is also close to it's final achievement.
What goals are left for feminism once they achieve equal rights AND supremacy?
Welp, never did look at it like that.