Why did France give up Algeria?
Why did France give up Algeria?
Wouldn't you?
Colonialism was going out of fashion.
Could it have become completely francofied?
then again probably not seeing as the french stop breeding at the start of the 1800s
And yet France then goes on to happily sacrifice 100,000s of French lives to hold on to fucking Vietnam.
political failure more than military
There were 1.4 million+ white French living in Algeria before the revolution.
Algeria was after vietnam...
The amerifats pressured them into it
Also De Gaulle wanted to get rid of to avoid a massive migration of sandnigs to mainland France
Which failed hilarously because, as France left and Algeria became shit, all the Algerians now wanted to go in France and the "leftist" French governments that followed De Gaulle's imported them by millions to lower the wages
nobody wants 10,000,000 (40,000,000+ today) algerians living in their country, charles de gaulle made the right choice
Actual French casualties in Indochina were only like 20,000, most of the casualties there were their Indochinese or African soldiers
Decolonisation was unironically a mistake.
>Leftists support Algerian independence
>Algeria makes it illegal for citizens to be anything other than a Muslim
>surprised that leftists have complete reality distortion with regards to Muslims, who fundamentally oppose everything they support
no, i meant that at the end of the 1700s, french birth rates collapsed and never really recovered
from the 1850s to 1950s, france's population hardly grew
>The French population only grew by 8.6% between 1871 and 1911, while Germany's grew by 60% and Britain's by 54%.[13] Ferdinand Foch joked that the only way for France to permanently improve its relationship with Germany was to castrate 20 million Germans.[14] If the population of France had grown between 1815 and 2000 at the same rate as that of Germany during the same time period, France's population would have been 110 million in 2000; Germany grew at a much faster rate despite its very substantial emigration to the Americas, and its larger military and civilian losses during the World Wars than France. If France's population had grown at the same rate as that of England and Wales (which was also siphoned off by emigration to the Americas, Australia and New Zealand), France's population could have been as much as 150 million in 2000.
France could've easily put more than 5 million people in algeria if they grew similarly in population as their european neighbors
that way, Algeria could've been completely francofied
Is this because of Napoleon?
Nah, it's just because France was the most advanced, enlightened and comfortable country in Europe
Ever heard of demographic transition?
>France was the most advanced, enlightened and comfortable country in Europe
Ehh, not really. Great Britain/the United Kingdom had a fair higher average standard of living, with even the middle class living very well. They also had more political and religious freedoms, and were not as directly affected by war as countries on the Continent were.
They conflate Islam with race. Most Muslims are brown therefore Muslims are a protected class.
Yes code napoleon, social and cultural dislocation of the french revolution, increased awareness about coitus interruptus
>Muslims fundamentally oppose everything leftists support
Same with Christians and Hindus, provided they actually practise what they preach, m8
So the ~1 million French men that died didn't really matter?
the fuck you are talking about? there's no law in algeria against being non muslim
>After Algeria gained its independence, it passed the 1963 Nationality Code, authorizing citizenship only to Muslims. This law extended citizenship only to those individuals whose fathers and paternal grandfathers were Muslim.[24] Ninety-five percent of the country's 140,000-strong indigenous Jewish population went into exile after the passage of the law.
15% was already French, even with the demographic crisis France was in that prevented large scale settling of colonies. It was close to the mainland, comfortable, with a nice climate, land to grab, and with plenty of ressources for a small population. With more time or just more of a colonisation effort, it could have become something like Britain’s White dominions.
>Algeria forcefully expelled 15% of their population
>no one cared
>France can’t expel their 6% to 10% of muslim population
>charles de gaulle made the right choice
literally no difference to the current situation
Pompidou and Giscard were leftists now ? Besides Algerian immigration started in the 60s under de Gaulle's watch.
The right had them come here to work, the left let them stay. But even then it’s a “right” wing government that gave the green light to ““family reunification””.
They all should hang off lamposts.
>>Algeria forcefully expelled 15% of their population
They left by choice and most went to France anyway because they were French citizens.
>leftists want to forcefully civilize people
Waaah they're so inhumane!
>leftists don't want to forcefully civilize people
Ah ah they're so naive!
Pompidou was litterally a crypto leftist who had been part of marxist organisations, and Giscard might as well have been, pretending to be a conservative and playing off a fake nobiliary particle doesn’t hide all the shit he put in place.
>left by choice
This is what Algerians actually believe.
>threatened to be killed
>citizenship only given to muslims
>all their stuff seized
>but they left by choice
>everyone who's not completely conservative is a leftist
Well that's wrong.
Leftists of that time were socialists and communists, everything else except fringe anarchists and such were not leftists.
It really was. I'm not a /pol/tard, but really, it's common sense. Africa was abandoned by the colonial powers almost overnight, all the university graduates (mostly whites or elite Africans) left with the colonists, and uneducated, illiterate populations were given the right to vote, so they proceeded to vote for Marxist thugs who wrecked their countries.
There was a common phrase at the time.
"African democracy is one man, one vote, one time only"
Now Africa is still a mess, decolonization should have been done in an orderly fashion, many massacres could have been avoided.
This documentary tells it all (including footage of an actual genocide of entire families of Arabs in Zanzibar, so don't watch it if you are squeamish, those images still haunt me):
English version, sorry
There is no proof that Algerians threatened to kill them if they did not leave.
There are still a few pieds-noir living in Oran.
You’re right, they didn’t just threaten to kill them.
>the Algerian officers and soldiers present in Oran who let the massacre go on or participated in it were judged and executed by the FLN
By my standards anyone to the left of Maurras might as well be a leftist traitor. But that’s not the point, you can’t seriously claim that a guy like Giscard is right wing when he legalised abortion, was rabidly pro-EU, and campaigned against de Gaulle. He’s a liberal, both socially and economically, the worst combination possible.
As if that makes it any fucking better, Europeans were still massacred en masse by Algerians and neither the FLN (who barely had control of the country) nor the French army (who didn’t want to fuck up the Evian accord) didn’t do anything about it. A few officers executed means nothing, there was no recognition or investigation of the massacre. And even if that was punishment enough, the FLN (and other groups) did plenty of other killings and kidnapping of harkhis and Europeans with basically no consequences.
So de Gaulle was leftist ?
I advise you to use commonly accepted standards when you're not talking to yourself. Otherwise discussion is impossible.
And yes I can, because Giscard favoured capitalist interests and promoted individual solutions to social issues.
He was no leftist at least.
the FLN shouldn’t have had control of the country anyway, they just purged the more moderate GRPA.
de gaulle was a French Paleoconservative
The events of the war(indiscrimate massacres and atrocities commited by both sides) make coexistence between the French and the muslims impossible
It was either leave Algeria or start a suicidal war of extermination against Algerians in the hopes of keeping their land
Finally, a good post.
>by both sides
it was almost exclusively by france
wasn't half of british population growth based on the Irish immigrating to Wales and England?
Actually, a huge lot of atrocities were committed by the FLN
They would regurlarly wipe out villages that refused to help them because they wanted to remain neutral
I am Algerian.
france committed regular atrocities for 132 years. they committed the first chemical attack in modern history.
During the war of independence, regular ratissage was performed by france.
What FLN did was only towards Harkis or Pied noirs, not the general populace, the vast majority supported the ALN.
we now who you are, you've been spouting we dindu nuffin thru the whole thread
these two have been my only posts here
france's actions in Algeria are indefensible. n3al waldihoum
>I am Algerian.
Opinion discarded
>france committed regular atrocities for 132 years.
Yeah, colonization was terrible, blah blah
Pic related
>What FLN did was only towards Harkis or Pied noirs
100% wrong
The FLN performed a lot of atrocities against those who refused to pick side (90% of the populace) in order to ensure their help
But then again if you're Algerian, your "knowledge" probably steams from the revisionist state propaganda the FLN instigated after the independence, so...
>they committed the first chemical attack in modern history.
Pretty sure the Germans did in WW1
>What FLN did was only towards Harkis or Pied noirs
Keep telling yourself that
Pic related, villagers beheaded and dickmouthed by the FLN for wanting to remain neutral
>if you're Algerian
You know he’s diaspora, I’m not sure the av even have internet in the shithole that Algeria became .
>pic related
france destroyed Algerias institutions, they forced the population off the good lands. All the shit they built was for them, never for the Algerian populace.
france committed atrocities since their first step on Algerian soil in 1830.
>Pretty sure the Germans did in WW1
Laghouat 1852
Keep telling yourself that
>Prior to French occupation in 1830, the literacy rate in Algeria was 40 percent. After 130 years of French rule, it was even worse, as Algeria was left with one of the lowest literacy rates in the world—as low as 15 percent
Fun fact:
Before France's arrival, there was no such thing as Algeria
There was only the city of Algiers (an Ottoman possession) and the desert behind it
France literally created Algeria by drawing borders, building roads, railways and cities in the desert
Other fun fact:
The French colonization of Algeria was 100% deserved
France colonized North Africa to put a end to barbary piratery and slavery
Sandniggers had been enslaving southern italians for centuries before France raped them into submission
I read somewhere before it had to do something to do in part with French inheritance rights
>there was no such thing as Algeria
sure there was. Algeria was an Ottoman vassal state.
>There was only the city of Algiers
this is how I know you don't know.
>France colonized North Africa to put a end to barbary piratery and slavery
kek no.
Algeria had friendly relations with France before 1830. In fact, they made deals to supply france with food (especially wheat). In 1830, the debt france had to Algeria was too much so the Dey summoned the french consul to ask about the payments. But france refused as they were stronger militarily (Algerias naval capacities had weakend a lot by then). So the Dey smacked him in the face with a fan.
That incident led france to block the Algerian ports. Coincidentally, the french king was losing popularity and England were getting rich af by colonies so he decided to invade Algeria. They had planned a war since the days of Napoleon since the Algerian military was growing weak. There are multiple more reasons for the invasion but I will be brief.
In 1830 the first martyr fell in the fort next to the sea in Staouali, outisde of Algiers, and the rest is history.
t. Algerian
>be weak sandnigger desert nation
>think you can demand that one of Europe's strongest country pays its debt to you
Lmao, you brought it upon yourselves thb
The weak shall fear the strong, not demand stuff from him
>They had planned a war since the days of Napoleon since the Algerian military was growing weak
There was no such think as "Algerian military"
Algiers was an Ottoman dominion, and the Ottoman military had been garbage for centuries at that point
>The weak shall fear the strong
This is the reality.Algeria was the king of the mediterranean for 300 years. Then someone else became king.
However, that does not excuse the atrocities committed by the french. You can tell they really are descendants of crusaders by their uncultured, barbarian ways.
there's a few million algerians living in france, if they had been kept as part of france there would be like 20 million
you're unironically a barbarian tbqh
And if leftards hadn't allowed them in when Algeria became a shithole due to France's departure, there would be none
>There was no such think as "Algerian military"
nation states are a modern phenomenon, but for all intents and purposes they are Algerians. The place was called Algeria. The Eyala was called Algeria. They were fairly autonomous from the late 17th and onwards. The population was Muslim. And so on.
>Ottoman military had been garbage for centuries at that point
nope. the early 19th century was when the navy got shit. The last great Algerian Rais was Rais Hamidou.
>This is the reality.Algeria was the king of the mediterranean for 300 years.
Pretty sure that in the 300 years before 1830, the ruling navies in the Mediterranean were the Ottoman one, then the Spanish one and then the British one
But certainly not the Algerian one
Because fear of communism
For the same reasons Britain did: by America's demand.
> the ruling navies in the Mediterranean were the Ottoman one
>But certainly not the Algerian one
Algeria was part of the Ottoman Empire back then
>arguing in circles
Britain and France gave up their colonial empires because America told them to
>Algerian pirates commits atrocities along the southern coast of France, so France invade their shithole to make it stop.
>Try to educate the local,teach them,build infrastructures etc..
>130 years later they go full autism reeeee French
>Commits atrocities en masse, force 10% of the population to leave(briefcase or coffin policy) cause they're too white and too French.
>The french leave and the country goes back to being a shithole
>It's so shit millions of them comes to France as they realise it's way better
>Today they're still shitting the place up, both in France and Algeria.
Fucking subhumans I swear.
Ottoman =/= Algerian though, unless you want to admit the Algerian nationality is a meme and they should only exist as a province of a larger empire (ottomans, French)
>this is what jean francois le batard believes
i fucking hate france so much.
The population is Algerian. The people are Algerians. They were back then as well. They were under different leadership, that's all.
Algeria truly has a great history
Part of the Roman Empire
Part of the Ottoman Empire
Part of the French Empire
How can other countries even compete?
>achieve independence
>move to marseille
why do algerians do this?
Yeah but those Algerians weren’t the most powerful navy in the med unless you want to admit that they weren’t actually Algerians
Once again user, you can choose Algerian or Ottoman, but you can’t claim to be both when you feel like it and one when you don’t.
Part of the Roman Empire
Part of the Umayyad Caliphate
Create their own Empire
Part of the French Empire (under napoleon)
>tell whitey to leave
>whitey leaves
>country goes to shit
>move to whitey's country
Algerians sure are a great people
la corruption rampante du pouvoir
Part of the Roman Empire
Part of the French Angevin Empire
Created their own Empire
Part of the American Empire
Algeria was a part of the Ottoman Empire.
>but you can’t claim to be both
Who gives a shit anyway. Nationalism is a modern phenomenon. Back then, citizenship was by religion.
>Algeria was a part of the Ottoman Empire.
Minnesota is a part of America. American military has soldiers from Minnesota. The US Navy isn't a Minnesotan navy.
And I'm being generous here because Minnesota wasn't a counquered vassal state.
And how much did the province of Algeria contribute towards the ottoman navy? I assume it must have been upwards of 80% surely.
>who gives a shit
You do
There was no Algerian navy, take your modern phonomemon and shove it up your ass.
>And how much did the province of Algeria contribute towards the ottoman navy?
men, commanders, ports, food, logistics, ships
you name it.
>There was no Algerian navy, take your modern phonomemon and shove it up your ass.
sure there was. it was a part of the Ottoman Empire
Boy now I do understand why the frogs are tired dealing with you lot
The sources I’m reading say it didn’t contribute much at all
which sources are those?
do you know how navies operate?
it would be impossible for there not to be any help from the native population.
yaatik saha that's the truth.
>innocent french girl after algerian terrorism
Reminder that the Algerian barbarian genocided 480,000 french civilian and 200,000 soldiers for no reasons..
And they only had a population of 2 millions...
>Modern day Algerian