New QTDDTOT. Last one was closing in on limit

New QTDDTOT. Last one was closing in on limit

I'll start. I have Osgood Schlatter in my left knee.

More often than not it hurts mildly while I do nothing. Starting a run hurts like hell, but afterwards it feels great. Today I'm practicing on a boxing back, I throw a knee and feel it move. (That's the best way I can describe it). Now that I'm sitting and doing nothing it feels like I never had a problem in my knee. But when I bend it it feels tight and hurts like a bitch.

Did I just fix my knee or fuck it up more?

Also the sole of my foot on my left leg feels tight and painful when I run. This is a problem because I'm getting ready for the service and pretty much all I'll be doing is running.

Best workouts for obliques if your a poor fag stuck with dumbells? Time to slap on muscle there since shitty genetics make my sides fat as f u c k compared to the rest of my body

No response from last thread so
>Memed into ss
>T rex mode upper body is fuel lower is a bit past noob gains
What routine should I switch to for aesthetics?

*Upper body is dyel

Should i keep cutting or am i too skinny?

Also how do you guys get under 2500 mg of sodium a day?

6'3 198

So I've finely started using my Fitness Pal but it fucking only has options for losing 2 Pounds a week? Is there anything better for meeting my macros or not?

I want to get down to the 160s from the 200s in less than fucking half a year.

Summers almost here senpai cut down to abs, then bulk later cuz you dont have much mass by Veeky Forums standards

you should try lifting

Used to be way skinnier buttt okkkkkkk

Yea i dont have much mass, only been at it for 3 months and was dweeb skinny when i started.. but thqnk you

What are some good and relatively clean things to eat for a college student bulking?

This is what my diet currently looks like (6'2" ~185 lbs so i have to eat a lot to gain weight, around 3500 cals)

Morning snack: 1/2 cup of peanuts

Lunch: 2 bowls / a couple cups of milk / 1 cup of greek yogurt

Dinner: 3 bowls / cups of milk

Protein shake after working out and then I try to eat 1.5 cups of oats and a couple spoonfuls of peanut butter

"Bowls" are these things my dining hall makes pretty much every day, basically some form of meat (usually beef/chicken) and then black beans and rice, I figure that is pretty clean so I just eat a lot of them. I've approximated that they probably come out to about 400 calories each

I can't "cut for summer" because then I would go into extreme auschwitz mode, trust me, my arms are still small

been trying to bulk for like a year but keep failing. just can't fuckin eat consistently. any skellys have tips

Hate yourself

I'm dead serious. I did summer school last summer, took physics 1 and 2 and I got As in both but my whole life was physics, I'd like skip meals because I just wanted to study hard enough to get the A.

I went to the gym and made no gains, and I was pursuing a girl who wanted nothing to do with me, while being hit on by this fat girl who kept touching my arm.

I was just so fucking tired of looking in the mirror and being so unhappy all the time. I saw myself as an onlooker in every sense of the word. I played a special part in nobody's life. My hair grew out and I had a thick ass neckbeard as a lanklet, my room was trashed and I didn't bother to clean it. because I felt like the only thing I could completely control was my grades.

That hatred of myself was the main reason I was able to make a change. am still small but I have made some progress

Should i slow down my linear progression or expect more failed sets while cutting on ss. I was thinking maybe shooting for 5 to 10 lbs a week instead of 5 lbs a session

What is a good weighted vest for a mix of hiking/running and bodyweight excersises?

Do yourself a favor and don't get a weighted vest. If you plan on using it for cardio like hiking or running it will fuck your joints and your knees and back will be shot by the time you are 40.

Should a 6'1 240 pounds fatty be doing SS? I'm trying to lean out and get stronger but i'm already stalling on overhead press really hard.

Is this an ideal routine for someone like me? If not can someone tell me a good alternative

How am I meant to decide whether to cut or keep bulking when I look entirely different based on time of day, lighting and pump. It's nice getting stronger and bigger in clothes but starting to look shit shirtless at times and it would ne nice to see some more abs. Help.

whats your overhead press at

Guys what are some good ways to exercise at home?


>inb4 go to gym
I live in BFE, closest gym is 30 minutes
I just want to be able to workout for like an hour or a little more

What I do now is see how many push ups and sits ups i can do. So far I'm at 25 and 20. I do a little planking and bicycle crunches. and then I go for about a 2 mile walk. This takes me all about an hour

But I still feel like just doing pushups and situps really isn't going to do anything. Should I go get one of those rubberband thingies? pls respond.

my lifts are
>squat 230
>DL 235
>bench 120
>row 115
>OHP 75

my upper body is embarassingly weak, my dl and squat are decent because i was 339 pounds for a good part of my life and ive lost a little over 100 pounds but i'm strugglin on overhead press a lot.

jog or bike. pushups are fine, and you can progress on them by putting books on your back, say. also look into getting a pullup bar, if you don't have a convenient place to do them.

pounds obviously not KG

does anyone here work out 6x a week?

i started working out a month ago after a long break. goal was to cut and build some muscle. ive been going 4-6x a week and while ive made gains and lost fat, i do feel a little burnt out already. Im thinking of just switching to 3x a week PPL, instead of twice a week.

The reason i've been going that often was to cut, since im around 22% BF.


> I have Osgood Schlatter in my left knee.
I dont know what the fuck that is, go to someone who knows about that.

What are your stats?

I would lean/slow bulk personally

are you on a meal plan?

meat, beans and rice are pretty good bulking foods.

id be trying to lose weight. so no SS. also why is your bench so weak compared to DL and squat?

look up convict conditioning. basically progressive calesthenics. Get a pul up bar too.

I'm about to go on Lexapro. How do I combat the weight gain effects?

I have no idea why its so weak compared to my dl and squat, what kind of routine should I be doing then?

I need some Veeky Forums approved ab excersises to go with cutting for summer. My normal routine is the 5/3/1 for powerlifting program.

Is jumprope a viable alternative to running?

Does thinking too much hurt gains?

I know that sounds silly but hear me out. We all know that mental assertion burns calories so wouldn't it hurt your bulk as it doesn't provide any physical stimulation in return for calories burnt. Also I've noticed from my own experiences that dumb people are disproportionately fat while very smart people are almost always skinny.

I was buying salt and saw this salt with little sodium, no iodine and good amount of potassium.
I bought it.

Is it a good substitute? Food tastes good at least.

>tfw 2 (to) smarts two lift

how long does it take to develop bone spurs?

Am I skinnyfat?

diet, lots of cardio. youre pretty fat.
Do a Push/pull/legs; focus on heavy compounds to retain muscle.

im doing diet and cardio, I was wondering what kind of resistance training I should be doing though.

I have torn labrum in hip and can't run or basically do anything that involves moving it. Or sit for a period of time. Or lay. Pretty much everything bothers it and my life is constant discomfort.

Anyways, how do I not feel like a fat sack of shit as I watch my body deteriorate? I'd like to swim, but I don't know how and all the lessons are during work hours.

how do you guys keep from being sedentary on off days? I'm doing SL 5x5 so only working out three days per week but I hate feeling lazy on off days

bulk. UNless you are trying to get sloots. Then cut.

military style workouts.

Osgood Schlatter is a painful lump under the knee.

Are weightes vests worth it?

Hold a DB in each hand then bend sideways, lowering your hand towards your knee, then come back up

Keep doing one side for about 12 reps, then do the other. Just dont overload on the weight and pull something.

Crunches, Cocoons, leg raises (hanging and lying), planks, DB side bends for obliques, sit ups, roman chair sit ups

Pick them all, do them all until your abs feel like they are going to kill you

No, you're fat. Cut and lift.

really? I've been on SL for about six months trying to gain weight, only gained like 18 lbs though :/ feels early to cut

I know this is silly as all shit but...

Starting out on 5x5 and when I do deadlifts, do I put the bar on the ground first before loading up on weights, or do I load 'em on before taking them off the rack?

Squat rack and diddly both share the same station and there's only 1 of 'em.

Also do I usually need to carve out my own space in front of the mirror if the free weights and other barbells are all close to one another and congested by them adjustable seats or whatever they're called?

I tried to defrost chicken breast by putting it in the microwave on defrost for about 10 minutes. now the outside of the chicken looks cooked, the inside is still frozen. how do I save this?

In an ideal world you get to use a platform and a lever however in your situation do whatever works best for you, move all the shit around in the gym do whatever
not really
by being active, you will not lose gains on SL by doing cardio or playing sport
depends on your goal but yes

Fastest way to heal a cut? No stitches or even steri-straps (which I think I could have done with). It's 2cm long, and decently deep.

Currently just have spray bandage over it. At this rate it's looking like 2 weeks before the scab heals and comes off which is pretty fucking annoying cause it's right in between my eyes.

it took a while to get fat, it'll take while to lose fat
2lb/wk is a good pace
lose 40 faster and it's hello, mr saggy skin

>Is it a good substitute? Food tastes good at least.
not really, it's for people with a sodium problem

got some back pain/discomfort after waking up and sitting
that was like three weeks ago
then two weeks ago i was doing bent over rows and after finishing got more pain
last 2 weeks theres pain after sitting and bending over(lost like half my mobility)
i didnt lift at all last week and its still there
what should i do?

is yohimbine bullshit