Whoa, I think I just fixed it
Whoa, I think I just fixed it
>italian austria
>Poland gets even more german land
>There is no german state
So, I guess that Germans would stay with us? It would be little difficult with postwar hostility.
>youll never live in a timeline where germans are known as the palestinians of today
>german land
yes you did
Serious question: why so many edgelord teenager allieboos on this website? Is this the famous typical Veeky Forums contrary nature?
>edgelord teenager
Those would be germanboos.
give poland's chunk to sweden, and the UN gash to the bongs
>give poland's chunk to sweden,
>haha look guys i partitioned germany
I genuinely wouldn't have a problem with that Habsburg-united Greater Germany, even though I usually loathe Greater Germany autism.
Maybe five years ago. Edge is a cycle, just look at all the edgy teenyboppers pretending to be Christian now.
Give it a year and the new edgy thing will be supporting the most ineffectual, obscure actors of the interwar era, possibly the Habsburg dynasty, maybe Brazil, or maybe the orthodox edge will win out and the majority will consider itself above discussions of WW2, considering people on either side to be autists.
After this it will be back to edgy Nazism as the cutting edge of the edgy will go 'post-ironic' and claim that the true big brains support who they support regardless of the clucking majority, and then back to the Allies, and so on like that until we reach the age of forty and kill ourselves.
>Berlin jest Polski
>Cologne est Française
>Vienna è Italiana
>Kilo er Dansk
>Dresden je Čeština
>Emden is Nederlands
>mfw edge is a ladder
Give Austria a bit of border land, give Denmark Sleswig, give Netherlands Frisia, and then split it into Hannover, Brandenburg/Pomerania, Bavaria, and Westphalia. Prussia would go independent and own Danzig maybe go full WE WUZ and bring back Pruthenian language and culture.
Germany fixed.
>Habsburg-united Greater Germany
No. Prussia or GTFO.
Countering /pol/
>remove poland
>change the polish land to lithuania
Then, it's perfect.
World will only be free when we strangle last German with intestines of last Turk
Prussia is the third most disgusting thing to have graced Europe with its presence, right after Mongols and Turks.
For a better tommorow.
Why are frogs and lesser people always possessing such complexes toward Germans?