HIT train

Whats your oppinion on HIT training? Any examples you could give?

>High intensity training
>High intervan training

HIgh intensity

I think training with High intensity is better than training with low intensity. But thats just my humble oppinion

so you basically do every set till failure? isnt that too much for the body in the long run?

what is the method?

can someone give an example of a workout with high intensity?

>high intensity means every set till failure

intensity means usually the % of your 1RM you work with

I dont get the whole concept. So if i do 3x5 it would mean i do 3 times not 5 but max i can do till failure? or what?

if you do 3x5 for example
low intensity would be 50% of your 1rm
high intensity would be 90%
the % are random as I don't really remmebr the real ones bu you get the idea

so if my 1 RM is 100 kg benchpressing, what you mean is i do all 3 with 90 kg? watt?

obvioulsy there are some limitations to it as you can't use a 100% for reps but the idea
look into oly lifting routine you'll see how they accomodate it from day to day to get the best out of it

thanx user!

if I am not mistaqueing, Dorian Yates did something like this?

most elite or competitive lifting does

mmm....mmaybe I should roid..or tren hard...m m maybe eat clen?!

you should do whatever you have to to go where you want to be keeping in mind the risks so you have as few regrets as possible

what do you guys think of a light cycle consisting only of test 6 weeks. just test enanthate. maybe some clomid after for a few weeks.

HIT training is or i believe is like this example:
1) Start joggin like regular pace, comfortable to keep it like 30 min, just regular stuff. Run for 2 minutes like this way then proceed to step 2.
2) Sprint like a motherfucker, talking like usain bolt chasin some hoes in some slut filled carnival for 5 (beginer) seconds then proceed to step 3.
3) Go back to joggin like step 1 and go to step 4.
4) sprint 5 to 10 times in a session go to step 5.
5) disregard hoes get money.

I'd always warm up for 10 mins at least before sprinting otherwise I'd gas out retardedly fast

>working for reps with your 90% 1rm
>Doesnt know about longevity in lifting sports
Enjoy your fucked up knees and shoulders fagot.