Truth about Steroids

Ok Veeky Forums, what is the barebones truth about steroids? Been lifting for almost 3 years now on a regular basis, an acquaintance I know took them and he got some serious gains. Now I am thinking of taking them.

Are they as dangerous as some people make them out to be? Do they permanently change and/or damage your hormone system? Does it mess with your sex drive? What are the real dangers?

Redpill me Veeky Forums.

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The main key is to never come to Veeky Forums for steroid advice go online and study hormonal reaction and some basic biochemistry I guarantee that the majority of ppl on the internet have no idea what they are doing when I comes to steroids yet they all think they are a genius bc they used a needle a few times and haven't died yet.

I'd highly recommend reading Reddit's steroid wiki as a jump off for the basics. As for health issues, read, read, read, read, and read some more.

General rule is you can NEVER do enough research.

As a starter though, it's worth pointing out that done properly, the health risks are minimal to none. My own GP has given me the green-light on steroid use, and basically said the only real danger is blood-borne infections from needle sharing, which only an idiot would do.

All the stuff you hear about health issues are either myths, or due to poor execution.

Orals can damage your liver, but then so could taking the correct dose of paracetamol, every 4 hours, for a month. You can go bald, but only if you were going to anyway. You can get gyno (bitch tits) and other estrogen related side effects, but only if your AI use is poor/non-existent (and plenty of guys don't bother and are still fine). Long term issues come from poor/non-existent PCT or simply blasting too hard for too long.

A basic cycle is Testosterone Enanthate. Remember that Testosterone is basically just a natural supplement - it's in your body anyway, you're just increasing it massively. With the right AIs and PCT, it's simple, effective, and very safe.

Plenty of people damage their bodies, often irreparably, doing things like smoking or drinking alcohol. Hell, even working 30 years in some shitty job you hate or being in a dead relationship you're too scared to leave is far more damaging.

There's also a major taboo around steroids due to brainwashed Americans who see it as "cheating". Cheating who? If you were to cross the Atlantic would you get on a plane, or swim?

This also means they're illegal or at least a grey-area in most jurisdictions, meaning buying online is the only option. Plenty of good labs and sources out there, but also plenty of shite. Again, the biggest "danger" is getting something that will harm you, it's just getting bunk gear that is under-dosed and pointless.

They make your dick grow by ~ 1 inch

It's cheating because all roidfags do is pretend they're not on junk and if they are in a situation where they cant maintain the lie anymore they say absolute crap like: "well yeah im on roids but really the size is down to cleaning up my diet and really committing in the gym".

I have no issue at all if someone wants to fraud it so long as they dont piss me off by rocking up covered in acne with huge lats swearing they're natty.

Not op but thank you for the informative post.

I had a question about sources, would steroidsourcetalk be a good starting point in your opinion?

I have done quite a lot of reading (not enough of course) and I have a beginner cycle in mind but I need to find a source for everything.

Just use amazon market place, all this source obscurity talk is so as not to shit up the thread, not because its hard to get

Guy you're replying to here.

Yep, I agree with that. If you claim natty but you're not, that is cheating, especially when you're inevitably shilling some crap through your Youtube channel or "personal training" business.

That said, while gear is "magic" it can't break the laws of physics. You still need to eat and train properly.

It's not just the professionals, its your standard fraud who will never admit they're pinning when its blatant to anyone who's been lifting for a day. I know a PT friend who's really committed to it, but all he gets are people coming in to his sessions and bringing up a picture of some men's magazine roider saying they want to be like him and then being unhappy whenever he says that wont happen.

To say they're not magic is stupid when we all know you pile more muscle on sitting doing nothing on them than lifting natty.

Again, i actually have nothing against them - they enable you to look good without doing in joints, whilst being able to do cardio and also freeing up time for other things, with no downsides if done right - but so long as anyone on it isn't open about it it's cheating.

There are aggregate sites, one in particular stands out but not sure if I can name it.

You can look at the top rated sites overall, or you can choose your country (UK here).

I actually went with the 3rd top rated (stock and prices) and it went without a hitch.

If you're in the UK it's also easier. A big UK muscle (clue) and steroid forum openly welcomes steroid talk. No source talk due to them still being illegal to sell, but I put photos of my gear on there and everyone said it's good to go. Lab I got is also highly rated.

Just research. And don't get some shite from a guy down the gym.

i think gear should only come into usage after one has reached his natty limit

I think we're on the verge of arguing semantics here, but I get what you mean. It isn't quite "cheating" in that sense, just lying.

As someone who recently jumped on, I now "get it" and I'm in the UK where it's perfectly legal.

I could easily explain to people why it's fine, and have done to close friends. People believe all the stupid myths - why wouldn't they when they've had no need to research the truth? It's easy to explain, but boring, tedious, and comes across as mildly Autistic. So it's best just to keep your mouth shut and claim "I've been hitting the gym hard".

I wish it was different, but sadly, as long as this taboo remains, you have to keep up the act.

I must admit though, a little part of me likes it. Like it's a secret that gives you an advantage. Again, not "cheating" as such as anyone can do it, but if every cunt was at it we'd not have any advantage!

My GP did also say though that it's surprisingly common. LOADS of guys, especially the younger late-teen/early 20s generation (I'm 30 now) do it. It's fucking obvious.

Reaching your "natty limit" (again, very difficult to define in reality) can take years.

Again - if you were going from the UK to Spain, would you rather walk or fly? Admittedly, many people would say "yeah, a nice walking trip through France over the summer, sounds lovely", which is fair enough, but I'd rather get the plane, as I'm sure most would.

Steroids still make a HUGE difference when you're still starting out. As long as you're training and eating right, and not doing anything stupid, they still work wonders.

I've not even started on the mental health benefits yet - huge amounts of research saying that testosterone is a much healthier, safer, and more effective treatment for depression/anxiety in men than SSRIs.

There's a reason the male suicide rate jumps up in the late 20s and again in middle-age. Testosterone levels. It's not a coincidence.

Agreed, when you are 90kg lean and can bench over 110kg that's when you should be allowed to ascend, and that's been quite generous as the natty limit is above that.

>Start roiding
>Get swole, get bitches, get confident
>Fuck around with sluts until you find a girl that you really like and start a relationship with her
>at some point she finds out that you're a cheat, play it cool first but its clear she doesn't respect you as much anymore
>after all you're just that guy that is swole and has no personality, and even your swoleness is fake
>you get insecure, it puts a strain in the relationship, she dumps your stupid ass
>you get sad, maybe depressed and of course life will kick you when you're down so you get your first negative side effect of roids
>go to the doctor and you can't hide from him, so you come clean and he tells you to stop immediately
>you quit because you never had a strong will to begin with, you just wanted the easy gains and attention
>A year later you look like shit and dwells in gyms telling kids you used to be hot shit but had some "health problems"

I've seen it happened more than once, and the only change is that one dude I know had a heart attack at the age 27 and almost died. But mostly all of them go through the same beautiful cycle.

It is very common, when i started lifting at 16 i had no idea, im 26 now and i can point out about 10 guys in my gym alone who are on something or other.

Maybe there is the taboo but hiding it as if its something shameful only feeds that, if people are open and explain the advantages and disadvantages and that quite a lot of people do it without issue then there wouldnt be such a taboo, people would take it or leave it.

Ive never had an interest in it because ive managed to maintain a good body for years without it and my wife would rather i were smaller anyway. But those i know who are open about it i have no negative thoughts about at all.

I dont know how to resolve it other than pointing out the signs of frauding so that everyone knows and hiding isnt a viable option anymore.

In fairness i used to be one of the biggest in my gym natty, then i got crohns and lost 20kg. But i dont think anyone thought it was frauding, just that i had no clue what i was doing.

>Reaching your "natty limit" (again, very difficult to define in reality) can take years.


>>at some point she finds out that you're a cheat, play it cool first but its clear she doesn't respect you as much anymore

Fake, girls don't care if you roid or not.

Eh, club sluts dont but they're disgusting anyway. I've known plenty of girls complain about protein shakes. All girls ideally want a guy who has an adonis body without doing any work for it, but the sensible ones are fine with the guy works, but not to vain extremes of cheming it up.

All girls care about is if you give them the tingles, if you roid you're more likely to do that. Plain and simple.

If she doesnt respect you cause you roid then she isnt g/f material and you should move on

>women missing an opportunity to take the moral high ground on you

And that's a stupid term that means nothing. You can only use roids when you hit a magic arbitrary number some anonymous faggot told you about?

Yeah ok.

Where would someone start when it comes to learning about steroids? I'm not a big fan of Internet sources but that seems to be all I can get. I would like to start taking them because I see that people get good results from them and I would like to get to their level after lifting for the past 6 years but I have no idea how to get them.

Hurr I've been lifting for 6 months cmand com to fit I'm so knowledgeable! Cheating is roids. Yr not even at natty limit.
>proceeds to lift for 3 years and makes minimal gains despite good diet and workout.
>has low T doesn't even know it
Has Total T of 400. Thinks he can be a strongman and hes,not at his limit yet.
Roods are cheating! Everyone should be low T like me!
This is the majority of men. Definitely fit.
Slot of men these days have low or sub optimal T and don't even know it.

Its not arbritary, it's the point at which any more genuine hardwork and education wont result in improvement. You've shown that you can reach the peaks your body can offer all on your own and from that point to progress there is no option but to fraud it. Anything less is actually laziness.

You can say fine to that, ok, but it's still laziness.

What world are you living in?

You think the "girlfriend" Brad the Beefcake is porking cares if he roids or not?

In fact girls in America are probably the most likely to respond positively to roids (prolly where OP lives) since America is the most superficial country on the planet with 90% of all girls on Tinder literally shopping for men.

>after lifting for the past 6 years

Post gains.

If you have a low t you will likely already know about it. It doesn't just affect muscle development you know that right? Plus ive been lifting since i was 16, im 26 now.

You should roid responsibly if you're on the low end of T/free T, don't listen to doctors that say that 300 is "normal" when you feel like complete shit.

I use steroids.

I think the dangers in the public eye are certainly way overblown, but they are absolutely not side-effect free nor are they a quick fix for anything.

"Just one cycle" is a terrible idea and in 99% of cases does more harm than good.
Living naturally after doing a cycle is shit, to put it bluntly. You spend all your workouts remembering the aggression, strength and awesomeness of lifting when in the midst of a cycle. Making huge strength and size gains week on week.
You start to pine for that feeling again, and either go back to do another cycle, or slowly lose interest in spinning your wheels trying to make natural gains.

Your sex drive in the midst of a cycle will be raging, you will feel like a 15 year old again, but with the confidence of a grown man.
After your cycle, even with a good pct, you may find yourself having trouble staying hard just because you know your dick isn't going to go roid-hard and make her scream the same way.

You will probably end up with some degree of acne on your shoulders for sure. Also maybe on your back, face and chest if you don't control your estrogen levels correctly. This can make you paranoid if you are the type to want to pretend you're all natty.

You will shed hair more than normal, which is scary, but if you aren't predisposed to MPB its nothing to worry about.

Your blood pressure may increase, due to the effects increased test has on RBC production, but this is easily mitigated if you donate blood towards the end of each cycle.

All this said. If you are happy to commit to using steroids for the rest of your training life, then spend a long time doing research. If you are unsure about whether you want to or not, then don't do it. Wait until you are sure you are happy to commit.

The rewards steroids give are amazing if they are truly the rewards that will make you happy. If you are hoping for something to fix your shitty personality, fear of rejection or self-loathing in general, steroids aren't the cure

That's what they say but then the first fight it's all
>You aren't even a man
>You have to take testosterone because you aren't a man

Women are cunts and will always use everything against you. Your mother, your upbringing, your health. Nothing is off limits

No certainly, but you're fooling yourself if you say "1500" is where im meant to be at.

I dont get it i just looked up D-bal the product and it just has a couple amino acids in it and nothing more, whats the deal here? what is the active ingredient that makes it work?

Thanks for the help guys, I am situated in Latvia as a foreign student and initially I thought a local source would have been advantageous, I will do more research and find a good online source instead, much appreciated.

> he's just learning that fraud celebrities sell you absolute pisswater telling you its what they used to bulk 30kg lean muscle in a year.

>Using every tool at your disposal to become the best version of yourself possible is laziness

lmao fucking nattys

Better throw away that calculator and start doing long division again
Better start lifting sacks of flour and hay instead of iron
Better get all your protein from the deer you kill and stop going to GNC for your cheating supplements and the grocery store for the meat you were too lazy to kill on your own

You need to stop watching so much reality TV and get off Veeky Forums

America is nothing like that, only Hollywood and loud minorities

The active ingredient is something called "Le Merchant".

>get some DMZ. worked for me.

yeah thats what i was thinking I never was interested in steriods but wanted a little knowledge since ive been lurking here i have a degree in biomedical science so they really cant trick me, but i did learn d-bal is the legal counterpart to dianabal which is the illegal steroid that probably actually works

OP, this guy is on point. If you do roids correctly and are moderate in your approach, you will do just fine.

For all of you idiots who are saying that women won't respect you for doing roids, they don't give a shit. All they care about is like they say on redpill, the tingles.

Mr. Molyneux did a great interview with a male stripper.

This will give you insight into the power of roids....male strippers get multiple women A NIGHT. Women are complete sluts, just like men, if not more. Plenty of women right before their wedding night have Bachelorette parties and they will fuck male strippers with impunity because MUSCLES.

I tell all guys who go to the gym after a year or two, jump into roids, get jacked cause the bitches love muscles, and its like you equipped with a knife going to a gun fight. Plain and simple.

Really that's the best analogy. You are bringing a knife to a gun fight if you are natty and you want to really compete.

If you are a serious natty (2 times or more a week consistently) you are better than a majority of dudes in the US, but competition is so stiff that roids are almost necessary.

I've done the rounds boys. I've been to Wet Republic. These guys in this photo? More pussy on a few weekends than the average beta NEET in a fucking lifetime.

Girls that go to Vegas go there to get fucked. And guess what? The hot ones do. It's a total meat market, its the wild west.

None of those things are illegal though nor is the line of thinking wrong. I recommend cooking your own food from scratch instead of buying it, repairing your own clothes instead of buying new ones, walking where you can instead of driving. None of these involve interfering with your biology either and nor do people commonly lie about them. No-one ever turns up at a meeting from the other side of the country and starts insisting he walked and then offering to give walking tips to everyone in the room despite them pointing out the car keys in his pockets.

On the TV Screen behind them:

Toronto 9 Boston 1

>my sides......

Like the other user said you're out of touch with reality bro, unless you're dating some shallow gym whore or a club rat that doesn't give a shit about anything you're gonna get an earful of crap out of any girl if they find out you're roiding. Any decent girlfriend won't just sit and watch you fuck yourself over, specially if she is a normie that doesn't know much about roids. Hell normies think that protein shakes are dangerous and will kill you.

As for respect, maybe if you have other hobbies that make you really interesting they can overlook the fact that you're looks are a fraud. But even then, any girl that cares about you for real will be against that.

Roiding for... that?

> 2 times or more a week consistently
> this is what roiders believe counts as serious gym going

Seriously just go on your local hot chick's instagram and she if she goes to Vegas or Miami with her girlfriends.

If she goes there and she's hot wearing her skimpy little suit, she is getting railed by a beefcake roider. Nearly guaranteed.

You will still land tail if you are natty but roids really bring things to the next level.

lol, you got the wrong end of the dick brah, roiders go to the gym pretty much every day because steroids make the gym so much more fun.

Agree, not so much with the "fucking yourself over" because girls will believe protein shakes do that, but that they look down on the cheating and vanity side of it. At least any half decent girl does, sure you can bang club sluts but i dont want that. Tbh most girls i know seem to identify a high natty point as their ideal, im already too big for some girls' tastes and ive never cycled.

>Thinks that you have to go more than 2 times a week to be fit

You're a moron if you think you cannot get gains and be fit by going 2 times a week minimum. It's called full body workouts and circuit training.

Some peoples' bodies do not need to go more than 2 times a week (full body) to stay fit. Everyone is different.

No, i know roiders go often - the recovery time is absolutely decimated so they can gym non stop. That's why most professional athletes get on something if they can - not to be big, but to train constantly.

My point was that its telling that that's the sort of routine a roider will have been doing whilst he was natty.

> train biceps and chest on wednesday
> train biceps and chest on fiday to get that pump for friday night
> get blasted on mdma and alcohol friday and saturday night
> wonder why they aren't making any progress
> must be the xeno-oestrogens
> jam test in their asshole

Most people don't know they have low T unless their dicks don't work. And of course low T won't stop muscle development but it sure as fuck slows it down. I benched 270 and was stuck there for a year before I went to 275. I has 161 total T. Most retards on fit dont even lift that baby weight. Now I do reps with 215 after trt from a doc for 13 weeks.
How fast you make gains is in fact real with low T. Yes you'll make progress but damn is that retarded slow progress. Yet fyckers will cry "muh natty limit!" You'll never hit your limit like that. Not before your joints give out.

>Thinks girls care about roids

Can see you've never roided.

Girls only care about tingles...the hot ones anyway

You can be cardio fit sure - you wont be big. Getting it all in in two workouts is either over training in that workout, or not training at all.

Any decent natty routine will be 6 days a week, about 4 for lifts and two for cardio.

What trt did the doc give you? I cant imagine he gave you anything useful for the gym.

>mostly safe if used properly
>should be prepared for the worst possible side effects Ie. Sterility, Dependence/addiction, heart problems etc.
Really just wait until you're 35-40 When your test drops. Then start trt and really shart cashing in on 10-20 years of training.

Nope. Not overtraining either if you know your limits and know your body. I work with PT's, some people respond very well to circuit training/full body workouts.

Everyone is different you can't put a same size fits all routine. You dont need 4 days a week for

Aren't there continuing effects from T cycles? I know AI counteracts the present side-effects, but once you come off it ive heard you are left with reduced test levels going on.

If you want to get anywhere near your limit you absolutely do. Two sessions in which you are including circuits and lifts is laughable.

>Horny virgins that put pussy in a pedestal as the ultimate achievement in their shitty lives and think its worth to roid just to fuck random club sluts
Thats my favorite Veeky Forums meme, even more funny that you need to put your life in the line just to get laid by literal whores

Look OP I don't know your reasons, but if you're already fit like you said you are and you can't get a gf the problem is not your body. Unless you're professional body builder, high performance athlete or willing to risk your health to get your dick wet, you have no reason to roid.

Dude then its not about the roids, its about the relationship. Roids do not define the relationship, just your physical attractiveness and dominance.

If she is saying that then your relationship is already done for and you should move on.

And the fact that normal muscles blow girls' minds. The only girls who need guargantuan bodies are desensitized whores who have seen so many cocks thrust into them they need differening ab numbers just to tell them apart.

Its not laughable at all when its a very intense workout doing compound exercises and lifts.

What's laughable is you just dismissing it without doing some research and talking to some PT's. There is no defined number of workouts people need to do to get "there" its all different. Hell I know people that went 1 day a week to the gym and made more progress then your 4 day a week split routine nonsense.

Dont be so closed minded fitness is not a 1 size deal

They are not random club sluts bro. They come from somewhere. Those random club sluts are way more close to home than you think.

Any girl that's above an 8 and single for more than a few months most likely has gotten railed by multiple chads at Rehab, the Marquee etc. Its the nature of the "dating" market. There are no restrictions.

I used to be a gym manager 20-23. You can't get all your fitness needs met in two sessions unless they are pure cardio. You shouldnt be training cardio and lifts in the same day so that's already more than two. Then anyone who really wants to reach the top will be doing strength and hypertrophy splits. Im sorry but 2 days will not be sufficient for anyone.

I'm not that user but i am literally laughing at you.

Please shut up.

No that's bullahit. Doctor said he can get me off with hcg alone. And my t levels might even be a bit higher natty.
There's nothing wrong g with t cycles forever as Long as your blood pressure isn't high for long period of time which you can take care of Mines 114/64.

240 test c

That amount of test isnt nearly enough to count as a cycle though is it?

That's because you do legs

If you do full upperbody you can use just two 2 hours sessions to mantain

legs are a meme, I prefer to sprint on my rest or boxing days

>Thinks that you need to do more than 2 sessions a week to get jacked
>never heard of full body

What is this, 2006?


So you have sprint and boxing days, so aren't working out just twice.

Some people consider it but it gets my t levels at like 1300/986 through out the week. High end top %2 of natty teen males but it's still medically ok. One injection per week. However I'm blasting my own dose of 250mg test c as well and given the vitamins I take and cardio my blood pressure is still never high 114/64. You just need good AI which mine come from the doc. And maybe so thing to help with high bp like coq10 or ubiquionol which are vitamins you can buy. As long as you aren't doing insane amount of teen (anything other than test) and orals and you manage your sides you'll be fine. Test itself is pretty harmless.

i legit have T on the low side and yet even i managed to get to 4pl8 squat, a bit over 3pl8 bench, 4.5pl8 diddy as a natty at 5'8 and around 175 lbs and my lifts are still increasing.

would it be faster? no doubt. but don't think that you can reach your genetic potential that fast

Yes, if you are doing your cardio and then full body lifts in two sessions a week you wont be jacked. Not even close. Even doing pure lifts twice a week will leave you in shit form.

You need to be doing accessories and strength/hypertrophy splits to be getting anywhere near natty limit.

Nevermind i thought you said your test was 130 or something, over a thousand is definitely cycling.

But boxing and sprints do jack shit to your upperbody, if anything it cuts recovery hard between your sessions and make you lose mass and strength in favor of endurance

Here's a redpill for newfags:

You only need to micro-dose dianabol to make mad fucking gains. Ive done a few cycles to both bulk and cut on dianabol-only cycles. Take one blue heart for a 100 days and if your workout and diet is in check you can have the body of Poseidon. Do a month of nolva pct after 100 days and repeat.

I laugh at the heroin enthusiasts who pin 500-700 test and look like complete bitches infront of my cycle. I challenge anyone to test this out for themselves: one blue heart a day to bulk, 2 blue hearts a day to cut.

Yes but you need to do cardio if you want any sort of heart and cardio health to help with lifts as they get harder.

Plus no-one should ever just lift with no cardio, its hardly reaching any sort of natural fitness limit if you aren't fit.

lets see your body Mr Shit.

Doing heavy sets of deads and squats are a better cardio than running and destroying your knees jussayin

Ok some people seem to be slow here so let's do the math:

You do a full body workout, which includes, like, everything.

For some people they recover slower than others, so we need a 2-3 day recovery time.

Monday plus three days equals friday, then three days equals Tuesday. You can shorten that to monday, but in general that equals a 5 day recover time per week interim.

Hurr durr 2 times a week works, whaddya know, math can be useful.

No it's not, you don't do sports probably and you would get gassed out really quick if you tried

That has nothing to do with my post.

user was saying that roiding before his magic natty limit number was lazy. I showed positions where taking advantage of technology isn't lazy.

Your point has to do with lying about what you do, which isn't what I was talking about.

Oh I did. Just saying it's not beneath women to use that against you.

She used to tell me I was a piece of shit because I'm an only child and my parents raised me wrong lmao

God she was so hot tho.

Way faster. You're T has to be like below 300 to rlly notice a difference in how fast you progress. That being said you prolly won't reach your natty potential ever anyway cause your already low Test will just get lower as you are. It will eventually feel like walking against an escalator. I mean if youre into being normal strongish and have abs/ decent size of muscle to "look gud" and impress girls you shouldn't worry about it. Since girls think fucking think more Zac even is big. If you're trying to be a thicc guy men respect and women respect prolly won't happen. Not talking Ronnie Coleman big either

>search pics on transformations in dianabol, tremboline, and related

>laugh at the dyels

All those transformations could be achieved at a year most

laughing at the morons falling for the steroids meme without knowing how to train first

My test was 161 When I was natty I said. Why the fuck is my T going to be 130 with yet that's crazy. And no the normal range is 280-1100.

No its not, not for your heart and lungs but also i never said running. HIIT, swimming, cycling etc are all much better but all cannot be done on lifting days if you dont want to be spinning your wheels.

With trt*

> working all muscles in any actual comprehensive way in one work out

You must have only been gyming for a week m8

>All those transformations could be achieved at a year most

You keep telling yourself that.
I laugh when dyels put a timeframe on anything they haven't achieved yet.

No i meant 162, then with the doc giving 240 - how does that make over a thousand? Plus 1100 is not the normal human range.

No, I've been going for years, in fact full body got me into lifting. I used to do that routine of 2 days a week when I first started and I got pretty fit, so I have to agree with the other user - 2 times a week works.

No, its not optimal for someone who wants to be absolutely "maxed" out natty, but for a more casual gym goer who is not an athlete and wants to be fit and look good, and still have time to do other things, that is enough to get you relatively fit. Hell it worked for me.

You can pretend to be a tough hardcore gym rat by telling people that they absolutely need to go 4 times a week to see gains, but for someone like me that actually got gains, I can tell you that you are full of shit and its just ego stroking.

>how does that make over a thousand
use units

This was never a discussion about what you need to do to not be fat, it was a discussion of what you need to do to be great. So it doesn't really apply.

yes it is dude its the first thing that pops up on google. its not going to fucking kill you lmfao. i knew a guy who was natty and has 1005 Test. its rare but its still medicaly ok. dangers of "steroids" which are many compounds we're talking about the safest most natural one here ( test ) comes from untreated sides like high blood pressure sometimes cause by high estrogen. thats why you take an AI.
>cycling TRT doses

>12 weeks vs a year

>Thinking training is linear

>I laugh when dyels put a timeframe on anything they haven't achieved yet.

Yeah, it does apply. You can be "great" by going 2 times a week doing full body. Apparently you never heard of the term, everyone has to do split routines like a retard to get jacked? Wrong.

Try doing bench press, lunges, pull ups, arnolds, weighted bench jumps, maybe some pushups, circuit train that, and tell me that doing that for 2 times a week wont get you strong and fit.

If you say it doesn't then you're a retard and you know nothing of the human body and how it works. I did that shit 2 times a week for a year and I lost a fuck ton of weight and got very strong. It applies.

i think you're confusing Test level and Testosterone dosage.

hahahaha the triggered /fraud/ who cruised and gained nothing

Yea you need to blast to get gains amirite, i bet there are natties out there with better bodies than you both top kek

I'm not a roider m8.
I just laugh at people who put timeframes on something they haven't achieved. Its the absolute redflag of a newb to lifting.