>that weak chined know-it-all guy who wears a zyzz hoodie and only does curls
Gym people
>that girl that goes around the gym mirin the Bros and barely doing anything besides fucking people with her eyes
>that guy who avoids eye contact, wears a t shirt and basketball shorts and does OHP in the damn squat rack.
>that mess of a girl who stares at men wishing they would give her the D.
Where else do you do OHPs? never done any and never seen them done at my gym
Does one ususally clean the weight and then do ohp standing freely? Also the squat rack at my gym is too short for me to be able to do OHP anyways, I hit the top of it when I try to extend my arms fully
>that guy who wears a baseball cap in the gym like he's hiding from the government
>03/08/17(Wed)17:00:52 No.40629786
>at weak chined know-it-all guy who wears a zyzz hoodie and only does curls
>Anonymous 03/08/17(Wed)16:00:25 No.40629224▶
> >that girl that goes around the gym mirin the Bros and barely doing anything besides fucking people with her eyes
>Anonymous 03/08/17(Wed)16:03:36 No.40629252▶
> >that guy who avoids eye contact, wears a t shirt and basketball shorts and does OHP in the damn squat rack.
>Anonymous 03/08/17(Wed)16:16:19 No.40629378▶
> >that mess of a girl who stares at men wishing they would give her the D.
>Anonymous 03/08/17(Wed)17:00:52 No.40629786▶
> (You)
> Where else do you do OHPs? never done any and never seen them done at my gym
> Does one ususally clean the weight and then do ohp standing freely? Also the squat rack at my gym is too short for me to be able to do OHP anyways, I hit the top of it when I try to extend my arms fully
>Anonymous 03/08/17(Wed)17:06:58 No.40629841▶
> >that guy who wears a baseball cap in the gym like he's hiding from the government
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nice m8
>that guy who thinks he's entitled to the attentions of attractive women.
you do OHP in the squat rack like a fucking retard.
Same here
> that skinnyfat guy running on the treadmill
>that guy lifting weights
Where else am I supposed to do them?
I want the to start from a high position with the weight. Not pick a random place with the weight on the ground while getting in people's way.
fuck you bitch
>that guy who sips water between sets
>that faggot who yawns between sets
>that guy doing warmups with empty bar
>that autistic kid who's browsing some peruvian fermented spice enthusiast forum on his phone
Stop bullying me :(
backstory: I can do only 2-3 pullups, so I do assisted ones with a band
>that gus who walks up to the bar next to you and randomly does 10 pullups with the worst form possible (body jiggling around, bending legs forward, half reping... you name it)
every goddamn time there's someone like this
>that old lady who puts on make up and wears a pink tracksuit
Still better than 3 perfect ones
Whats a zyzz hoodie
>form is irrelevant
Enjoy your trip to Snap City. Send us a postcard.
>that guy who rushes when there's people behind him at the water fountain
>that guy who stands up and paces around after a heavy set
>that guy who wears a hoodie but takes it off almost as soon as he gets into the gym
>that guy who stands up and paces around
I do this after almost every set
I do mine in the squat rack. Thing is, 9/10 times im at the gym, no one uses the squat rack. More people use the smith machine right next to it.
You're not serious are you bro...
>That guy who feels like he's run a marathon and coughs uncontrollably after warm up squats with an empty bar
I hate being sick.
Kill me.
Completely. I have too much energy can't just sit down
>snap city on bodyweight pullups
>that guy who walks in, loads up a shitload of weight on anything, struggles to do a single rep, and leaves
>that bitch that wears a lot of makeup and then sweats a lot
>that chick doing squats that I am 99% sure I've seen posted in threads on /gif/
Actually happened today
>Pajeet curling in squat rack
>guy doing dumbbell shrugs while sitting on the lat pull down machine
>guy with knee sleeves and straps doing diddlys
>deadlifting 155lbs
>old man meditating in gym
>that old Asian man who spreads his asscheeks in front of a blow dryer after he showers
I was talking about form in general, not only pullups. Besides, the point of a pullup is to hold your whole body under tension. How exactly is half assing them for reps better?
Bet you also do pushups like pic related
>that guy who leaves his can of SIPS next to one of the benches and goes somewhere else
>That Lanklet who wears camo shorts he cut himself and a worn out 5.11 hat and comes to the gym six days a week that squats less than he benches
that would be me
>that lazy twink that barely workout and only trains legs.
Holy fucking kek this is hilarious.