Which is your ideal woman? Reminder that there IS a correct answer, assuming you're not a disgusting omega male or numale. Don't worry. If you've been lifting and eating and educating yourself like Veeky Forums says you should, the answer is obvious.
Which is your ideal woman? Reminder that there IS a correct answer...
1 or 2.
Anything else is just insecurity projecting onto a less attractive sexual partner.
One with low self esteem
>bimbo finds a book and turns into a lib arts degree student
>art students
>no qt burka gf
All these western whores are haram Tbh
>tfw intentionally looking for an below 7 gf because dont want competition with other guys and would be inscure af in relationship with a hot gf because of guys constantly hitting on her
i find girls in regular clothes really attractive
even better if its some shit like a big ass hoodie or something
Basically "tfw I want a relationship in which I feel secure." That's a very normal thing user.
far right
2 or 3
#4. Smart, but without becoming a typical college liberal idiot.
Why's everybody on this site butthurt when it comes to Liberals?
3 looks like she has botox lips, 1 looks like she gave up on self-improvement and just throws money at percieved imperfections (also skinny arms, pointy shoulders and propably ribcage visible from the front, over tits), 4 just dresses like shit and has no calves, 5 looks like she gives blowjobs for weed, but only if you aren't slutshaming her.
Because they're a vocal minority that values everything we disdain and takes actions against the values which make us feel secure.
I've dated a couple 3s but am currently with a 5.
There's no cure for vapid stupidity.
>books shrink boobs
I unironically find the rightmost 'style' most attractive.
For fucking I dont care as long as she's 5/10+
For relationships, a lady in the streets and a whore in the sheets basically
It's clearly a women's study book, why else would she get her tits cut off.
>loses all her thiccness
wtf I hate books now
Liberalism has been stained by SJW bullshit that actively works against anything that a culture precieves to be good or strong.
Alot of people are hurt by their actions, being a classical liberal I understand them, and I don't even call myself a liberal anymore.
My gfs is 2, her sister is 3
Because they are a cancer on society.
Objectively speaking, the very concept of accepting responsibility and choosing to take steps to improve yourself goes against the whole liberal mindset.
Liberalism teaches you that your problems aren't your fault. If you are fat, it's because of your conditions, the corporations, society's unrealistic standards, white males, blah blah blah, you're beautiful the way you are, accept yourself.
Conservatism teaches you that if you're fat, it's your own goddamn fault. Put down the fork and do something about it, fatty. Nobody wants to hear about your conditions or why you think you just can't lose weight.
5 because I'm not a fan of premarital sex and the first 4 are all advertising that they're open for buisness.
I doubt that number 5 isn't sucking dick every weekend but if I'm going to find someone with similar beliefs she'll probably dress more conservatively.
A whore in the streets a eunuch in the streets
2, 3, or 4.
5 is a feminist, lazy, or both. 1 is too brown.
Honestly though my ideal always seems to be "a different kind of physical attractiveness than the woman I'm currently with."
> have skinny gf, want one with tits
> get titty gf, now want Veeky Forumsgirl
> get Veeky Forumsgirl, now want asian
> get asian, now want latina
> ok latina was a fucking mistake, let's get a new skinny white gf again
> get skinny gf, now want short petite girl
etc. etc.
3 most attractive
5 best personality
this is not debatable
2 or 3 tbqhf
>All these faggots wanting 2
She doesn't even squat to get that book, you plebs.
3 or 4
That's normal for finding anything long term
>squatting after the gym on leg day
it's like you want your gains to go away.
The most retarded thing about bimbos is why the fuck do they combo bleached hair with shitty tanned skin? It just makes both of these things look worse
>mfw I support the green party pretty strongly, but i'm socially conservative and take responsibility for my actions
How do you explain this?
2 for now; last if i ever find one that doesnt take it to the extrem
(Fuck im so antisocial, watch me eat this bag of doritos and brap while i play COD and do nlthing productive with my life).
>but i'm socially conservative and take responsibility for my actions
what do you mean by this?
Same here man
1, 2, 3, maybe 4. Def not five. Five looks the type to consider someone looking at them to be literal r a p e.
Two or Three are probably ideal looks wise imo, it'd be nice if she was socially conservative but that's pretty much non-existent in reality so what are ya gonna do.
literally hitler desu
It's not an comment on society. This picture is porn... of course it's unrealistic.
One that won't be unfaithful. Someone that doesn't need me to be her father.
5 looks like my sister who majored in english who used to tell my dad about how "white privilege" was a real thing that she learned about in college until she met the REAL feminists and distanced herself as far as possible from them. so she is not feminist but is maybe left-leaning. i'd go 5.
>5 looks like my sister
> i'd go 5.
>not liking when girls call you 'daddy' during sex
sounds kinda gay bro
so are you saying your sister transitioned from right to left
Far right because her skin is whitest.
My girlfriend does that
I get mad at her every time and she thinks it's funny, but it's fucking unsettling
5 definitely, not even 4, only 5
It's metaphorical you dense cunt
Give me the #5.
Might be wearing the college attire, but that is all loose clothes and hides everything.
yeah m8 what's the metaphor?
Education as a means of giving women value outside of their sexuality
>implying ~7s don't get the majority of male attention
women are living breathing pornography, to judge them on any other 'merit' is retarded.
they inherently have value as they make better mothers than men do.
just like men inherently have value because they make better builders and dads than women do.
if you're a little bitch you'll still have to deal with it, if you've ever seen daytime tv you'd know that ugly people cheat just as often as attractive ones. If you're not confident enough to handle a 9 you'll fuck it up with a 6 too.
what did kek mean by giving you hitler dubs?
The objectively correct answer is 3
That doesn't mean that an 8+ would go for a guy below her level.
7's just seem more 'achievable' to the average guy.
Ever notice how in most of those 'rate yourself/genetics' threads most people say that they're 7/10?
>desu i'd take any one. just need a gf pls
>make better mothers than men do.
This is not wrong.
heck yea
>picking one
o i am laffin
are there seriously still monogamous people in le current year?
>until she met the REAL feminists
pls elaborate
Honestly, dont fall for the 5th one. These women are the absolute worst. Their "esoterica", "knowledge", or whatever other intelectual property rarely sets good qualities in a woman. Women like these are usually divided between the motherly figure and their girly/ more feminine nature. Unlike males females dont often compete on these levels with as much clarity and defeatism as males. If I am prooven wrong on A subject for example I have 2 options. To accept my failure and improve , or grow bitter and deny defeat. For women it is very very rare to witness the first attitude as they would prefer to "avoid" a defeat than face it.
Then again I am just an user online who got hurt many times by such women that stubornly believe whatever is deemed deep and truth-bearing.
Number 5 is rare, like unbelievably rare, most times it's just a preface these women put on themselves to differentiate from the "dumb sluts" crowd. You are more likely to find a stable relationship in a woman that accepts a decadent and restrictive life in as much balance as possible.
In short, if a woman is trully smart, that's great, if she is just faking it, then leave, you are missing nothing.
1, fuck libros
1-2 or 3.
4 looks like the type of girl who thinks she is extremely smart and and wants to play mindgames with your over every little thing.
5 looks like a lazy piece of shit with a boys body so no ty
I like to have control and tell my girl what to do. What women say is almost always wrong so i like it when my gf doesnt try to be the decision maker in the relationship.
If it was worth putting up with a girl like that then maybe i'd think about it. But in my experience its just a huge waste of time and shit sex
>how feminists view any women who aren't feminists
if she goes to the library, does she grow a dick?
>there are no conservative women anymore only whores that want to be slightly different than the "bombos" they are jealous of.
you are readig way too much into this my dude
someone please make one about men, with the final guy 'working out at the library'
That's a pretty normal thing, user. And by normal, I mean average. That is exactly what the average guy is thinking about doing, making you competition.
Beautiful and can put up with my shit. Women in the past cant handle my shit.
The highest
>tfw no deer gf
How is this fitness related?
kek, sadly true
>wen she giv u dem big doe i's n u no is time 2 fuk
>isn't ideologically possessed, but is intelligent
>good taste in films, music, lit, food
>good personality and a bit weird but not in an annoyingly quirky way
>encouraging and supportive
>open minded
>not a slut or fat
>is a bit traditional but not lazily dependent
>ideally not an American, if so is anti-American
does this drawing imply reading books shrinks a woman's butt and tits?
>shredded arms
>dyel legs
l m o a curlshitter spotted
>art students
choose one
>mfw she turns whiter the more intelligent she gets
I am ok with this
its reverse bimbofication, a type of porn
So you want to fuck your sister. It's ok, I'm not judging.
5, but with big tits and a fat ass, thank you
It's literally porn. Reverse bimbofication fetish.
nice, she became whiter
What is this picture even trying to say
i will breed an entire offensive line.
5 because any girl who walks around wearing knee pads all day probably gives good blowjobs
10/10 taste
The fit option that isn't anywhere in that picture