Why did it fail?
Why did it fail?
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Because it had to. It started out as a bunch of Viking warlords extracting tribute from subdued tribes. You can't run a protection racked forever, it had to take form of responsible governing at some point. Therefore Rus fragmented. But it wasn't some random fragmentation, there's clear pattern - the various duchies' borders largely went along geographic, ethnic and economic regions.
It was very badly centralised so many of grand princes didn't even care about uniting and being ruled by a single figure for most of time.
The succession line was very confusing and constant war with tatar nomads caused them to defend their cities independently.
After Novgorod became a merchant republic and Kiev sacked by mongols, it was already all over... Poland and Lithuania trying to subjugate them constantly also didn't help...
>Poland and Lithuania trying to subjugate them constantly also didn't help...
AFAIK, Poland didn't try to subjugate Kievan Rus. Poland claimed Red Ruthenia on basis of inheritance, since the last ruler of Galicia-Lodomeria was from a cadet branch of the house of Piast.
>Poland didn't try to subjugate Kievan Rus.
Maybe not fully to subjugate(since in those time, concepts like subjugate was very different unlike today) but definatly to conquer some parts of it due to inheritance laws.
Poland was constantly fighting with Kievan Rus over disputed claims ever since Bolesław I expedition and Kiveans making raids on Poland.
There was constant conflict between the two and that's one the many reasons why Kievan Rus became a "failed state".
>Poland was constantly fighting with Kievan Rus over disputed claims ever since Bolesław I expedition and Kiveans making raids on Poland.
Actually, much earlier. In 981 Vladimir the Great invaded Red Castles (area between modern Przemysl and Lviv), expelled lots of "Liakhs" (i.e. Poles) and settled in Ruthenians. That's where the conflicts started and that's also that's the origin of ethnic clusterfuck of Galicia.
>There was constant conflict between the two and that's one the many reasons why Kievan Rus became a "failed state".
Considering that Poland was even more fragmented than Rus and that only one Polish duchy (Little Poland) interacted with Rus, I say that Kievan Rus was pretty failed by itself.
This happened. Splitting the country into separate principalities ruled by sons of the last Grand Prince led to bickering principalities that had no chance against hordes of steppe nomads, due to lack of unity.
Similar thing later happened in Poland, and in the end it didn't worked either.
>Considering that Poland was even more fragmented than Rus and that only one Polish duchy (Little Poland) interacted with Rus, I say that Kievan Rus was pretty failed by itself.
Pretty much...
Funny how disunited grand principalities were more successful independently then reunited after death of Yaroslav the wise.
no acces to the oceans
>It started out as a bunch of Viking warlords extracting tribute from subdued tribes.
this entire post
Russia has the most undefensible borders on Earth. Their entire history is defined by a paranoid society trying to deal with this fact.
nice touch with the ball shrinkage
The ethnic troubles in Galicia only became terrible during the 19th century. The rise of nationalism had created two separate and conflicting identities in Galicia.
It means little, when you have either peaceful states or primitives as neighbours(well except Mongols/Tatars). It was each time Russia's fault, when they were invaded from west.
BBC (Big Baltic Cock)
How was it Russia's fault that they got invaded by Hitler?
Because they were communists...duh
For fucks sake, entire first chapters of the Primary Chronicle is about whom each prince forced to pay a tribute.