In March of 1933, Joseph Goebbels gave this speech
>The first, best, and most suitable place for the women is in the family, and her most glorious duty is to give children to her people and nation, children who can continue the line of generations and who guarantee the immortality of the nation.
Pic related is fulfillment of that duty.
In March of 1933, Joseph Goebbels gave this speech
Other urls found in this thread:
Amazing what people can do based on ideologies
Proceeds to kill all his own children
He raped millions
To cuck millions
Hunnics deserved it
I hope nobody actually agrees with Slavs raping their way through Europe.
It's almost like he was an insincere demagogue writing propaganda for the masses or something.
t. Hermann Schweinenzeugabwehrbergenbocken
just Germany
>occupy and colonize slav lands
>act outraged when hordes of slavs rape and pillage across said lands
east "Germany" at that
Or you know, he saved his family from mongoloid rape.
>tfw just realised this is the hard working, honest, autistic German with the lederhosen we all make fun of today
>he looks like he knows his fate already
feels sad man
Are there even any children or wives of high-ranking Nazis who suffered anything worse than losing their ill-gotten gains? I mean, besides the ones who were murdered by their parents.
Not sure desu. I'd say some probably died and most others just ran away to Argentina. Killing your own family to save them from a worse fate was actually pretty common even before WW1.
>I'd say
I'm asking for historical facts not your meme-tier headcanon.
Of course not, except for the rapes against Axis.
I don't know enough about their families, I can only assume they had the capacity to get away due to their ranks.
I don't get it, why should the Germans be raped out of existence? Why do you have this pathological hatred against a people? This seems almost cultish.
Of course I would. Lord knows Germany needed a bit of ubermensch blood added to their stock.
Talk shit get hit.
>hate people
>surprised they hate you back
staved*. and its lands salted for the next several hundred years
I highly doubt the average German hated Slavs. They gave the dead in Stalingrad proper respectable treatment and gave them a soldier's burial.
Say thanks to obnoxious American neonazis.
give them your daughters too
>I highly doubt the average German hated Slavs
They've did so for half of their history.
>I highly doubt the average German hated Slavs.
Are you high?
Silesia is German clay.
Please don't look at maps right now, it might give you a heart attack.
W-what did I miss?
Their women asked for it.
>I hope nobody actually agrees with germans massacring people on their way through all of eastern europe*
When krauts invade your country and kill fucking 20 million of your people, they deserve even worse then raping.
Maybe the Soviets should have given a shit about their soldier's lives and not sent them on death missions against the Germans.
>Hurrrr he's a demagogue comrade redditovich
>He totally should allow his family to be raped by Uzbek and Turkmen degenerates
This but unironically
>Rape is funny is it happens to Germans
I'd like to brag about how our soldiers raped your women, but rape was never necessary.
* if
>occupy and colonize slav lands
You're being too kind and forgetting about the extermination war
>They gave the dead in Stalingrad proper respectable treatment and gave them a soldier's burial.
No they didn't
>I highly doubt the average German hated Slavs.
Then why did they murder over 3 million Soviet POWs, starve Leningrad, and enslave millions of Polish and Soviet non-combatants to work for them? Why they attempted to "Germanize" Poland by erasing their culture?
These are Romanians, not Russians
>burn down all the food you can't carry during your retreat
>millions starve as a result
wtf le ebil Nazis did this
The picture was taken in occupied Russia, as was this one.
you mean turkics + mongols?
Or maps from before you stole it
>Then why did they murder over 3 million Soviet POWs
They hated communists and those who fought for them, not slavic civilians.
From official third Reich propaganda newsreel:
13:38: "Ukrainian peasants, who got away from the murdering beasts of the GPU in the last moment, now return to their villages. Under the protection of the german Wehrmacht they are safe."
Compare this to how they portray the communist soldiers at 15:42
>starve Leningrad
Because they had nothing to feed them with, thanks to Stalins scorched earth tactics.
>enslave millions of Polish and Soviet non-combatants to work for them
Because there was need for workers.
Also, the word 'enslaved' implies that the forced labor would have gone on until they died and that those people were considered property, both is false.
>Why they attempted to "Germanize" Poland by erasing their culture?
If Poles could suddenly turn into Germans, that would be a benefit to everyone. Sadly, this can only work for the upper third or so of polish people.
Or maps from before you stole it for the first time.
VII century slavs? kek. Name a less civilised group of people during that time in eurasia. You'd have to go all the way to the philippines or something
>approximate distribution
>1 AD
Fuck off with that literal guesswork
>The picture was taken in occupied Russia
No it wasn't
People on picture don't look like Russians or any Slavs(except for kara boga "Slavs" aka Bulgarians etc) and buildings on background are clearly not Russian either
>there's some pictures taken by nazis where they are not killing everyone that means nazis were good :))
It rightfully belongs to us, no matter how you want to spin it. We had it first, we had it longer, and you could only take control of it for the moment by exiling and genociding the civilian population in the most barbarous way.
>that means nazis were good
The German Wehrmacht and it's leaders were quite a lot better than any of their enemies..
>genociding the civilian population in the most barbarous way.
Are you mixing something up here?
>They hated communists and those who fought for them, not slavic civilians.
Then explain what they did to Poland.
>From official third Reich propaganda newsreel
Keyword: Propaganda
>Because they had nothing to feed them with, thanks to Stalins scorched earth tactics.
They had no intention of feeding them. They deliberately attempted to stop all attempts at bringing food into the city.
>Also, the word 'enslaved' implies that the forced labor would have gone on until they died and that those people were considered property, both is false.
In many cases it did go on until they died.
Goooood untermensch
Just ignore him. He's a literal Neo-Nazi.
Koch's first act as Reichskommissar was to close local schools, declaring that "Ukraine children need no schools. What they'll have to learn will be taught them by their German masters."[1] His brutality is best exemplified by his remark, "If I meet a Ukrainian worthy of being seated at my table, I must have him shot."[8] Koch worked together with the General Plenipotentiary for Labour Deployment (Generalbevollmächtigter für den Arbeitseinsatz) Fritz Sauckel in providing the Reich with forced labor. He was also involved in the persecution of Polish and Ukrainian Jews. Due to his brutal actions, Nazi rule in Ukraine was disturbed by a growing number of partisan uprisings.[1]
Statements about the Germans as a Herrenvolk (master race) belong to the Nazi officials of various ranks. In particular when Reichskommissar Ukraine Erich Koch said:
We are a master race, which must remember that the lowliest German worker is racially and biologically a thousand times more valuable than the population here.
—Erich Koch, March 5th 1943, [9]
What did he mean by this?
>The first, best, and most suitable place for the women is in the family
>murdered his whole family before becomming an hero
>government declares war on you and soldiers lay waste to your country
>rape housewives and children
definitely not "talk shit get hit"
What happened to the population of Prussia, Pommern and Silesia that didn't flee in your opinion? Did they just disappear into thin air?
Winner always gets the women.
Nothing that they didn't deserve for the way they treated the native populations.
>explain what they did to Poland.
Take back german land and respond to polish provocations
>Keyword: Propaganda
If you wanted Slavs to be seen as subhuman enemies, your propaganda wouldn't portray them as innocent victims of communism.
>They had no intention of feeding them. They deliberately attempted to stop all attempts at bringing food into the city.
Because they needed whatever food was left for themselves. Obviously they were going to feed their own army and civilians before the prisoners and civilians of the enemy country.
>In many cases it did go on until they died.
It was to go on until the end of the war.
>execution picture with no explanation
I'm sure the soldier just killed this guy because he didn't like his face.
>Take back german land
Why don't you just fly to G*rmany and suck off first Kraut you see
Koch was not the german government or the german army. You can find officials who misuse their power in any country.
Just look at this rat-faced kike, if Hitler actually believed his own shit Goebbles would the first one to get into the shower.
I guess Germany won then, the brothels here are almost entirely slavic.
So it was genocide and you're proud of it. Glad we could clear up the misunderstanding.
>When one contemplates this primitive world, one is convinced that nothing will drag it out of its indolence unless one compels the people to work. The Slavs are a mass of born slaves, who feel the need of a master.
t. Hitler
I am in Germany and I don't have any intention of sucking myself off.
He was a Nazi Party official appointed to rule over the conquered territory of the Reichskommisariat Ukraine. If he was misusing his power then why did he hold his position for 4 years, only abandoning it when control over Ukraine was lost?
>The German made himself detested everywhere in the world, because wherever he showed himself he began to play the teacher. It's not a good method of conquest. Every people has its customs, to which it clings, and nobody wants lessons from us. The sense of duty, as we understand it, is not known amongst the Russians. Why should we try to inculcate this notion into them?
>The German colonist ought to live on beautiful, spacious farms. The German services will be lodged in marvellous buildings, the governors in palaces. Beneath the shelter of the administrative services, we shall gradually organise all that is indispensable to the maintenance of a certain standard of living. Around the city, to a depth of thirty to forty kilometres, we shall have a belt of handsome villages connected by the best roads. What exists beyond that will be another world, in which we mean to let the Russians live as they wish. It is merely necessary that we should rule them. In the event of a revolution, we shall only have to drop a few bombs on their cities, and the affair will be liquidated. Once a year we shall lead a troop of Kirghizes through the capital of the Reich, in order to strike their imaginations with the size of our monuments. What India was for England, the eastern territories will be for us.
t. also Hitler
See now the real funny thing about this is that most of the soldiers that actually did that raping spent their years after the war rotting away in a gulag thanks to Stalin. I wonder how they must've felt as they were betrayed by their own "comrades".
I don't care about your fabricated prehistorical maps. Slavs have owned these lands since the beginning of recorded history.
Because he was seen as indispensable to the war effort.
Alfred Rosenberg was made Reichsminister of the occupied eastern territories (i.e. ranked above Koch) and he had a far more favorable opinion of slavs.
Germans itt sound like a bully who just got beaten
>it's not fair when others do it
Or maybe he could have flown them to neutral Sweden or Switzerland you disingenuous little cunt
*proceeds to slaughter entire villages full of civilians*
You sound like a guy that gets used by his government and then discarded like the broken tool you are
>Third Reich news reel
Well, I'm sure this is completely devoid of bias and only stating facts
AD 1 is not prehistorical. There is no dispute that those lands were germanic and slavs came from further east.
>partisans are civilians
And even then, anti partisan actions were usually carried out by the SS, not the army.
>anti partisan actions were usually carried out by the SS, not the army
Bold faced lie
If they were as anti slavic as people like to believe, one would expect it to portray slav civilians as subhuman enemies, not as innocent victims of communism.
>AD 1 is not prehistorical
>in central europe, where everyone at the time was living in mud huts and eating sticks or whatever
Anti partisan actions were usually carried out by the SS, not the army. That was the primary purpose of the Einsatzgruppen. Army soldiers would obviously also kill partisans when the chance presented itself.
By that standard all these maps of slavic influence in the early middle ages are also prehistorical. That doesn't matter though, since that standard is wrong.
This might come as a shock to you, but generally the population frowns upon actions like burning a families house down on the suspicion they might be somewhat related to a partisan attack, deciding the food in Ukraine shouldn't be used for the local population but instead to feed the army, closing down schools and shooting local authority figures who might disagree with your occupation policy; it's probably best to not put that in your newsreels. Look what happened to support for the Vietnam War when it was reported
The primary purpose of the Einsatzgruppen was shooting unarmed people in the back of the head
it was nowhere near organized or widespread enough to be considered a genocide,
>genocide is funny if it happens to Jews
germans were found guilty of genocide
I wish we were at war with the G*rmans again.
500.000 Germans killed by Slavic civilians
15 million Jews, Slavs and Roma killed by G*rman government
Executing hostages is the only way to effectively combat partisan attacks. Refusal to do that is the reason the Americans still haven't beaten groups like Al-Qaeda or the Taliban and won't ever beat them in the future either.
>deciding the food in Ukraine shouldn't be used for the local population but instead to feed the army
That's an obvious logical choice that any government would make during a world war.
The food shortages were entirely the fault of Stalin and his scorched earth policies.
>shooting local authority figures who might disagree with your occupation policy
I guess they should have let them incite the locals to revolt.
>it's probably best to not put that in your newsreels. Look what happened to support for the Vietnam War when it was reported
The propaganda could have easily made the slav civilians out to be subhumans without broadcasting atrocities against them. If you want to know how propaganda that is truly designed to vilify an entire race looks like, you need to look no further than american propaganda of the very same war:
So killing part of the jews in europe is genocide, but killing all of the remaining Germans in Eastern Germany is not? That makes sense.