Why didn't the europeans ship black people back to africa? Did they really think that just "freeing" people would be enough and this wouldn't bring socioeconomical problems in the future?
Why didn't the europeans ship black people back to africa...
Because slavery totally displaced and scattered tribes who have been captured and sold, in addition to having given birth to a generation with absolutely no links to Africa?
Because they were afraid of being called ray-ciss.
Because it was expensive
? Really no Black people existed in Europe until like the 1990s.
You can do all you want after you go back to europe. America belongs to Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans. How is this hard to get?
Yeah it's not like thousands of former slaves were shipped to Liberia with hilarious consequences.
1. Massively expensive to do, would require keeping a large number of soldiers under arms since many Blacks wouldn't want to leave.
2. Liberals didn't want it because it'd be cruel to dump the Blacks in Africa.
3. Southerners still needed Black labor and immediately started to petition former slaves to come back to them for pay, lots of primary sources on this.
4. The war was expensive and crippling the export economy of the South wasn't good for the national economy and would have retarded the recovery of the ruined South even more.
5. 1/5 of adult Southern Whites were dead. Again, labor shortage.
They did try voluntary settlement. Societies raised money to send Africans back. There was Liberia. Early in the Congo Free State there was money raised to send educated Blacks there to create a modern state that American Blacks could move too. The early Black advocates went and found out it was a massively violent slave state and that killed it.
I am in Europe.
If America belongs to Amerindians, good, but I don't see how the Nahua are going to be able to get rid of so many 56% mestizo LARPers who are utterly convinced that America is 'theirs'.
I struggle to see how the nations of the North are going to repopulate the territory they've lost.
By all means, kill the mutt. They don't belong here, they don't belong there, they don't belong anywhere.
What isn't hilarious about thousands of ex-slaves forming Masonic lodges and becoming planters themselves?
I suppose you 'boo hoo hoo' over pictures of dead Germong soldiers as well?
i understand it is ironic at a shallow level, its really predictable and all around sad. It really isn't the death that it is sad, its the complete annihilation of those African communities and the profiteering of international business.
its not like most of those slaves even came from around Liberia.Whats really funny is some members of the UN human rights council probably have furniture made from Liberian conflict lumber.
>some members of the UN human rights council probably have furniture made from Liberian conflict lumber.
Suspiciously specific
What's going on in this image? I can tell it's a dead body but I don't understand the positioning or what's that in the bottom left corner foreground
"A convoy of the U.S. ambassador and representatives pass by the bound body of an executed man in LURD rebel held territory August 5, 2003 in Liberia. U.S. representatives and the recently arrived Nigerian peacekeepers are attempting to broker a lasing peace deal in the Liberian civil war."
He says while trespassing in Europe.
So you agree with european replacement?
I'm an European living in Europe. You're an Amerindian shitskin alien trespassing in Spain.
So you agree with european replacement?
Fuck out of Europe welfare shitskin
So you agree with european replacement? Great for you.
Did your microcephalic brain short circuit? Can't wait for immigration to deport your ass back to Favelatopia
If you agree with european replacement, why do you keep whining?
>no links to Africa
Who gives a fuck? They are a wild animals they will just make a new culture. Look at the freaking West Indies those slaves made their own culture dumbass.
Because you keep squatting on my continent you beggar nigger
Then you agree with european replacement?
Have I said that?
You don't agree with european replacement?
No you literal nigger I don't.
So you agree with America belonging to Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans?
Yes and? Do you agree Europe belongs to Europeans?
And a photographer went up behind a dead rotting man to take this picture. Very nice.
It worked in Liberia, the rest could have gone with them
a lot less expensive than a civil war, Lincoln could just have bought the slaves from the South and sent them to Africa
We should start with you as you are clearly no more than a Savage
>a lot less expensive than a civil war, Lincoln could just have bought the slaves from the South and sent them to Africa
The North wasn’t fighting to free the slaves, they were fighting to preserve the union. The South was, in fact, fighting to keep slaves, and that’s the reason why they continuously scorned compromise positions like compensatory emancipation, a constitutional amendment protecting the rights of slave owners in places it already existed, and shipping all the blacks back to Africa. They wanted their cheap, disenfranchised labor and nothing anybody could do or suggest would convince them to part with it.