What is "Status" ? How is being rich not status

What is "Status" ? How is being rich not status

But it is

Is skin that clear only possible with makeup?

Status is what other People think about You.

Having money isn't obtaining status.

Status is multi-generational, it's very huge where I live here in the north mid-west.

Status is buying your children into a highly exclusive private school education system. They consider your contributions and you as a person before they let you in, and you pay 15k tuition a year all the way k-12.

Consider this. You're put into a social environment where everyone around you is the spawn of a highly successful family. All of these families compete within this social environment, whether it be contributions to the school, donations, etc. You are surrounded by people who are at the very least guarenteed a college degree, and many of which will have the foundations to go on to high high things(Altering society itself high). To make it onto the football team, ok, every father of a son at that school is pushing their child in the field of athletics. The private school itself is importing talented kids so that they can amass academic accolades for the school.

It's like living in a small town of only the best people. Then you yourself are a fish in that pond, whether you're big or small.

That's status. You grow up with all of the doctors and lawyers of your area. You got into a fight with the judge in the second grade and you and him laugh it over a drink or two and your case is a wash. The police officer pulls you over and you show him your fraternity insignia and he says sorry sir enjoy your night. When you go into your first interview the interviewer asks you if you went to (Insert school here) and what sports you play, and it's all laughs and casual from there.

That's status. Being born a nothing then making a million doesn't buy you into that. You're new money. Status is old money, it's having that million in just one painting on your mantel.

Sorry to break it to you, these people with status are hyper racist classist elitist people, raised by a whore of a trophy wife mother and a narcissist father.


I'm assuming you're an immigrant with oil money.

You will never achieve status unless you stick to your community. Like I said, these people have huge barriers to entry.

Go google the Republican tea party. These are the kind of people you're referring to when you say status.

I bunked in college with 3 private school kids. I went to the #1 party school in the country. We had people over every single weekend, our dorm room was literally a fraternity to some degree.

Of the hundreds of people we had over, not a single one of them besides me was publicly educated. Not one dude. Not even usually the girls they brought back.

They don't give a fuck, they don't need anyone that isn't at the top. They have a social circle of several hundred people, they're very happy and content only knowing people that are privately educated. You are trash to them if you weren't privately educated and of the same social class of them.

There's no way you could possibly make up for your upbringing to make it into their society. There's just too much subtle syntax and norms that you're not exposed to otherwise.

Luckily their sisters are pretty hot and they still respond to hot guys ; )

They were super cool guys, I miss them in many ways, but honestly that's not something I want for myself. They are utterly void of character, the kind of people who would rape a girl just for the little feeling of being powerful because they're so far removed from consequence for their action and being considerate of other people. Definitely cool guys though otherwise. The rooming situation got fucked towards the end, but when the person you're insulting can fuck all of their sisters on a dimes notice it's difficult to talk a whole lot of shit.

Achieve status within your community. Many of their principles are pretty spot on, they achieve everything through networking and flaunting their prestige. You can do that without all the pitfalls of being raised in their environment

no, genetics.

read weber and bourdieu and report back faggot

You can be cash rich but mentally poor.

By poor I mean mentally lacking.

Probably dumb enough to be posting non-Veeky Forums-related content on Veeky Forums.

sounds like Less Than Zero or something. what a shitty life that could be

>15k tuition

Her face is entirely makeup.

15k tuition
school uniforms 1k
extra curriculars 2k

x 4 kids

13 years of education

Literally almost a million on just their k-12 if you send 4 kids to private. It's a pretty big barrier to entry, even to send one kid to private and keep up on a 300k mortgage you're looking at atleast 100k a year to make ends meet.

Keep in mind most people actually work for their money aswell they didn't have their parents just hand it to them.

Which is all you are btw. You only exist as other people think about you. Know one knows the real you, nor will they ever, so the real you cannot exist. You exist in this world only as others think you do.

spot on

Nah. Status is a monkey instinct and means place on the pecking order amongst one's peers. Doesn't matter if those peers are dirt poor or millionaires. Think how many women go for drug dealers: they're high status in their own circles.

t. user who thinks status = writing big walls of text on Veeky Forums.

Also just paying for your kid to private doesn't give you status.

This is a hyper-competetive environment. You're jim, and jimbo's parents just donated a million to refurbish the old gym. You're little jim, and big jimbo is actually the reason you're playing rugby and a new heated and cooled turf.

They literally look down upon their teachers for being poor. Everything is competetive. Who has more, whose parents are who, which people hang out with which people.

Throwing 15k at tuition and telling yourself you're loaded means fuck all. Now you have to go to school here. Now you're sizing yourself up against kids who already have a credit line of 5 million at age 14 because his dad's been buying real estate in his name.

Your son will still have brown skin, he'll be too undersized to play sports, and if he's successful academically he's playing into his stereotype, and on top of that every guy would be a captain on a public school sports team, and the all girls school is right next door, they're all 8+s and all they think about is getting their meat curtains slammed by a guy on the football team.

Being financially capable to now sweat a 15k tuition is the least of your worries. So the fuck is everyone else. What else do you have to offer?


good posts desu

but who is this cute indian chick I see posted here?

Status is a combination of wealth and what you do for that wealth, specifically the ratio of physical to intellectual labor required to earn that wealth. The more the physical outweighs the intellectual, the lower your status. Money is just a kicker in certain circumstances.

For example, tradesmen, truckers, and various skilled laborers can all easily make six figure salaries, but because they work with their hands and are often exposed to dangerous and dirty work environments they are low status. It's only when you get to the seven figure salary ranges (i.e. pro athletes) that the money and fame kicks you into high status despite the physical nature of your occupation.

An investment banker might start out earning an hourly salary equivalent to a McDonald's employee, and he might work 100 hour weeks for the first 3-5 years of his career, but because his job is mostly intellectual in nature he has higher status. Likewise an actor or an artist might not even crack the upper five figures in a given year but because his means of acquiring said wealth are purely intellectual and creative, he has immense status.

However, you should beware that it is possible to have *too* intellectual of a job - programmers, some engineers, and even scientists are considered low status by many members of the general public, because their work is inherently inscrutable and esoteric to the average layman.

nvm found her tumblr and downloaded like 50 pics of her, shes uncomfortably gorgeous

That is makeup obviously, With extremely good genetics and drinking/eating extremely healthy I'm sure it is possible but in general even the hottest women have a few blemishes or marks.

link asshole

hyper rich people arent racist or exclusionary, theyre just highly suspicious and careful

being rich makes it impossible to hang out around poor people, the only comparison would be being the only guy with a job around a bunch of degenerate gamblers and Heroin/meth addicts, you would constantly hit up for money every 5 minutes, and eventually one of them tries to kill you for your money

This. What kind of faggot comes back and says he found sauce without posting the link

I agree with almost everything you say here, and I've lived a lot of it. I went to umich and the amount of money on campus is nauseating.

But when I think of the Tea Party I think of idiots and old people who can't spell out complete sentences or detect even slight ironies. I think you're looking for neocons.

Slight correction. All those 8+ girls at their private schools, statistically speaking, aren't doing drugs, sleeping with anyone, or even drinking, really. They're slaying standardized tests and getting into schools at a way more impressive rate than women used to, because school is a format that girls are better suited to than guys, in some ways.

No. I know like two girls with extremely clear skin. Genetics and diet