You guys think btc will ever break 6.2k mark this night ?

you guys think btc will ever break 6.2k mark this night ?

not tonight

Not until it recovers from the massive dump it's about to take.

>heh r-right guys?..

Ask yourself why you think Bitcoin is about to go higher. If you can't think of a good reason, then you shouldn't be talking shit.

Ya its going to dump for sure. It hasn't broken out past its upper resistance level yet and has been trading sideways for a while now putting it even further behind what it would need to be to expect it to keep rising.

Its going to correct down to ~$4850 in the next few days. It may try to spike to $6500 first, but the market will get scared and it'll dump.

then sell you pussy

Too soon to call it, imo. Of course if it doesn't break resistance, I'm selling half my stack.

Got my sell order locked in at $6250 sir.

It's not gonna go that high again until the dip below $4000