Plus Size Clothing

Nike just launched it's new plus size collection.
Not really angry, because it's a good buisness decision, and they're a buisness. Just find it funny and ironic that they're launching fitness clothing for people who are fat.

Thoughts? Also general plus size clothing discussion. What are your thoughts on plus size collections and brands?

sorry, broken thumb so can't type well

The merchandise will probably be bought by overweight women who go to the gym do 2 sets of 5lb dumbbell curls and then say to you 'im not unhealthy, i go to the gym'. Its just another way for fatties to bring down your accomplishments and make them feel better about themselves. But brilliant marketing strategy, cant deny that

also, 'plus-sized' fitness clothes must be some sort of an oxymoron

the fatter people get the more athletic clothing they wear.

fatties dont wear jeans and button down shirts, they wear sweat pants and sports jerseys.

been this way for years.

Overweight people are probably one of the largest markets for fitness clothing. Think about it, every new years they decide they're going to "start taking care of themselves" and go out and buy a brand new set of exercise clothes. And then they either fail and repeat it next year, or they actually succeed and have to keep buying new work out clothes because their bodies are shrinking. Surprised it took Nike this long to swallow their pride and adjust to market demographics.

Nike has just realized that theres an entire demographic of fat people, especially in the US that they can extract serious cash from. Tech fleece isn't cheap.

Pretty smart from a business perspective desu

It wont work, fat people don't have any money because they spend it all on food, and nike shit is way overpriced. Guarantee it all disappears within the year because nobody buys it.

As a dentist, I must point out that teeth health is way more dependent on your genetics than your bodyfat %. That's not a good comparison.

same reason they made hijabs with the big american tick on the side and everyones crying out how awesome that is because its supportive of muslims blah blah blah, they did it cos its gonna rake in some more cash; if a company that big ever does anything ever, its to make another buck

They also started a fitness hijab, for that lucrative market of Muslim girls who want to look like bombshells under their burka but don't want to show their hair to other people at the gym.

Would you let your 15 year old Muslim wife wear this hijab, Veeky Forums?

As a loser with sugar rot, I can tell you even with great tooth related genetics, that road is still going to take you down a path full of fillings and crowns.

As another dentist, I must point out that unless you've got higher chance of periodontal bone loss because of genetics there's nothing else that's really dependent on genetics - other than perhaps tooth impaction.

Body fat % on the other hand is highly dependent on genetics because of regulation of insulin i.e. type 1 diabetes or PCOS.


Bombshells. I see what you did there.

>Nike™ performance hijab
>Nike™ compression burka

Helping female Muslim athletes be explosive off the start line.

>fat people buy plus sized workout clothes
>work out and lose weight
>need to buy new clothes that fit
>repeat until reach goal weight

>ashley k
My bae roasted that ugly bitch

It's meant to motivate fat people so they start working out, I don't see why that's bad.

Plus size is great. Helps a tonne with chrysalis mode. Hide all my gains away under over sized clothes. Is like reverse push-up bra trickery.

It's a pretty great strategy, fatties buy a bunch of fitness gear they don't need when they first start and eventually fall off the bandwagon.

It's like assholes that wear tracksuits but can't move over 0.5mph walking speed.

What I want to see is 600 lb fatasses on modded mobility carts, racing for agility at 10-20 mph

How much you want to bet they use up just as many condoms at the Olympic Village as any other athlete?

can't wait for the "Can't believe Nike is charging $5 more for this XXXL women's sweater that uses twice as much material why can't they cost the same we should be equal fatism sizeism racism or some shit reeee"

They can only paint their nails when they're on the rag and therefore excused from retarded hand washing rituals

>As a dentist, I must point out that teeth health is way more dependent on your genetics than your bodyfat %. That's not a good comparison.

How dependent is tooth health on diet? Like, if you eat a normalfag diet but brush and floss 3 times a day are you better off dentally than if you eat no sugar, low carbs, but only brush once a day and floss infrequently?
