>owe credit card companies nearly 11 thousand dollars from buying chain link
>have absolutely zero income or savings
>my chain link right now is only worth ~7000 dollars
H-how worried should I be g-guys
>owe credit card companies nearly 11 thousand dollars from buying chain link
>have absolutely zero income or savings
>my chain link right now is only worth ~7000 dollars
H-how worried should I be g-guys
Other urls found in this thread:
o i m laffin
this really shows how autistic the traders here are. You literally traded money you don't even have on a meme. Enjoy being poor
crypto is going to create more losers than the dotcom bubble.
All you have to do is play it slow
these guys are paying for my fleet of lambos, don't knock on the fishbowl
For one you are retarded for spending money you couldn't pay back. You are fucked now regardless. Either you off what you can by selling the Link and figuring out the rest or you hold and get fucked by collection agencies.
If you do the former and it moons you mega cucked yourself and also lost several grand for literally nothing. If you do the latter and it stays where it is you fucked yourself out of 11k and destroyed your credit.
>trading with more than you have
are you dumb? nothing is guaranteed to make you any ROI and you went into debt over it?
Can't believe that skinny kike owns amazon.
lol yeah
>he fell for the youtube pump and dumpers
I hope none of you guys were actually that retarded and this is just larping.
Post bank account or you're a faggot OP
Trade it for BTC. Deposit at SALT Lending. Get a loan for $7000. Use that money to make monthly payments on your credit cards and to SALT Lending. Hopefully BTC will increase in value enough for you to come out at least even by the time you have to pay off your SALT loan.
cant believe you have such a low IQ, go back to pol
>that subtle SALT shilling
Waahhhh, he said kike, he must be from /pol/. Kys.
Start praying, my son.
Just declare bankruptcy. What are they gonna do? Take your LINK?
It's over three accounts I'm too lazy to screenshot all three. I'm not lying though kek
Yes, but one of his few solutions. The other is to sell link and get fiat to make payments on the credit cards, but then he has no capital left with the possibility of growth.
What is your real solution? At least this gives him a small chance of actually paying off the credit cards.
I'm just going to sell my tv to make monthly payments for three months and hope it moons by then. If not I'll just kill myself lamo
Sell the link you have and use $1,500 of it to file for bankruptcy.
I did this in 2004 with $30K in credit card debt. Shit was awesome. Didn't have to pay back a single cent. The laws are still the same.
File for Chapter 7 and they'll wipe it all away.
Sell all of them. Invest in bitcoin. It's what I did. Am now in surplus. Just my 2 cents
Will you send me your Link if that happens? I mean before you just let it rot on a dead account.
At least you have a plan for the first few payments. Don't kill yourself over $11,000. Seriously. There are solutions.
Are you in the US? If so bankruptcy is the other solution.
Or do this OP. Bitcoin went up over 50% last month. That would be almost your debt.
It's not just that I've been alone and depressed all my life. Seems like a good enough final nail in the coffin as any
Nah I'm sending it in a 2 year delay email to my little bro
If the pain is too much you can always just kill yourself, consider the option because its always there and no one can take it from you.
> using credit cards to gamble on crypto
Ah geez rick, I don't know if that's a such a good idea
How did you get access to $11,000 of credit with zero income
>"Why did my brother who killed himself 2 years ago send me these weird tokens that are worth nothing? Is this what he spent all his money on? What a fucking idiot LOL!"
amen brother
Just invest on another more promising thing.
>average investor in Veeky Forums
Im sort of like OP but I make 130k a year. I opened a CC, liked it to Coinbase and used 10k to play in crypto. One thing though... Ive made over 24k now and since paid off the CC and got hella points for gift cards. What were you thinking going all in on Link there anonbro?
What do I care I'll be dead. Maybe he'll get lucky though might as well
I actually have access to 30,000 dollars of credit in total. I started with a secured card when I was 18 and had a shitty job and built up my score. It's over 5 separate cards although one did give me 12k
nah it's just too tiresome at this point
I thought the bank rumors would hype it up more than it did. oh well
0x at current price is pretty safe gains by Q2 2018
This. These are the people telling you where to put your money. DYOR
Some CC offer special deals like no interest for 12 months, you got a special deal r-right user?
I did actually for all of them but one
That one has like 4500 on it though had the biggest limit
>sign up for credit card with no interest for 12 months
>max it out to buy bitcoin
>convert bitcoin back to fiat to pay off debt accruing interest
You've just bought yourself a year
unironically do the following:
>Sell all your link for eth
>transfer eth to kuCoin exchange
>buy KCS and hold through the weekend
>make 30-40% gains and pull out
>pay your debt
or you can be a fucking retard and hold LINK as it crashes with no survivors towards the next BTC fork
HODL! $100 by 2019
Oh user, it will not moon before 3Q 2018 LMAO.
pretty worried. You know that even if you were to make money with link, convert it to btc, and then take the btc out you would still get taxed out the ass right? You would need more than 2x gains to actually make any profit.
I'm kind of like OP except I took at ~20K in student loans. However, I bought at ETH 0.00073 on ED.
If it tanks below ICO price and never rises it will be good for a laugh.
>took out a loan on the house buy neo at ath of 46
>Like what do I do now guys
Bleh, I was miserable till I was 30, you'll be fine.
>7yo Dad died (AIDS)
>8yo Grand died
>11YO brother leaves home never to return
>14yo Mums BF/New dad dies (AIDS)
>16yo Fail at school because of relentless aids bullying
>17yo discover alcohol and weed with new college friends (first real friends)
>18yo Mum hates new friends, kicks me out into youth hostel (stay 4 years living with gangbangers)
>19yo Mum moves across country without telling me (go round for bath one day, shes got a van outside packing stuff into it, gives step brother £20 to take me to hostel)
>21 yo move out of hostel into a shit flat, GF aborts baby and leaves me.
>22-29yo Drink myself half to death and put on 100lbs. On every anti-depressant under the sun.
>29.5yo New GF somehow, move closer to mother to start life over
>34yo Now, Lost 100lbs, off all meds, dumped GF, learned to drive, training to be an electrical engineer in Navy, working on Lambo.
TL;DR; Shit happens, you will get over it.
>Bleh, I was miserable till I was 30, you'll be fine.
yo Dad died (AIDS)
yo Grand died
YO brother leaves home never to return
yo Mums BF/New dad dies (AIDS)
yo Fail at school because of relentless aids bullying
yo discover alcohol and weed with new college friends (first real friends)
yo Mum hates new friends, kicks me out into youth hostel (stay 4 years living with gangbangers)
yo Mum moves across country without telling me (go round for bath one day, shes got a van outside packing stuff into it, gives step brother £20 to take me to hostel)
yo move out of hostel into a shit flat, GF aborts baby and leaves me.
-29yo Drink myself half to death and put on 100lbs. On every anti-depressant under the sun.
.5yo New GF somehow, move closer to mother to start life over
yo Now, Lost 100lbs, off all meds, dumped GF, learned to drive, training to be an electrical engineer in Navy, working on Lambo.
>TL;DR; Shit happens, you will get over it.
Damnit user...that's tough. Glad your on the up and up
Why on earth would you buy crypto with money you don't have...? ... and on a fucking credit card no less... STAY POOR user!
Teach me your ways.
Sell now, take 4k loss on taxes pay 7k on the credit card and then whatever you get as a tax refund on the card is the smart thing... but then again OP bought 11k in crypto on a credit card to begin with so clearly he isn't smart
This is actually good advice, I don't own any KCS tho.
was your mum a carrier or did she have something for feminine guys?
Good for you! Keep up the good work.
Shut up, idiot.
How do they give you 11k without a job or income gods sake I'll never understand the burgerland
That was the shit out of my control, the stuff I caused myself was worse lol.
Cheers me dears.
The trick is to take responsibility for your own actions. You can't change the world, only your part in it, so do not use it as an excuse for your own failures. Throw in a bit of 'replace the bad with the good' (CBT) and don't expect things to change overnight and you got a good thing going on. Hard work+sacrifice*time=Wining.
Even if you cant drag yourself into a better life you can at least provide one for your kids if you have any. I don't so it's easier to help myself but someday maybe.
Plenti o alumni on /biz.
Also, buy my XLM bags, please. We need another moon mission lol.
Are you some kind of black person?
Nope, white as they come. This was a genuine conspiracy thing. British gov killed many hemophiliacs with HIV/AIDS and it kind of spiraled from there. I went to a grammar school, my IQ is prob above 115 (you need that to get into one of those).
Check this out youtube.com
plenty more vids about it on their channel.
>Be me
>Was a Charterfag
>Been studying crypto since 2013
>Virgin until graduating in 2015
>Now 24 and Crypto multimillionaire
>Lost virginity 3 months ago
>put all my money into LINK
>convinced parents and my sister to also put their life savings into LINK
>convinced grandma to put her savings into LINK
>currently at -50000 dollar
>they daily ask me how the money is and I come up with excuses like it takes time or sergey is working on it or it could happen any moment now
inb4 Larp, catch me at Late Meal fucking Tilghman's weather machine while a Pi Phi eats my ass, NO KAPPAS
It's not true. But I believe it.
bump for conspiracy.
Thank you, friend.. oh wait that's me... fuck.
Your ma sounds like a bad lady, why would you move back closer to her?
Nah she's not bad, she had two ppl die on her remember. She needed guidance and I gave it to her. She is ok now. Women are all mental, IDGAF what anybody says even if you are a woman.
maybe you can pay your credit card off with a free airdrop user: discord.gg
good luck though, don't lever up so much next time
I'm calling BS on the double aids death, what are the chances on that happening to both father figures
> (OP)
>Sell the link you have and use $1,500 of it to file for bankruptcy.
>I did this in 2004 with $30K in credit card debt. Shit was awesome. Didn't have to pay back a single cent. The laws are still the same.
>File for Chapter 7 and they'll wipe it all away.
Do this nigger. Stop being a nigger, and Jew the system that is enslaving you.
Chainlink is headed for 5-8c they can't even partner with anyone because the product is nowhere near ready, in fact timeline for a viable product is 3yrs out at best AND it's still an unknown whether banks will even use blockchain, many are switching to central DB systems that are running quite well for their needs.
can I be the one to say don't kill yourself? There are other things that bring happiness besides money user.
his mom has aids user, it's fucking obvious
I don't know if you're larking, but I put about 80% of my life savings into link at an average of 40 cents. This has been the biggest mistake of my life at this point. My parents are dead and I don't have friends, if it was their money I lost... holy shit user, you have my sympathy.
Just declare bankruptcy.
Your link will be work 7000000 next year, you wont have to use credit ever again
Haemophiliacs youtube.com
Lol you're really cute why not become a gay prostitute they make a lot of money. You'd have the money in like a month user.
I did The same. Rest in fucking AST that keeps dropping
Everyday I'm thankful I didn't fall for the link meme
kill yourself chainlinnkys
1. start selling shit user
2. pay off the minimum
3. get a job
4. wait 6 months.
5. sell link
Work double. or sell Chainlink for bitcoin and just leave it there .
Why chainlink ???? Look at Wanchain is going to kick ripple and chainlink and stellar lumens in the ass. 33 elite ex factom team with members who are ex politicians on high level china. phds in mathematics. baaam Wanchain..
>Getting stressed about conning kikes
Just don't pay it back retard. Your money is in crypto, literally nothing can go wrong
Borrow more and buy more bitcoin if you can
it's called debt slavery, dumbass
In the U.S. debt disappears after 7 years. Don't pay back shit, get more cc and buy more crypto.
Consolidate debt into a loan with smaller interest rates if you need.
Get a full time job and pay it back fast as you can. 11k really isnt alot in the big scheme of things, people waste more on cars or holidays which dont have a potential to return.
Keep your link.
whats the matter, little kikenberg? Did your nose hit the wall again? lmao
good man. i wish you all the best in life.
two deaths from AIDS, you are either a nigger or a LARPER
Neither. Haemophiliacs are a thing.
Cheers sexy legs.