What if Hitler had stuck to building Germany and forgotten about expanding his empire?
What if Hitler had stuck to building Germany and forgotten about expanding his empire?
>What if Hitler
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When your economy is centered around military production to the point of overheating, you can either
A: let it overheat, and weather the fallout of widespread economic collapse and brutal recovery
or B: put that military to good use coercing foreign nations into accepting blatantly unfair trade agreements that will keep you afloat at their expense.
National socialism works fine until they run out of other people’s money
Germany was pretty much reliant on plundering other countries in order to sustain the economy.
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If we're dealing with some weird alt-hist where Hitler either manages to get the Polish land he wanted peacefully or just ignores the Germans/German-land in Poland for whatever reason that he could re-purpose National Socialism to more "peaceful" internal ends. Deng Xiaoping pulled it off.
The question we should really be asking is just how effective National Socialism's internal economic practices were. This would obviously be small in comparison to the more military focused applications, but then aut-hist Hitler could just redirect attention away from the military to domestic uses.
Nazi Germany with Hitler remaining in power would be as much an economic failure as the Soviet Union was. Statism does not work.
Hitler hated Economics and said as much.
The Nazi German economy was reliant on war and military expansion in order to not collapse
The war still would have happened, the communists wanted to subjegate Germany and the allied bankers hated the isolationalism and self sufficient economy Germany had
What makes you say that?
Adam Tooze
Google it.
>self sufficient economy Germany had
literally stealing jewish gold makes that less impressive
False. We have this thread every fucking day ffs.
Back to OP's question, they would likely have been invaded by the USSR in the late 40's or early 50's.
Then it's literally not fascism
Brits and french would have started a war against them eventually anyway
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
dont arrest me please
This. It was going to happen regardless.
You cant just not allow ZOG into your country you eithr die or take ZOG in your ass whether you like it or not.
>A: let it overheat, and weather the fallout of widespread economic collapse and brutal recovery
Honestly the only strategy that would have led to a better outcome for Germany. If Germany can gets its economy to where it is in 2018 after being complete obliterated and partitioned imagine what state they would be in if they had also managed to keep there 1939 borders.
The Wages of Destruction.
Britain and France did everything in their power to prevent a war. What makes you think they desired one?
because they get their sources from www.hitlerdindunuffin.com