step 1. have a thick cock step 2. be dominant step 3. have endurance
is all you need
Brody Thompson
How do I achieve step one?
William Foster
Fuck off with your meme coop cardio
Joseph Parker
Sex tip #1 Talk to women regularly. Like 3x a day 7 days a week.
If you're an average male it would be shocking if you didn't get laid.
Alexander Wilson
It's mostly in correlation to her vagina
The less loose the woman is the less girth you need to feel good (and make her feel good too)
You just have to find the right girl for your cock, otherwise you can't really achieve step 1 in other ways
Bentley Jackson
Kys and then respawn as a nigger
Cameron Cooper
>sacrifice int attribute for a 1 time stat bonus
min/maxer's need to die
Juan Lopez
Maybe you're born with it. Maybe its Maybelline.
Gabriel Peterson
Im a virgin who used to complain about not getting laid and now that I have a girl thats into me I'm looking for ways to cut contact.
Juan Reed
>contouring your dick to look bigger
Jordan Sullivan
Yeah once u realize what sex is, having to deal with a woman to get it just suddenly isn't worth it anymore
Gavin Hall
Girlfriend miss timed her cycle. Will know in ten days or so if I am a father. Fortunately she is the person I want to be with...we might just be getting married sooner than we originally planned.
So general advice, keep track of their cycle on your own.
Jacob Richardson
>tru dat >tru dat
Ian Ortiz
>currently gnome mage >reroll to tauren warrior >laid the same day
Andrew Perry
>Sex God Method what the fuck is this?
Dominic Smith
a shitty book
Leo Taylor
>pure insanity put in effect, had a girl come 5 times
Give us the quick rundown.
Liam Wood
>Sex God Method I just got it, can you tell me what some of the best stuff is?
>twf 6 inches circumference, anger issues and run four 5ks a week
Eli Sullivan
>do enough cardio to keep a hard dick past your early 20s >learn how to breathe to pace yourself and maintain a "this is awesome" rather than "oh fuck" mindset >learn to snack dat box >figure out when a little hair pulling/ass slapping/choking is wanted
Boom, 95% of women thoroughly satisfied
Landon Hernandez
>So general advice, keep track of their cycle on your own. Or just cum on her face?
Daniel Morris
teach me how to sex /fit
Ethan Carter
Don't. Buy a fleshlight/onahole instead.
Nathaniel Edwards
Just fucken plow her guts out man
Ian Campbell
is cardio proven to help my dick last longer in bed??
Nolan Watson
Dude there are a hundred different ways to have sex that are all enjoyable, but the one thing they all have in common is your mental investment.
Sex with tons of sensuality with an emphasis on tactile pleasure to the psychological delights of dominant bang their brains out type shit.
Whatever it is, it needs to happen organically, and you need to be one hundred percent in the moment. No inhibition, no distraction.
Ryder Smith
How badly does diet affect a guy's want to have sex? Or stamina.
My bf has a really shitty diet, just imagine a college tier lazy student diet.
We don't live together so it's not like I can force him to eat healthier but I do, since I have way too many health issues that eating right keeps at bay and my sex drive is 10x higher than his and it's just really annoying.
I've tried explaining why eating the way he does is shit, bad for you etc but he doesn't listen.
I'm not sure if the diet has anything to do with his libido.
If it is maybe that's another angle I can use.
Jackson Roberts
significantly, e.g. i'm cutting right now and my dick can't even get 100% hard anymore, and that won't change until I stop the cut.
Gabriel Rogers
Oh wow. Okay, thank you. Appreciate it user.
Ryan Edwards
Would the sex god also help a lady? I feel like I depend too much on my bf to put in the work because I get too tired when I'm on top and when I orgasm it's really hard to keep going
Julian Edwards
Only five times? Jesus dude, you need to work on your skills. I've never had a girl cum less than 8 times. I don't have a big dick either. Hell I've never had a girl not cum from anal. I had a girl cum from giving ME a hickey.
Lucas Adams
All this stress, and the reality is he is simply bad at sex.
Trade him in.
>l o n d o n >o >n >d >o >n
Nicholas Moore
Precum occasionally has healthy semen in it.
Oliver Lee
Bad diet can definitely affect it. Hormone production, circulation, mood, and general energy levels can all be affected by a shitty diet.
Samuel Wright
Dominic Morales
Don't worry about that, do kegels while on top and you're orgasming. Like grab and release. Another thing you can do is lean forward and have him grab your ass and fuck you while you recover from orgasming. Good ab workout for him.
Jason Long
I feel like I am going to cum the second I start moving back and forward. Even the second time is so fast. How do I last longer?
Cooper Adams
Is it better to have a big dick and never have sex or a small dick and have sex often?
Andrew Wright
Breathe and relax. Second part is easier said than done. Have you ever had really wild, don't give a fuck sex? Bet you lasted a lot longer.
Mason Lewis
Death grip edging (no porn and try not to cum) and condoms. Also, focus on how good they feel, not on how good you feel.
Gabriel Wood
Basically this. Started sexually satisfying women when I changed my mentality from."Dont cum early" to "lets have a good time"
Now I'd say 1/10 Of my last partners didn't cum...But she was satisfied and came back for more.(where we managed to make her cum)
Wyatt Martinez
Depends on if your goal is to have sex.
David Perez
Stupendously. My diet used to be very shitty too. Affected my libido and how long I'd be able to stay erect. All problems gone once I fixed my diet.
Gabriel Perry
Same here, cutting means shitty sex.
Michael Thomas
Only if you jizzed before hand
Nolan Sanchez
Once a week, I beat off like 3-4 times a day though. >7.5 inches with a 5 inch girth >I guess lol >can last 2+ hours since getting in shape I do, I am a merciless flirt
I have nothing to add to his conversation, just needless shitposting.
Liam Sanchez
He's not bad, it just seems he takes forever to recharge. Only twice a week at most. Or not even that, once every two weeks.
It's really infuriating.
I'll make sure to be telling him, thanks.
Evan Sanchez
Will 6x6 do the trick?
Kayden Brown
I have the opposite effect. When I cut, I get rabid for sex. When I bulk, I get really lethargic.
Lucas Martin
What the fuck kind of retard question is that
Parker Howard
Bruh, I'm 6x5 and I have literally never had a girl not cum.
Sebastian Peterson
I can try that. I feel like I inadvertently clench anyway, but I'll try to be more conscious. Also, does it feel good if a lady slows down in cowgirl? Prior BF said it just frustrated him so I've really not done that with the current. Basically just alligator roll him when I need to switch lol
Matthew Myers
>Also, focus on how good they feel, not on how good you feel.
Honestly, I'd say the exact opposite. Focusing on how she's doing is just going to lead to more anxiety, relax and enjoy yourself.
Leo Powell
Depends on the guy. If he's into teasing then make him beg you to speed up. My girl gets mad at herself for cumming while riding cause she has to stop too, but I don't mind. The whole point is to have fun, just be open and communicate.
Gabriel Collins
Nope, more recent research is showing that some men have semen in their precum all the time. The sperm in precum tends to have lower motility though, which implies that it is getting passively secreted and is less 'fresh'
Zachary Perez
How do I convince a girl to sex with me?
John Sanders
Yeah, no, im going to talk the WHO health advice over some Veeky Forumstard on a brazillian waxing website
Sperm can only survive in your urethra for 24 hours, and is nearly entirely flushed out when urinating. So unless you came then immediately went for another fuck you're not getting her preg.
Easton Sanchez
Nobody ITT is going to like this, but here it is:
A vegan diet high in good fats is optimal for boners, if otherwise done right (whole foods, lots of greens, correct supplements). Not even memeing. Tried it when I started losing my boners and shit's working awesome now.
Andrew Peterson
Make her laugh and don't hide that you want her. Also be at least moderately attractive compared to her.
David Howard
>So unless you came then immediately went for another fuck
Are there people who don't do this?
Eli Butler
Thats relieving.
>niggas hype up my dick to my gf but she doesnt know im really just average
Levi Morris
Only if you use a condom
Henry Jackson
Yeah, I think I need to let loose a bit more. I think too worried about my performance and I definitely feel awkward trying to talk about sex with him. How did you get comfortable talking about it with your partner? I'm really vocal when we're going at it, but outside of that, I just end up mute and red
Alexander Stewart
>he doesn't advertise himself as "painfully average" to disarm her and maker her laught then pleasantly surprise her with a literally perfectly average penis and above average body
Easton Taylor
>don't hide that you want her. How do you do that without being 'creepy'
Henry Phillips
Shoot the first one on the sheets and it's the same thing
Jack Bailey
See: >be at least moderately attractive compared to her
Samuel Bennett
This but also be willing to work in different positions and a bit flexible.
Michael Taylor
God dammit user you fucktard sperm stays alive inside your dick when you cum, which is then leaked when you fuck her the second time
If you jizz outside, then go back to fucking there is a high chance of pregnancy. Assuming she is egged.
Benjamin Garcia
Should I FWB a 6/10 huge slut to get some practice? I honestly don't like her that much but I've only had sex a few times and want to get better. Fucked her once already.
Brody Turner
Flirt? Make "jokes" about her cute smile and sweet ass? Just make it clear you have a working dick and are not in fact a eunuch. Also kiss her eventually.
Zachary Morgan
>5 times She must be a great faker
Elijah Russell
Just always use a rubber, STIs are not a fun time.
Eli Cox
Oh, I was more concerned with being immediately ready for round two lmoaaaa. Yeah I guess if you're a bitch you can worry about knocking her up.
Sorry to burst your bubble bro, some of us here are actually more up to date on research than a document the WHO hasn't updated in years.
Gavin Young
>masturbated every day since I was 12 >turn 25 >suddenly can't get horny anymore
Hunter Perry
alright what would you text her? I haven't texted her for a week since I last saw her. I really don't want it to be a long term thing but I feel like I need the confidence for better girls.
Owen Jenkins
>Just make it clear you have a working dick and are not in fact a eunuch >tfw so socially and emotionally stunted that you come off as asexual
Grayson Cooper
"Hey, what are you up to Friday night?"
Just give 'em your best D E V I L I S H grin and make an ass (or whatever) comment once in a while
Christopher Stewart
Basically anything, she knows you want sex
"Wanna catch up this weekend?" is fine
Leo Morgan
Don't jack it before fucking for at least 2-3 days. Then fuck her but don't cum at all during. At the very end, when she can't take anymore and you're done witht the sex, blow one huge load all over her face and tits. Only cumming once per session (or not at all sometimes) makes the orgasm way stronger once you have it, and it gets stronger the more you wait; "The length of thy longing shall be the strength of its glory" as the Good Book says.
Hudson Miller
just text her "deal or no deal"
David Torres
Uhh or just beat off whenever you want, fuck her silly four times, and repeat the next morning because you actually do a little cardio.
Adrian Baker
Just look him in his eyes and say what you have to say. Yes it's embarrassing and yeah he might not like it, but honesty and communication are top priority in long term relationships.
Elijah Reed
I quit porn two weeks ago and could barely keep it up with a hot girl I hooked up with last week. I had to wear a condom which I never do, maybe thats it? Idk it made me feel like shit Now I'm starting to wake up with erections again and my dick feels harder and bigger but i still rarely get boners. whats the fucking deal?
Gavin Roberts
Yeah, I wouldn't hype up my dick if I couldn't live up to it. If anything, make jokes about how small it is, then it'll be big by comparison.
Leo Perry
I've been fucking this girl and every time we go a second round I can get and stay hard but rarely ever cum, is my dick broke?
Kevin Martin
Have good breath pls and take showers. Thanks fellas!
Tyler Gray
Stop jerking off to porn. Treat jerking off as practice and start aiming for time goals. Dont overstimulate your mental state with erotic shit while doing this. Soon it becomes muscle memory. If you practice breathing and mental state combined with the long sessions you should be okay
Cameron Lopez
I just avoid the topic but I cant control my boys
Chase Sanders
I have this issue where I can never get hard for girls I date. In fact I had girls leave me because I wouldn't fuck them enough, I just didn't feel like it, and then I'd fantasize about those same girls when I was single or dating someone else.
I can't get hard for my gf now without thinking about other girls, but I also don't want a life devoid of sexual pleasure. Pls help.
Brody Taylor
Talk to your boys then, cause they are doing you a disservice. Dick size only matters in pictures.
Jaxson Morales
Depersonalizer her a little more and sexualize her a little more. Focus on a cute face and sweet tittays rather than "this is the girl I love." Speaking from recent personal experience here. I mean keep that in the bedroom only, but it works.
Chase Thomas
No, that's fairly normal
Isaiah Watson
I'll try man, I just find it really hard to find her sexual
Julian Cox
Buy Ron Jeremy's pills.
Joshua Barnes
Um..asking for a friend...would you have sex with a ts that is insanely Sexy and looks 100% like a woman and has 210 K Insta friend had the opportunity...thanks.
Joshua Butler
Post instagram
Jackson Watson
I do a lot of cardio and can usually fuk 2 or 3 times a night. I have to take a break in the middle.
Given that I hear a lot of people on 4chin complaining about not being able to get up i'd suggest laying off the supps
Jeremiah Harris
> The manlet has bigger tits then the girl > When will they ever learn